
How To App Husler Pro In Wordpress

24 Business-Boosting Tools for the Side Hustler

Here's what I'm using to still get the most out of 2020

Todd Brison

Can I be honest with you for a moment? Writing posts about tools bores me. Generally, I get to dreaming about the futility of fame, or what we can learn when a fashion industry giant goes bankrupt.

From time to time, though, I remember that a good old fashioned list of resources can be infinitely more practical than any high-concept idea.

I've (happily) had the same full-time job for nearly 7 years. In that time, I've also written and published 3 books, ghostwritten one, started a Youtube channel, and done various freelancing work for clients. I also have had some of my posts syndicated on CNBC, Inc. Magazine, TIME, Apple News, and a few others.

If any of that sounds interesting to you, here are the tools I use to make it happen.


This is the least sexy group of tools to start with. But the reason it's up top is because if you are ambitious, time management is everything. If you have big goals, you need to know exactly what to do next, whether you have 15 minutes or 15 seconds.

Excel or Google sheets

Cash is oxygen, and you need to know if your lungs are functioning properly.

Although I'm an entry-level worker at Todd Brison, Inc., I'm also the CEO. CEOs need a high-level look at how the business is doing. I check my financials two times a month with a simple sheet I've set up in Excel. It's impossible to plan for growth when you don't know where your money is.

Screen shot by the author. Every financial dashboard should have profit and loss calculations at the very least.

Zoom Pro

The free version limits you to 40 minute calls. I'm amazed how many people still willingly say "Oops, it's been 40 minutes! Let's hop off the call and then join again!"

It's $15 per month. Buy the full version and keep talking.


Booking meetings used to be my least favorite thing in the world. Now, I just give people a link to book 30 minutes at a time with me. Easy.

The Almighty and Wonderful iPhone Timer

For my hour-to-hour work, I use the Pomodoro method: 20 minutes hard work, and 5 minutes relax. Every time I think I can do it without the timer, I end up wandering through the kitchen, wondering why it's noon and I haven't written anything.

The timer is a simple and powerful tool. If your phone is dead, use Eggtimer.

Idea Creation and Development

My whole professional life —both side hustle and full time job — hinges on my ability to create and execute new and interesting ideas. These things keep the pipe running.

Pencil and Paper

Many of my ideas start out the old fashioned way — no screens needed. When I'm looking for clarity, I retreat to the silence only paper and pencil can bring. Nothing blocks the noise quite like devices that can't get the Internet.

I use my Microjournaling practice to create infinite ideas in notebooks.


My favorite note-taking app. I use Evernote for all the little snippets that pop into my brain. I have a notebook for "starters and stories," one for "ongoing projects," and one for "people I'd like to meet."

Essentially, Evernote is my backup brain.

The Medium Editor

I develop most of my blog posts within the Medium editor. It's clean. Simple. Easy. Since I became famous on Medium, the editor feels like another arm.


Workflowy is an absurdly straightforward tool where you can get organized with the thoughts and plans you have. The web app has a single mechanic: create lists and sub lists. I was surprised how far my mind could go while using this.

Google Docs

I mostly use this for work I know I will need a lot of help with. Essays and ideas stay in Evernote and the Medium editor. Sales copy and webinar ideas go in Google Docs and get shared with people who are way better at that sort of thing.

Research and Reading

Every act of creation is first an act of consumption. I do my best to read, watch, and listen to new information constantly.


Imagine if you had an entire room full of people asking you questions about you area of expertise. That's exactly what Quora is. If I'm feeling stuck on what to write, I'll pop into Quora and see what people are asking.

Here's a post I wrote for Jeff Goins on how to use the site effectively.

The New York Times

One of the few news publications I subscribe to. Digital subscriptions are probably cheaper than you'd think, starting at $4. That's a pretty inexpensive way to be smarter.


I use Twitter to watch, listen, and read. In addition to direct access to readers, I'm also loving Twitter's new updates to connect you with specific interests. Twitter is still the go-to spot for real-time reactions.


Pocket supplies the home page stories for Firefox. Initially, I ignored them all, but I guess the Internet spies figured out what I like to read. I don't hate that.

Mobile Apps

I'm willing to bet I use my iPhone less than the average person. You can thank Coach Tony's massive guide on making the device work for me, not against me. Usually, if a mobile app has a computer counterpart, I use that. Here are a couple I go to fairly regularly

Pocket Video

This is my favorite mobile video editor. It doesn't have the bells and whistles that would come from, say, Adobe Rush, but it lets you cut clips together, add music, and adjust the speed. I like using it for Instagram videos.


Fax things? No thanks. Scannable is an app that scans documents into PDFs with crazy-good quality. I've used it for mortgage filings, loan applications, invoices, and tax documents. Nobody has ever sent one back.

Map My Run

Running is my current favorite way to cope. Map My Run helps me track miles, and see if I'm getting faster.


The necessary building blocks of online business in 2020.


Yep. It's still the standard. With a monstrous community to support plugins, Wordpress is the easiest way to set up shop. I don't know any tips or tricks. My friend Declan has the cheat sheet though.


For domain selection, registration, renewal, and hosting.


ConvertKit is my favorite email list tool. When I switched from Mailchimp to ConvertKit, I got 43 emails back saying how much better they looked. It's a monthly billing, but worth the price with tagging, segmenting, and automation.

Book Publishing

I released my first book on Amazon in 2016. Thanks to what I've learned about launching and advertising over the years, my books make me between $350 — $500 per month. With the tools below, I believe pretty much anyone can reach that mark. Every Solopreneur should consider publishing a book, both for the income and the credibility it brings.

Publisher Rocket — Amazon SEO and Keyword Research

What if naming your book "Daily Creative Motivation" instead of Daily Creative Inspiration" could get you thousands more eyeballs per week? When I was in my 20s, I loved to guess what would be popular. I'm over that now. I'd rather know.

Cover Creation

You can spend as much as you want on covers. Do it for free with Canva or Book Brush. I have very little design instincts, so I usually outsource. I don't like using Fiverr for covers. 100 Covers (only $100 per cover) is doing my next one.

Amazon Advertising Dashboard

Okay. Listen.

Let me take a minute with this so I have your attention.

I am not a data expert, but I have never lost a dollar running Amazon Ads. In other words, Amazon is paying me to sell books. Anyone can pick up Amazon Ads. My friend Dave Chesson has a free course on the topic that will teach you everything you need to know.

MV5 Shure Microphone

When I made my first $100 dollars on my first book, I immediately went and bought this microphone. Some listeners rightly complained about a few quality issues, so I also bought a popper stopper.

Use Audacity to edit yourself, or hire a freelancer. I'm using David Studio for my next books. (Fiverr works well for outsourcing audio cleanup).

Self-Publishing Facebook Groups

I never comb through the legal-ese Amazon and other book retailers send. Luckily, plenty of people are generous enough to do so and share information with the community. Mastering Amazon Ads and 20 Books to $50K are my favorite sources of information.

What did I miss?

I am by no means the gadget guy. I tend to find what works for me and stick with it. If you have a favorite tool that isn't on this list, make sure to drop it in the responses so we can all learn.

Also, it's highly possible I left something out. If you see any part of my workflow that appears to be missing, be sure to ask.

Now, take your new toolbox, and go rule the Internet.

How To App Husler Pro In Wordpress


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