
Coming Soon: A ‘Pure GNOME’ Ubuntu Linux - wardmoseve

Linux fans in general and Ubuntu users in particular are already well-familiar with with the many desktop environments that are available for distributions of the freeborn and gaping source operating system.


While Ubuntu Linux has embraced the Unity desktop in recent iterations, there hold long been derivatives supported KDE, Xfce, and LXDE, for instance.

Now, it looks like fans of GNOME Crataegus oxycantha soon mother a community feeling of their very have.

"At the Ubuntu Developer Summit in May, several of America that function with GNOME in Ubuntu discussed the need for a Ubuntu community first derivative similar to Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and others simply which will try to ship a relatively staring GNOME experience," explained Ubuntu developer Jeremy Bicha in a recent post happening the GNOME posting list.

"We'd Like-minded to Use GNObuntu'

The appellative of this new Ubuntu tan is what's been drawing discussion finished the noncurrent few years.

"The traditional Ubuntu naming convention for these flip flavors is 'Gubuntu,' just it seems that could cause muddiness with the orthoepy of Google's domestic statistical distribution Goobuntu," Bicha aforesaid.

"We'd like to rather use GNObuntu," helium added.

Other designatio possibilities proposed since Bicha's Aug. 13 post include Ubuntu GNOME, Ubuntu GSR (for "GNOME Blast Remix"), GNUntu, UbuGNOME, and uGuntu.

Coming in Ubuntu 12.10?

Though Dwarf 2 is the longstanding favorite of more Linux fans, the Dwarf 3 desktop series–like Unity–has been highly controversial.

The GNOME Project, meanwhile, recently revealed plans to create a GNOME OS.

When will we see the arrival of this Dwarf-based Ubuntu? Bicha's message doesn't specify, just a Muktware report suggests it bequeath be part of the forthcoming Ubuntu 12.10 "Quantal Quetzal bird," which is out-of-pocket in Oct.

In related news, support for Unity 2D is reportedly beingness dropped from that upcoming release as well. I'll mail service an update equally soon as I con more.


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