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4 stars

Never Let Go was a sweet and entertaining read.

I found Riley and Sam were both great characters, they were likable, relatable, they made me laugh, swoon and I enjoyed watching them connect and fall in love.

Overall this was a beautiful, heartwarming contemporary romance that will leave you satisfied and with a smile on your face.

Thank you Kensington Books ~ Lyrical Shine via NetGalley for the advance copy.

Apr 23, 2016 rated it liked it
Review also found at

I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. The expected publication date is May 24th, 2016.

To summarize this story in a quick blurb it is essentially about two people who think they know what they do and don't want who come together and blow all their assumptions to pieces. This really was a feel good type of story.

The highlight really was Riley's little boy, he stole t

Review also found at

I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. The expected publication date is May 24th, 2016.

To summarize this story in a quick blurb it is essentially about two people who think they know what they do and don't want who come together and blow all their assumptions to pieces. This really was a feel good type of story.

The highlight really was Riley's little boy, he stole the show. At times he read a little older than he actually was but he was absolutely adorable. The way he adored Sam was priceless and when he repeated him it truly was hilarious. I need to take a piss, that's all I will say about that.

Speaking of Sam, he seemed too good to be true. The way he looked after Riley and her family even though he did not want to get too involved was heart warming. I am not sure my husband takes that good care of me!

For those looking for sexy time it is here as well. It is a bit milder than some others in this genre that I have read which is fine. There is only so many ways to describe it after all!

This was an entertaining and quick read for me. Exactly what I was asking for.

♡ Jeri's Book Attic ♡ Jeri the Romance Bibiliophile ♡

I had the pleasure of reading "Never let go" by Allison B. Hanson last weekend and I would like to express my "Thank you" to Kensington Books for allowing my to review this Book as an ARC.

"Never let go" was my first book by this author and it is a standalone novel. Let me start by saying that this author has well developed and engaging writing style.

There are no huge twists or turns in this story so some readers might say the storyline develops predictable. But for me personally it was more a so

I had the pleasure of reading "Never let go" by Allison B. Hanson last weekend and I would like to express my "Thank you" to Kensington Books for allowing my to review this Book as an ARC.

"Never let go" was my first book by this author and it is a standalone novel. Let me start by saying that this author has well developed and engaging writing style.

There are no huge twists or turns in this story so some readers might say the storyline develops predictable. But for me personally it was more a solid way of writing.

The focus was on the main characters and they were described in a solid way that was deep enough to feel related to them.

By the time that I was reading and preparing to review this story there was not even a blurb up on GR so I refrain from giving to much details as I am not sure how the publisher wants to handle this.

But please be assured – once the blurb is up and it appeals to you – you will get a solid romance with likable characters that will draw you into their story and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.

3.75 stars

First off, I realized mid reading that this book is part of an ongoing

"Blue Ridge Romance" series. However, other than a few confusing seconds when new character names mentioned in a way that gave impression readers should've known them, I found myself really enjoying this story.

This was an altogether heartwarming, poignant and wonderful story of second chance in life; with a headstrong and independent heroine, a broken and honourable Marine vet as hero, and one very cute toddler.


3.75 stars

First off, I realized mid reading that this book is part of an ongoing

"Blue Ridge Romance" series. However, other than a few confusing seconds when new character names mentioned in a way that gave impression readers should've known them, I found myself really enjoying this story.

This was an altogether heartwarming, poignant and wonderful story of second chance in life; with a headstrong and independent heroine, a broken and honourable Marine vet as hero, and one very cute toddler.

Slow-paced, pretty low-steam romance with added plus of more than a couple of aww, aren't they adorable, cute, etc moments between Luca and Sam.

Riley was a single mother to two year old Luca who swore of men after her husband cheated and left her with their three month old baby. Sam had been living years after his return from three tours in Afghanistan struggling between his PTSD and survivor's guilt. The one time he tried to build a new life, he hurt someone close to him and since then he avoid to get close to others.

Life interfering and what they agreed upon as a one night stand evolved into something more. But I loved how both characters slowly came to term with the fact they had something to build and to live together. It was not all easy or pretty; what's with a jerk of ex husband, kind but patronising sibling, doubtful friends or well-meaning but rather threatening officials.

To say that these two broken pieces meld well together was an understatement. I admitted getting a bit exasperated with both MC's stubbornness at times. However, the phases to their admitting and dealing with each personal issues before coming together made the story more real, too.

I especially loved the interactions between Luca and Sam; how the little guy looked up the person he admire and parroted almost every actions and words of Sam's. Those were certainly the highlight of my reading time!

As an introduction to Allison B. Hanson's works, this was certainly a good start. I'm considering to read the other installment of the series. We shall see.

ARC is kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley for the exchange of a fair and honest review.

May 02, 2016 rated it it was amazing
I really enjoyed this book! Now, I need to read the other ones!
Jenn Cunha
Received an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.

Such a cute read! Sam thinks he'll never be able to have a real relationship thanks to a pretty terrible history with PTSD. Riley is trying to be supermom now that her husband has left her for another woman. What was supposed to be one night turns into more, even if neither of these two want more. Before long, Sam is helping out around the house, Riley is enjoying having someone in her life, and Luca (the son) has them both wrapped around his l

Received an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.

Such a cute read! Sam thinks he'll never be able to have a real relationship thanks to a pretty terrible history with PTSD. Riley is trying to be supermom now that her husband has left her for another woman. What was supposed to be one night turns into more, even if neither of these two want more. Before long, Sam is helping out around the house, Riley is enjoying having someone in her life, and Luca (the son) has them both wrapped around his little finger.

I appreciate that Hanson put a lot of effort into creating a realistic story, especially with the way she handled Sam's past. Each of them was real and the things they went through were real. And I'm totally into a precious two-year-old acting as matchmaker.

Aug 05, 2020 rated it it was amazing

I actually read it in one sitting, Riley, Sam and Luca are amazing. I don't know what took me so long to actually start but once I did I couldn't put it down! When you meet characters who are flawed, have depth, and are so willing to accept that those things make the world a better place, the story just really flows. I have to say that it was great to catch up with Ian and Lexi and Nichole and Tucker, .

But from the moment you meet Sam and Riley there are genuine sparks, and t


I actually read it in one sitting, Riley, Sam and Luca are amazing. I don't know what took me so long to actually start but once I did I couldn't put it down! When you meet characters who are flawed, have depth, and are so willing to accept that those things make the world a better place, the story just really flows. I have to say that it was great to catch up with Ian and Lexi and Nichole and Tucker, .

But from the moment you meet Sam and Riley there are genuine sparks, and the the fact that they were cautious was so realistic, but the fact that they also kept trying to make it work, was just AWESOME! I really think that both Sam and Riley are a very special couple, and this author is an awesome writer, looking forward to more from her.

Char (1RadReader59)
When Riley Fisher married Evan she thought it would be forever. Boy was she wrong. After dropping out of college to help him finish his degree by working and when she ended she would go back. Well before that could happen she got pregnant and it seemed it was for the best. She figured that she would go back once he was established. But not the way it worked out.
Three months after giving birth and although she had noticed a change in his personality she never saw it coming. Evan came to her and
When Riley Fisher married Evan she thought it would be forever. Boy was she wrong. After dropping out of college to help him finish his degree by working and when she ended she would go back. Well before that could happen she got pregnant and it seemed it was for the best. She figured that she would go back once he was established. But not the way it worked out.
Three months after giving birth and although she had noticed a change in his personality she never saw it coming. Evan came to her and said he had found someone else, when Luca their son, was three months old. As if that wasn't bad enough he says not only did he find someone else, but that this new girlfriend was pregnant. He said he was sorry and then cried as if that somehow made it better. She tried to care, to feel something, but all she could think of was her son. That this was not what she wanted for him a broken home like she grew up in.
Now fast forward two years and she is working two jobs to make ends meet. Evan's own mother is helping her because she knows her own son is not meeting his responsibilities to his ex or his son. They had to garnish his wages so that she could get child support and he has asked her many a time to get that stopped as well as gone to court to ask the same. His mom feels such a sense of shame for how he has turned out and wishes she could help out more but Riley is just grateful she babysits for free.
Then one day this handsome olive skin, green eyed, and a body to die for guy came into the jewelry store she worked in. A mutual friend had sent him to get a piece of jewelry made for his niece. His niece was graduating from high school. On his return trip to pick up the item he thought she didn't charge enough for the beautiful item she had created from the keep sake pieces and asked her out to dinner to repay her. Surprising her and himself.
You see Sam Brooks was an ex-Marine who had three tours of Afghanistan. His last tour being the hardest. He lost all of his men as well as getting shot himself and receiving a Purple Heart. He just could resolve that in his heart and mind that he made it and not them especially the ones that had families. He was a severe case of PTSD which had been treated upon arriving back home but it had been 7 years and he was still having the nightmares.
For the most part he had been able to keep it in check but the first therapist had made the statement that he should never have a relationship. For no woman should have to deal with his nightmares. So Sam stayed far away from them. One nightstands were his thing. Not by choice but by orders really.
But his dinner with Riley was causing feelings, things he tried not have and avoid at all cost. Their overnighter hit a glitch when her baby daddy brought her son, Luca, home early from his weekend with her ex. The son Sam knew nothing about and why would he she planned only for a one night stand also. "No hits, no runs, no errors." Which freaked him out. Which Riley called him out on since she said you were going to find a graceful way to exit and never call again and don't act like you weren't. Bam!
See if this couple are able to master an ongoing fling or will their pasts be a little too much to make it more? Will it be worth a shot or did they just shoot their own feet? It is funny and it is sad all rolled into one but with a HEA. I give this 5 stars. Provided by
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Jun 23, 2016 rated it really liked it
It was supposed to be one night when they forgot the real world existed and enjoyed one another without knowing more than each other's names. As far as one night stands go, Sam and Riley's approach was spot on. And it would have been the perfect one night stand if the attraction between them hadn't exploded off the page.

But they each have their own problems, their own daily lives that they're just trying to get through. Riley's son, Luca, is the most adorable kid ever. He's truly the light of hi

It was supposed to be one night when they forgot the real world existed and enjoyed one another without knowing more than each other's names. As far as one night stands go, Sam and Riley's approach was spot on. And it would have been the perfect one night stand if the attraction between them hadn't exploded off the page.

But they each have their own problems, their own daily lives that they're just trying to get through. Riley's son, Luca, is the most adorable kid ever. He's truly the light of his mother's life, a fact that Ms. Hanson shows time and time again. The love between mother and son is undeniable and almost tangible. The issue of her cheating ex... Well, he's the thorn in her side. He's everything Riley doesn't want their son to mirror. Luca deserves a better example, but it's hard to get serious about another man when Riley's so busy.

Sam doesn't have children or an ex hanging around in the shadows waiting to take jabs at him. He has PTSD and survivor's guilt. I have never experienced either. Reading about Sam and his struggles made me wonder: which is the lesser evil? Maybe there isn't one. A past relationship gone wrong, coupled with warnings from his therapist, keep him from forming a relationship with another woman. If he hadn't met Riley, he probably would've stuck to that thinking. Except he met her, then met her son, and he didn't stand a chance.

This was a great story for me. It was slow from beginning to end. The passion between Sam and Riley ignited that first night but it simmered, slow and steady, throughout the rest of the book. Little by little and despite their best attempts at not wanting more, they got more. Luca added his own flair to their romance, bringing Sam a peace and calm he hadn't felt in so long. Sam, despite his issues, became Riley's rock, a man she could depend on, a man she wanted to have around her son.

The pace, honestly, was surprising. In my experience, one night stand stories can be really fast. Everything happens at an increased rate from sex to the morning after to realizing you have to, want to, need to be with that person from that one night. Yet, every now and then, an author comes along who pens a story like this and slows it waaaaaaay down. The journey is incredible. For Sam, Riley, and Luca, their journey ended in a new world filled with admiration, affection, love, laughter, and happiness.

Received from publisher for an honest review

Book Gannet
At first I wasn't sure I was going to like this book. The writing style is kind of clunky, there are a lot of info-dumps within the first few chapters, the scene breaks are really abrupt and there's a lot of glossing over things that happen. I struggled to get through the first few chapters, wondering if I wanted to use up my reading time on something that flowed so oddly.

Then something happened. I don't know if the writing got better or I just got used to it, or maybe it was just that the chara

At first I wasn't sure I was going to like this book. The writing style is kind of clunky, there are a lot of info-dumps within the first few chapters, the scene breaks are really abrupt and there's a lot of glossing over things that happen. I struggled to get through the first few chapters, wondering if I wanted to use up my reading time on something that flowed so oddly.

Then something happened. I don't know if the writing got better or I just got used to it, or maybe it was just that the characters took over and I forgot to care, but this book suddenly grabbed me and I raced through to the finish, absolutely in love with the romance. And I don't mean the one between Riley and Sam, because as nice as that was, it was the way Sam and Luca fell for each other that got to me.

Wow, that kid is cute. Luca is completely adorable, it's easy to see why Sam falls for him, but the pair of them together are just the most beautiful thing. I especially loved the "I'm going to work" scene. Just priceless. Not to mention the potty training. I am in love with these two – nothing against Riley, but she really couldn't compete.

The adult romance is good too, starting off with a one-night-stand but taking time after that to grow. There is a bit of sex, but it's mostly glossed over throughout. I didn't miss it to be honest, I was too busy falling for Sam and the sneaky ways he tried to help Riley when she got super stubborn.

There several road bumps on the way to happiness throughout, not least because of Riley's awful ex, but I also appreciated the way Sam's PTSD was handled, not thrown in just as a background prop but as something real and painful that had to be acknowledged.

So despite the rough start, the characters completely won me over. I didn't realise when I picked this up that it was the third in this series, but you don't need to have read the others to enjoy it. It certainly left me wanting to know more, even though I suspect a distinct lack of Sam and Luca time will leave me a little sad when I read the others, still I think I'll be catching up on the series when I get a chance.

(I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.)

P Leslie
Apr 28, 2016 rated it it was amazing
I got this book from net gallery for an honest review.

This was an incredible book to read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It touches your heart in so many places and stirs up so many emotions.

Riley is a single mum, works two jobs but she's happy because her little man, Luca is the only positive aspect of her broken marriage.

Sam is ex military and suffers from PTSD. He's avoided relationships due to his past experience but when he meets Riley at the Jewellery store, he can't help himself and asks

I got this book from net gallery for an honest review.

This was an incredible book to read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It touches your heart in so many places and stirs up so many emotions.

Riley is a single mum, works two jobs but she's happy because her little man, Luca is the only positive aspect of her broken marriage.

Sam is ex military and suffers from PTSD. He's avoided relationships due to his past experience but when he meets Riley at the Jewellery store, he can't help himself and asks her out.

Luca's dad takes him for the weekend and Riley gets a chance to go a in a proper date with Sam. The evening goes smoothly, with Sam being attentive but she doesn't tell him about Luca. She wants him to give her lady parts some much needed attention.
They share a passionate night together but the morning after, Sam startles awake at Riley talking to someone. When he approaches her kitchen, he finds her talking to Luca. Alarm bells go off and he starts to panic until Riley puts his mind at ease: no strings and he can walk out without feeling guilty.

Sam spends the next few weeks trying to get Riley out of his mind and Riley tries to do the same. However, fate has different plans and they unexpectedly meet again at the cabin where they've both escaped too.

This book is very emotional from both Riley and Sam's perspectives. Riley Is a stubborn woman trying to be independent and doing the best she can to support Luca and herself. As opposed to Sam, whose continuously fighting PTSD symptoms. He scared to be around mother and son in case he hurts her but he can't bring himself to walk away from them either. I could understand Riley wanting to be independent as opposed to dependant on Sam, but her stubborn behaviour and her refusal to allow Sam to help her annoyed me. I truly sympathised with Sam, he cares for Riley and Luca but his unpredictable behaviour puts him in an awful dilemma. The characters developed really well throughout and you get both of their perspectives which really helped to understand them.

Fantastic book with an amazing narrative which kept me engaged right till the end.

Jennifer Hines
*I received an ARC of this book free from Kensington Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

Sam is ex-military with PTSD. Between his nightmares and jumpiness a relationship is the last thing he needs or wants...especially with a woman who has a kid. He goes back and forth a lot about what he wants and what he doesn't. One minute he'll be ready to step up and literally the next he's ready to run and vice versa.

Riley has an ex she'd just assume be out of her and her son's lives. He'

*I received an ARC of this book free from Kensington Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

Sam is ex-military with PTSD. Between his nightmares and jumpiness a relationship is the last thing he needs or wants...especially with a woman who has a kid. He goes back and forth a lot about what he wants and what he doesn't. One minute he'll be ready to step up and literally the next he's ready to run and vice versa.

Riley has an ex she'd just assume be out of her and her son's lives. He's not the kind of father she wants for son and he proves is time and time again. She also doesn't want her son to get attached to someone who isn't going to stay around, and she knows Sam isn't the type of man to be in a relationship let alone one for the long haul. Of course when it comes to what she wants she's just as flip floppy as Sam. One minute she wants to confess her feelings and the next she's pushing him away.

They both learn how to let the other one into their lives without sacrificing anything. There's a lot of ups and downs, but when it comes down to it the way Sam is with Luca is completely heart warming.

The storyline jumps a lot. One paragraph they're in the hospital, next they're at home, and I had to re-read it to see if I missed them actually going home. Things like that. Sometimes it was short periods of time, like an hour, and others it could be days. Because of this I felt disconnected from the characters. It was strange because I knew them, and I liked them and the storyline, but I just couldn't submerse myself in either. The sad part is that the storyline had great premise, it just fell flat on the follow through.

My Favorite Moment: There's a moment when Sam and Luca surprise Riley. It was a pretty perfect moment; complete with ties and all.

Samantha Bilodeau
For more reviews like this, see my blog: Musings of Madjy

What an unexpectedly deep and heartwarming story! This is so much more than I thought it would be. It starts as a romance of a couple, but quickly becomes a love story of a FAMILY.

The little boy, Luca, is wonderfully adorable. It's not always easy to write chils characters, but Hanson did so with so much heart and Luca is just so real.

You also can't help but sympathize with Sam and Riley. They both have so much baggage, but are both tryin

For more reviews like this, see my blog: Musings of Madjy

What an unexpectedly deep and heartwarming story! This is so much more than I thought it would be. It starts as a romance of a couple, but quickly becomes a love story of a FAMILY.

The little boy, Luca, is wonderfully adorable. It's not always easy to write chils characters, but Hanson did so with so much heart and Luca is just so real.

You also can't help but sympathize with Sam and Riley. They both have so much baggage, but are both trying to do the best they can with it. I liked that they are so open about their feelings and expectations, and that it wasn't a miscommunication that cause a rift. The issues that they have, Sam with PTSD from being deployed to a war zone, and Riley having to deal with a jerk ex-husband, are very genuine contemporary issues. Because of this, my heart broke at the climax, fearing things wouldn't work out like I wanted them to.

I hadn't realized that this was a part of the "Blue Ridge Romance" series until partway through, but it wasn't really necessary to read the others - this really is standalone. The supporting characters all play their parts wonderfully. Most notably, I enjoyed the unusual, but not improbable, way Riley's ex-mother-in-law, Anita, who chose her ex-daughter-in-law over her a-hole son.

Considering the focus on the family over the couple, I might classify this in more of the Womens Lit genre than romance, but I think this is still something your average lover of contemporary romance will thoroughly enjoy.

I received a digital ARC from the publisher through for an honest, unbiased review. This in no way affected my review. My opinion is my own.

Mar 15, 2016 rated it really liked it
Never Let Go is my first book by Allison B.Hanson and is the story of Riley and Sam. It is a standalone and was paced well.

This book reminded me of a book I have read earlier, though I don't remember the name of the book. A few dialogues and scenarios were almost identical. That aside, I loved the gradual development of Sam and Riley's relationship.

The issue of PTSD is covered fairly well. I loved how Riley stood up for her son's future and did not want her love to come in between what's good

Never Let Go is my first book by Allison B.Hanson and is the story of Riley and Sam. It is a standalone and was paced well.

This book reminded me of a book I have read earlier, though I don't remember the name of the book. A few dialogues and scenarios were almost identical. That aside, I loved the gradual development of Sam and Riley's relationship.

The issue of PTSD is covered fairly well. I loved how Riley stood up for her son's future and did not want her love to come in between what's good for her son. She was a mother first and really loved her son, though she was hurting without Sam.

As for Sam, I loved how he did what he can do for Riley, understood her decisions, tried to get help and make things better. I loved the relationship dynamics between Luca (Riley's kid) and Sam and how he teaches Luca a few things.

Getting over a cheating spouse and divorce is hard enough, coupled with a kid to feed and insane working hours and the ex-husband who finds a way to rile her up, Riley has her hands full. She doesn't have time for dates and Sam with his PSTD feels relationships aren't in his future.

Do Riley and Sam get over their issues and insecurities and seize a future together? Is love on the cards for them? Will Luca finally get a loving dad? Never Let Go is a wonderful and heartwarming tale of love, hope and second chances.

**I was kindly provided an ARC by Kensington Books through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

Romantic Reads and Such
Such an amazingly sweet story! Riley and Sam slowly build a relationship – it's not something they are expecting but they have a connection and it's hard to resist the pull. Both of them have some issues to overcome but they complement each other well. I think my favorite part is that Hanson has Sam get professional help to overcome his PTSD, instead of having it fix itself or having love conquer all. It's not something that he can do by himself and having the chance at a real family with Riley Such an amazingly sweet story! Riley and Sam slowly build a relationship – it's not something they are expecting but they have a connection and it's hard to resist the pull. Both of them have some issues to overcome but they complement each other well. I think my favorite part is that Hanson has Sam get professional help to overcome his PTSD, instead of having it fix itself or having love conquer all. It's not something that he can do by himself and having the chance at a real family with Riley is the motivation he finally needs to see someone about it.

Riley has some concerns about getting involved with Sam. She hasn't had the best of luck with men, but lucky for her this time she caught a good one. He's caring and willing to do just about anything to take care of her and her son. Having a strong man in her life, willing to support her and help her, isn't something she's used to but definitely something she needs and it is great seeing her have something so good happen.

I really liked watching these two fall in love and figure out a way around their hardships. It isn't an easy road for them but one they need to go down to build a strong future together.

(Complimentary copy provided in exchange for an honest review)

Bette Hansen
Apr 27, 2016 rated it it was amazing
I really enjoyed this one! I thought the characters felt real and genuine. And the adorable Luca - just yummy! I didn't realize going in that this was part of a series but it was easily read standalone. Since I really enjoyed the writing style and storytelling abilities of this author I will definitely be reading the prior books in the series.

In this book we have Riley who is the single mom of 2 yr old Luca. She's been on her own since Luca was 3 mo old and she found out her ex had been cheating

I really enjoyed this one! I thought the characters felt real and genuine. And the adorable Luca - just yummy! I didn't realize going in that this was part of a series but it was easily read standalone. Since I really enjoyed the writing style and storytelling abilities of this author I will definitely be reading the prior books in the series.

In this book we have Riley who is the single mom of 2 yr old Luca. She's been on her own since Luca was 3 mo old and she found out her ex had been cheating on her. She plans to keep it that way too!
Then there is Sam. PTSD and survivors guilt has plagued him for years so he has built himself a very solitary life. His one attempt at living a "normal" life didn't end so well so alone is the only way for him. That is until he meets Riley. She makes him crave more and the special bond he develops with Luca is heartwarming. Can they make things work even with the issues Sam has?

I definitely recommend this one! It's a very entertaining read you don't want to miss.

Bridget O'Toole
The premise of Never Let Go was promising, and I found the characters extremely likable. Luca was adorable, and Luca with Sam was even more adorable. It really was a heartwarming story with a beautiful HEA. But I had a hard time adjusting to the quick pace of the story. I hate to go "freshmen year fiction technique class" on this story, but everything felt rushed because I was being told what happened as opposed to being shown what happened. I want to point out a particular scene as an example, The premise of Never Let Go was promising, and I found the characters extremely likable. Luca was adorable, and Luca with Sam was even more adorable. It really was a heartwarming story with a beautiful HEA. But I had a hard time adjusting to the quick pace of the story. I hate to go "freshmen year fiction technique class" on this story, but everything felt rushed because I was being told what happened as opposed to being shown what happened. I want to point out a particular scene as an example, but ultimately, the whole book felt this way to me. So, this was a three star read for me. The bones of the story were there (and they were good bones because I found myself constantly wanting to find out what was next for this lovely family), but the story needed a little more meat. Although, I'd still recommend to readers looking for a quick, easy, light, and heartwarming read!

I received an eARC from the publisher via Netgalley.

Mar 25, 2016 rated it really liked it
This was a new author for me and I will definitely be picking up more books by her. This is the third book in the "Blue Ridge Romance" series but absolutely can be read as a stand alone. I never felt confused, or like I was missing something, since I hadn't read the others.

I found the book to be solidly written and incredibly sweet. I loved Sam and Riley. Their romance seemed real and believable and I definitely felt the connection between them. They both struggled with their issues, and it was

This was a new author for me and I will definitely be picking up more books by her. This is the third book in the "Blue Ridge Romance" series but absolutely can be read as a stand alone. I never felt confused, or like I was missing something, since I hadn't read the others.

I found the book to be solidly written and incredibly sweet. I loved Sam and Riley. Their romance seemed real and believable and I definitely felt the connection between them. They both struggled with their issues, and it was heartbreaking at times, but they both worked so hard to overcome them so they could be together. I loved Luca. The scenes with him were cute and funny. This was just an all around enjoyable read for me. A heartfelt feel-good book that really hit the spot.

I received this book for free from netgalley in exchange for an honest review

May 15, 2016 rated it it was amazing
This is a moving and heartwarming book. It is a stand alone book in the Blue Ridge Romance Series so reading the books out of order is not important. Hanson takes two current topics, Single motherhood and soldiers returning to the states with PTSD trying to have a normal life, and expertly blends them together . Both topics bring doubts to each person as to being able to have a life with the other. Little Luca, although not being supported by his absentee father, who has a new family, steels the This is a moving and heartwarming book. It is a stand alone book in the Blue Ridge Romance Series so reading the books out of order is not important. Hanson takes two current topics, Single motherhood and soldiers returning to the states with PTSD trying to have a normal life, and expertly blends them together . Both topics bring doubts to each person as to being able to have a life with the other. Little Luca, although not being supported by his absentee father, who has a new family, steels the show and everyone's heart.

Hanson's writing style is very engaging making the book very hard to put down once you start it. This book and the series are worth your time to read.

Vero Stro
Jun 23, 2016 rated it really liked it
Never Let Go is a beautiful second chance romance. It is a sweet and heartwarming read.

Riley and Sam were both great characters and the chemistry between them was perfect. Riley's child was very well done and I enjoyed this character a lot. There were funny parts, others sweet, others so romantic!

i received a copy by the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review

Never Let Go is a beautiful second chance romance. It is a sweet and heartwarming read.

Riley and Sam were both great characters and the chemistry between them was perfect. Riley's child was very well done and I enjoyed this character a lot. There were funny parts, others sweet, others so romantic!

i received a copy by the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review

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