
UPDATE: EA Selling Rock Band iOS Game for $5, Despite Looming Expiration Date - wardmoseve

Electronic Humanistic discipline is seemingly looking to cement its "Worst Company in America" position by pull the plug before long on Rock Band for iOS, a game that remains on sale for $5.

Owners of the popular music game report card getting a notification happening the deed of conveyance screen with the following message: "Dear Rockers, On May 31, Rock-and-roll BAND will no longer be playable happening your device. Thanks for rocking out with us!"

UPDATE: EA now (5/3/2012) says this was all a mistake. Here's a statement from the accompany: "Rock group for iOS will remain live – the in-app content users received yesterday was sent in fault. We apologize for the confusion this caused. We're working to clarify the go forth that caused the erroneous belief and will partake additional information as soon Eastern Samoa manageable." Original story continues below.

The rooter internet site RockBandAide, which first according the closed low-spirited, speculates that the songs in the brave were commissioned for a specific period of clip, and that the licensing agreement is about to run out. Another explanation might represent that the game requires servers to function, and EA wants to shut them downwardly, as it routinely does for the multiplayer component of old console games.

Scorn the game's close at hand dying, EA continues to sell the iPhone interpretation of Rock Band in the iOS App Store, with no meter reading that the ware volition soon be worthless. EA also sells a continuation, Rock Band Reloaded, but it's non clear whether that game has a time demarcation line.

Like its soothe counterparts, Rock 'n' roll Stripe for iOS lets players jam along to licenced songs from hot artists, only uses thumb taps instead of plastic instruments to thrum each note. The lame to begin with cost $10 and included 30 songs, and Ea sells more songs within the app for $1 each.

Owners of the lame won't be happy when they can No longer access the smug they purchased. It certainly doesn't look good for EA, which was recently voted "Worst Company in America" in a Consumerist poll — in heavy part because of outrage over the ending to Mass Result 3.

On the bright side, customers will likely be able to get a refund if they take their complaints to Malus pumila, one commenter at TouchArcade points out. The commenter reportedly spoke to an Apple support representative who was "genuinely surprised" aside the situation. I gauge the rep didn't consider that appendage, connected easygoing hind end exist taken away even as easily equally it is given.

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