08.05 Writing Assignment And Voice Activity—listening To Spanish Music
Prof.Dr. habil.
Björn W. Schuller
Chair of Complex and Intelligent Systems, Innstrasse 43, 94032 Passau, Germany
Imperial College London
Machine Learning Group, 180 Queens' Gate, Huxley Bldg., London SW7 2AZ, UK
+44-207-59-48357 (UK) OR +49-851-509-3350 (Germany)
schuller at ieee.org
Associate Editor IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Computer Speech and Language
Guest Editor IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine, Neural Networks, Cognitive Computation, Knowledge-Based Systems, Speech Communication, Image and Vision Computing, Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
General Chair ACM ICMI 2014
Program Chair IEEE/AAAC ACII 2015 and 2011, ACM ICMI 2013, IEEE SocialCom 2012
Area Chair IEEE ICTAI 2015, EURASIP EUSIPCO 2015, ACM Multimedia 2014, IEEE ICASSP 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013, IEEE/HUMAINE ACII 2013, ACM ICMI 2012
Coordinator European Project ASC-Inclusion
Principal Investigator ERC Starting Grant iHEARu
President-Emeritus (Secretary) of the AAAC
G. Trigeorgis, K. Bousmalis, S. Zafeiriou, and B. Schuller, �A Deep Semi-NMF Model for Learning Hidden Representations,� in Proceedings 31st International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2014 , (Beijing, China), International Machine Learning Society, IMLS, June 2014. 9 pages.
J. Deng, Z. Zhang, F. Eyben, and B. Schuller, �Autoencoder-based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Speech Emotion Recognition,� IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2014. 4 pages.
F. Ringeval, F. Eyben, E. Kroupi, A. Yuce, J.-P. Thiran, T. Ebrahimi, D. Lalanne,B. Schuller, �Prediction of Asynchronous Dimensional Emotion Ratings from Audiovisual and Physiological Data,� Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier, 2014. 10 pages.M. Wöllmer and B. Schuller, �Probabilistic Speech Feature Extraction with Context-Sensitive Bottleneck Neural Networks,� Neurocomputing, Special Issue on Machines learning for Non-Linear Processing, vol. 132, pp. 113�120, May 2014.
Short Biography (IEEE Style)
Björn W. Schuller received his diploma in 1999, his doctoral degree for his study on Automatic Speech and Emotion Recognition in 2006, and his habilitation (fakultas docendi) and was entitled Adjunct Teaching Professor (venia legendi) in the subject area of Signal Processing and Machine Intelligence for his work on Intelligent Audio Analysis in 2012 all in electrical engineering and information technology from TUM in Munich/Germany.At present, he is Full Professor and head of the Chair of Complex and Intelligent Systems at the University of Passau/Germany where he previously headed the Chair of Sensor Systems in 2013. At the same time he is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Machine Learning in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London/UK since 2015, being a Senior Lecturer since 2013. Further, he is the co-founding CEO of audEERING UG � a TUM start-up on intelligent audio engineering. Previously, he headed the Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing Group at TUM from 2006 to 2014. In 2013 he was also invited as a permanent Visiting Professor in the School of Computer Science and Technology at the Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin/P.R. China and a Visiting Professor at the Universit� de Gen�ve in Geneva/Switzerland in the Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives and remains an appointed associate of the institute. In 2012 he was with Joanneum Research, Institute for Information and Communication Technologies in Graz/Austria, working in the Research Group for Remote Sensing and Geoinformation and the Research Group for Space and Acoustics - currently he is an expert consultant of the institute. In 2011 he was guest lecturer at the Universit� Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) in Ancona/Italy and visiting researcher in the Machine Learning Research Group of NICTA in Sydney/Australia. From 2009 to 2010 he lived in Paris/France and was with the CNRS-LIMSI Spoken Language Processing Group in Orsay/France, and was a visiting scientist at Imperial College. Best known are his works advancing Machine Learning for the Engineering of Intelligent Audiovisual and Complex Information Systems, and Affective Computing for Human-Computer/Robot Interaction and Multimedia Retrieval.
Dr. Schuller is an elected member of the IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee, Senior Member of the IEEE, and member of the ACM and ISCA. Before, he was President of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC, former HUMAINE Association, registered Charity in the UK, 2013-2015), and Honorary Fellow and member of the TUM Institute for Advanced Study (IAS). He (co-)authored 5 books and more than 500 publications in peer reviewed books (>20), journals (>60), and conference proceedings in the field leading to more than 9500 citations (h-index = 46). He was co-founding member and secretary of the steering committee and guest editor, and still serves as associate editor and Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, associate and repeated guest editor for the Computer Speech and Language, associate editor for the IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics and the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, and guest editor for the IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine, Neural Networks, Speech Communication, Image and Vision Computing, Cognitive Computation, and the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, reviewer for 100 leading journals and 70 conferences in the field, co-general chair of ACM ICMI 2014, and as workshop and challenge organizer including the first of their kind INTERSPEECH 2009-2015 annual Computational Paralinguistics Challenges and the 2011-2015 annual Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop and program chair of the ACM ICMI 2013, IEEE SocialCom 2012, and ACII 2011 and 2015, area chair of the ACM Multimedia, IEEE ICASSP, IEEE ICTAI, EURASIP EUSIPCO and program committee member of more than 150 international workshops and conferences. He won several awards including the IEEE ACII 2009 Best Technical Demonstration and the ICASSP CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge winning system/best paper in 2013, further best paper awards such as from the Audio Engineering Society annual meeting in 2014, first places in research challenges such as MIREX and MediaEval, and honourable mentioning such as in the ACM Multimedia Open-Source Software Competition in 2010 and 2013. In 2015, he has additionally been honoured as one of 40 extraordinary scientists under the age of 40 by the World Economic Forum and speaker at the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2015. His research has garnered over 7 million EUR in extramural funding: He is recipient of an ERC Starting Grant 2013 (9% acceptance rate) for the iHEARu project dealing with Intelligent systems' Holistic Evolving Analysis of Real-life Universal speaker characteristics. In the European Community (EC) Horizon 2020 programme, he is a beneficiary in the (R)IA projects ARIA-VALUSPA, De-ENIGMA, MixedEmotions, and SEWA (9/12/9% acceptance rate) and the ERC Proof-of-Concept grant VocEmoApI. Former steering and involvement in research projects includes the EC funded ASC-Inclusion STREP project as coordinator and the awarded SEMAINE project and the ERC Advanced Grant PROPEREMO as beneficiary, and projects funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), BMBF, and companies such as BMW, Continental, Daimler, HUAWEI, Siemens, Toyota, and VDO. Advisory board activities comprise his role as consultant of start-ups such as SensAura Tech and fluent.ai and chair of the W3C Linked Data Models for Emotion and Sentiment Analysis Community Group and as an invited expert in the W3C Emotion Incubator and Emotion Markup Language Incubator Groups.
2015 | Reader in Machine Learning (Associate Professor) in the Department of Computing, Logic and Artificial Intelligence Section, Imperial College London, London/UK. |
Honoured as one of 40 extraordinary scientists under the age of 40 by the World Economic Forum and Speaker at the Annual Meeting of the New Champions. | |
2014 | Chair (tenured Full Professor, Univ.-Prof., W3) heading the Chair of Complex and Intelligent Systems (initially Complex Systems Engineering), University of Passau, Passau/Germany. |
Appointed Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (2015-2016 term). | |
2013 | Honorary Fellow and member of the TUM Institute for Advanced Study (TUM-IAS) and TUM Junior Fellow. |
Recipient of an ERC Starting Grant (9% acceptance rate, iHEARu project). | |
President (elected) of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (former HUMAINE Association, registered charity in the UK, 2013-2015 term). | |
Senior Lecturer in Machine Learning in the Department of Computing, Logic and Artificial Intelligence Section, Machine Learning Group, Imperial College London, London/UK. | |
Interim Chair (Univ.-Prof., W3) heading the Institute for Sensor Systems, University of Passau, Passau/Germany. | |
Senior Lecturer (Akad. Oberrat, A14) heading the Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing Group (MISP) at Technische Universität München (TUM) in Munich/Germany. | |
Associate of the Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives (CISA), Universit� de Gen�ve, Geneva/Switzerland. | |
Visiting Professor at the CISA, Universit� de Gen�ve, Geneva/Switzerland. | |
Consultant of the Institute for Information and Communication Technologies, Joanneum Research, Graz/Austria. | |
Co-founder and CEO of audEERING UG in Gilching/Germany. | |
Visiting Professor (permanent) from the School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin/P.R. China. | |
2012 | TUM Adjunct Teaching Professor (Privatdozent). |
Guest Scientist (wiss. Angestellter) at the Institute for Information and Communication Technologies, Joanneum Research, Graz/Austria. | |
Habilitation (Dr. habil.) in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Subject Area Signal Processing and Machine Intelligence, from TUM. | |
2011 | Visiting Researcher in the Machine Learning Research Group, NICTA, Sydney/Australia. |
Visiting Lecturer (Erasmus Teaching Assignment) at the Universit� Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM), Ancona/Italy. | |
2010 | Visiting Researcher in the Department of Computing, Imperial College London, London/UK. |
Researcher (Chercheur en Informatique, CDD) in the Spoken Language Processing Group, CNRS-LIMSI in Orsay/France. | |
2009 � 2010 | Research Engineer (Ing�nieur Informaticien, CDD) in the Spoken Language Processing Group, CNRS-LIMSI in Orsay/France. |
2008 � 2013 | Lecturer (Akad. Rat, A13) at the Institute for Human-Machine Communication at TUM. |
2006 | Doctoral Degree (Dr.-Ing.) in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from TUM. |
2002 � 2008 | Research Associate (Wiss. Assistent, C1) at the Institute for Human-Machine Communication at TUM. |
1999 � 2002 | Research Assistant (Wiss. Mitarbeiter, BAT IIa) at the Institute for Human-Machine Communication at TUM. |
1999 | Diploma (Dipl.-Ing.) in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from TUM. |
Academic Genealogy
Advisor (year of doctoral degree):Friedrich Leibniz
Jakob Thomasius (1643)
Otto Mencke (1665)
Johann Christoph Wichmannshausen (1685)
Christian August Hausen (1713)
Abraham Gotthelf Kästner (1739)
Johann Friedrich Pfaff (1786)
Carl Friedrich Gauß (1799)
Christoph Gudermann (1841)
Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstraß (1854)
Georg Ferdinand Frobenius (1870)
Issai Schur (1901)
Wilhelm Specht (1932)
Hermann Haken (1951)
Manfred Lang (1969)
Björn Wolfgang Schuller (2006)
Martin Wöllmer (2013), Florian Eyben (2015), Zixing Zhang (2015), Felix Weninger (2015)
WiT: Winter Term, SpT: Spring Term, SuT: Summer TermWS: Winter Semester, SS: Summer Semester
- Computer Hardware
(18 lectures, since WiT 2013) held at Imperial College London/UK with Prof. Duncan Fyfe Gillies - Computing Topics
(8 sessions, since SpT 2015) held at Imperial College London/UK with others - Intelligent Audio Analysis
(5 ECTS, since SS 2015) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany - Blockseminar Intelligent Systems
(3 ECTS, since SS 2015) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany - Lab Course Intelligent Systems
(5 ECTS, since SS 2015) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany - Lab Course Mobile Embedded Systems
(since WS 2015) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany - Master Seminar on Complex and Intelligent Systems
(Seminar Komplexe und Intelligente Systeme)
(4 ECTS, since SS 2015) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany - Bachelor Seminar on Complex and Intelligent Systems
(Seminar Komplexe und Intelligente Systeme)
(4 ECTS, since SS 2015) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany - Seminar on Complex and Intelligent Systems
(Oberseminar Komplexe und Intelligente Systeme)
(4 ECTS, since WS 2015) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany - Complex Systems Engineering
(7 ECTS, since WS 2014/15) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany - Lab Course Programming in Java
(Übung Programmierung in Java)
(5 ECTS, since WS 2014/15) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany
Current Lecture Activity:
- PMT Logic, Reasoning about Programs, and Discrete Mathematics
(10 sessions, since SpT 2014) held at Imperial College London/UK - Academic Writing for Computer Science
(8 sessions, since SpT 2014) held at Imperial College London/UK with others
Supervised students:
Akara Supratak (SpT 14): Transfer Learning - Statistical Communication Techniques: Filtering - Estimation - Decision
(Statistische Informationstechnik: Filtern - Schätzen - Entscheiden)
(28 hours, 18.-20.06.2013, 19.-21.06.2012) held at the Carl-Cranz-Gesellschaft in Oberpfaffenhofen/Germany with Prof. Kristian Kroschel and Prof. Gerhard Rigoll - Machine Speech Signal Processing
(Maschinelle Sprachsignalverarbeitung)
(6 ECTS, SS 2014) held at TUM in Munich/Germany - Direction Hauptseminar on Current Questions in Human-Machine-Communication
(Hauptseminar Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation)
(5 ECTS, SS 2013 - SS 2014) held at TUM in Munich/Germany - Direction Seminar on Human-Machine Communication
(Oberseminar Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation)
(3 ECTS, SS 2010 - SS 2014) held at TUM in Munich/Germany - Direction Seminar on Work in Progress In Human-Machine Communication
(Oberseminar Laufende Arbeiten zur Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation)
(3 ECTS, SS 2002 - SS 2014) held at TUM in Munich/Germany - Computer Architecture
(5 ECTS, SS 2013) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany - Fundamentals of Information Technology
(Grundlagen der Informationstechnik)
(7 ECTS, SS 2013) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany - Seminar on Intelligent Mobile Sensing
(Seminar Intelligente Mobile Sensorik)
(4 ECTS, SS 2013) held at the University of Passau in Passau/Germany - Automatic Pattern Recognition in Speech Processing
(Mustererkennung in der Sprachverarbeitung)
(3 ECTS, SS 2009 - SS 2011) held at TUM in Munich/Germany - Digital Processing of Speech Signals
(Digitale Verarbeitung von Sprachsignalen)
(3 ECTS, SS 2009 - SS 2011) held at TUM in Munich/Germany - Intelligent Audio Analysis
(20 hours, 11.-15.04.2011) held at the Universit� Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona/Italy (ERASMUS lecturer mobility programme) - Pattern Recognition
(4.5 ECTS, SS 2008) - Electrical Engineering (Elektrotechnik) at the Munich University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule München) in Munich/Germany, Faculty 05
(7.5 ECTS, SS 2008) - Participant Two-year Program PROLEHRE Intensiv
(WS 2006/07 - SS 2009) - Assistance (WS 2005/06 - WS 2008/09) Lecture Automatic Pattern Recognition in Speech Processing (Mustererkennung in der Sprachverarbeitung)
- Assistance (WS 2005/06 - WS 2008/09) Lecture Data Analysis and Information Reduction (Datenanalyse und Informationsreduktion)
- Assistance (WS 2005/06 - WS 2008/09) Lecture Digital Processing of Speech Signals (Digitale Verabeitung von Sprachsignalen)
- Direction (WS 99/00 - SS 07) Main Tutorial Signal Representation (Zentralübung Signaldarstellung)
- Direction (WS 99/00 - SS 07) Tutorial Signal Representation (Tutorübung Signaldarstellung)
- Introduction and Direction (WS 99/00 - SS 07) English Tutorial Signal Representation
- Direction (WS 03/04) Hauptseminar on Current Questions in Human-Machine-Communication ( Hauptseminar Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation)
Supervised students:
Norbert Binder (WS 00/01): Fehlerrobuste Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion
Stephan Reiter (SS 01): Usability Engineering - Potential und Technik
Florian Hörger (WS 01/02): Grundfrequenz F0 eines Sprachsignals - Potenzial und Schätzung
Philipp Huber (SS 02): Automatische Emotionserkennung aus dem Sprachsignal
Ronald Müller (WS 02/03): Query by humming als musikalische Benutzerschnittstelle
Philippe Dupraz (WS 03/04): Emotionserkennung in natürlichsprachlichen Äußerungen
Michael Höchstetter (SS 06): Verfahren zur automatischen Transkription von Musikstücken
Florian Eyben (SS 07): Rhythmusmerkmale in der Musiksuche
Benedikt Gollan (SS 08): Automatische Erkennung der Tonart in MP3 Audiostücken - Direction (WS 99/00 - SS 02) Laboratory Course on System and Circuit Design 1
( Praktikum System- und Schaltungstechnik 1)
V2: Signalerfassung und -analyse - Direction (WS 99/00 - SS 02) Laboratory Course on System and Circuit Design 2
(Praktikum System- und Schaltungstechnik 2)
V9: Entwurf und Realisierung analoger und digitaler Filter - Experiment Direction Laboratory Practical Aspects of Human-Machine Communication ( Praktikum Praxis der Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation)
Adaption von emotionaler Sprache (SS 05)
Automatische Multimodale Emotionserkennung (SS 04)
Emotionale Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (SS 02)
Design eines natürlichsprachlichen MMIs (SS 01, WS 01/02)
Experimente mit einem Spracherkennungssystem (WS 00/01) - Organisation of Lecture
(WS 2001/2002 - WS 2009/2010) - Social Secretary (WS 03/04)
Former Lecture Activity:
Download the full publication list as LaTeX .bib File or as PDF in ACM format, IEEE format, APA format, ALPHA format.
- Björn Schuller: "Intelligent Audio Analysis - Speech, Music, and Sound Recognition in Real-Life Conditions", Habilitation Thesis, Technische Universität München, Germany, July 2012.
- Björn Schuller: "Automatische Emotionserkennung aus sprachlicher und manueller Interaktion", Doctoral Thesis, Technische Universität München, Germany, June 2006.
- Björn Schuller: "Automatisches Verstehen gesprochener mathematischer Formeln", Diploma Thesis, Institute for Human-Machine Communication, Technische Universität München, Germany, October 1999.
Theses (3):
- Björn Schuller: "Intelligent Audio Analysis", Signals and Communication Technology, Springer, ISBN: 978-3642368059, 2013.
- Björn Schuller, Anton Batliner: "Computational Paralinguistics: Emotion, Affect and Personality in Speech and Language Processing", to appear, Wiley, ISBN: 978-1119971368, 2013.
- Björn Schuller: "Mensch, Maschine, Emotion - Erkennung aus sprachlicher und manueller Interaktion", VDM Verlag Dr Müller, Saarbrücken, ISBN: 978-3-8364-1522-4, 239 pages, 2007.
- Alexandra Balahur-Dobrescu, Maite Taboada, Björn Schuller: "Computational Methods for Affect Detection from Natural Language", to appear, Computational Social Sciences, Springer, ISBN: 978-3319006017, 2014.
- Kristian Kroschel, Gerhard Rigoll, Björn Schuller: "Statistische Informationstechnik", 5. Neuauflage, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-15953-4, 382 pages, 2011.
- Shahin Amiriparian, Björn Schuller: "The Passau open Complex Systems Environment (openCoSy)", GPL licensed, JAVA, University of Passau, Germany, December 2015.
- Simone Hantke, Tobias Appel, Florian Eyben, Björn Schuller: "iHEARu-PLAY: a game for crowdsourced data collection", GPL, JAVA, University of Passau, Germany, December 2015.
- Felix Weninger, Johannes Bergmann, Björn Schuller: "The Munich Open-Source CUDA RecurREnt Neural Network Toolkit (CURRENT)", GPL licensed, C++, Technische Universität München, Germany, http://sourceforge.net/projects/currennt/, October 2013.
- Florian Eyben, Martin Wöllmer, Björn Schuller: "Open Emotion and Affect Recognition (openEAR)", GPL licensed, C++, Technische Universität München, Germany, http://sourceforge.net/projects/openear/, September 2009.
- Alexander Lehmann, Felix Weninger, Björn Schuller: "Blind Source Separation for Audio Recognition Tasks (openBlissART)", GPL licensed, C++, Technische Universität München, Germany, http://github.com/openBliSSART/, May 2009.
- Florian Eyben, Martin Wöllmer, Björn Schuller: "Open Speech and Music Interpretation by Large-Space Extraction (openSMILE)", GPL licensed, C++, Technische Universität München, Germany, http://sourceforge.net/projects/opensmile/, December 2008.
Open Source Code Releases:
More information on my open source projects is found at openaudio.eu.
Publication download (selected)
- Björn Schuller: "Emotionally literate tech to help treat autism", in Horizon - the EU Research & Innovation Magazine, Sophie Hebden, 19.10.2015.
- Björn Schuller: "Emotionen als Forschungsobjekt - Neues Forschungsprojekt vom Lehrstuhl f�r Complex and Intelligent Systems", in Passauer Neue Presse, No. 233, p. 22, 08.10.2015.
- Björn Schuller: "Computer lernt menschliches Verhalten", in Passauer Neue Presse, Carsten Ruge, p. 8, 10.09.2015.
- Björn Schuller: "Can a computer tell what you�re thinking?", in blog series with Young Scientists ahead of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2015, World Economic Forum, 01.09.2015.
- Björn Schuller: "Grosse Gefühle - Robotik und Emotionen", radio interview broadcast on radiobremen/Nordwestradio , "Glauben und Wissen", Tina Würfel, 11:00 - 13:00, 22.02.2015.
- Björn Schuller "Maschinen und Emotionen", live radio interview broadcast on DRadio Wissen, Deutschlandradio, "Roboter wir fühlen mit dir", 19:10-19:20, 27.01.2015.
- Björn Schuller "Maschinen mit Herz und Seele", Boris Hänssler, in FOCUS Magazin, Auto und Technik, Nr. 51, p. 2, 2014.
- Björn Schuller "Vom Computer zum Hörgerät. Spracherkennung und Schallforschung im 21. Jahrhundert.", radio interview broadcat on OE1, Österreichischer Rundfunk, "Dimensionen - die Welt der Wissenschaft", Marlene Nowotny, 19:05-19:30, 27.10.2014.
- Björn Schuller "Neue Gesichter unter den Passauer Professoren", in Passauer Neue Presse, pnp-campus, 15.10.2014.
- Björn Schuller "Wie sich Gefühle berechnen lassen", radio interview broadcast on WDR 5, "Der vermessene Mensch (5/10)", Uwe Springfeld, 14.09.2014.
- Björn Schuller "Wie sich Gefühle berechnen lassen", radio interview broadcast on SWR 2, "Der vermessene Mensch (7/10)", Uwe Springfeld, 08:30-09:00, 14.06.2014.
- Björn Schuller "Das Wörterbuch "Mensch-Maschine" wird dicker", Johannes Wendt, DIE ZEIT, Zeitverlag Gerd Bucerius, 19.07.2014.
- Björn Schuller "Scanner für Gefühle", Christian J. Meier, Technology Review 03/2014, pp. 74-75, Heise Zeitschriften Verlag, 2014.
- Björn Schuller "Zwischentöne für Computer", radio interview broadcat on Deutschlandfunk, "Forschung Aktuell", Ralf Krauter, 06.11.2013.
- Björn Schuller "pracherkennung wird menschlich(er)", in FERCHAU Engineering, 13.09.2013.
- Björn Schuller "Das Auto als Kumpel", Interview in Automobil-Industrie, Barbara Stumpp, Volume 5, pp. 44-45, Vogel Business Media 2013.
- Björn Schuller Spracherkennung und -steuerung im Einsatz bei Industriellen/Healthcare-Anwendungen, Bernd Seidel (ed.), to appear, 2013.
- Björn Schuller "Spracherkennungssoftware - wo sie inzwischen überall angewendet wird", radio interview broadcast on Zweiter Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR2), "Radiowelt", Thomas Kempe, 07:00, 22.03.2012.
- Björn Schuller "Mit Stimme ankommen: Wie weit ist Spracherkennung per Computer gediehen", radio interview broadcat on Zweiter Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR2), "Notizbuch", Christian Schiffer, 11:00, 22.07.2011.
- Björn Schuller "Stand und Möglichkeiten der Spracherkennung", radio interview broadcat on Bayern 5 Aktuell (BR5), "Computermagazin", Christian Schiffer, 16:35, 24.07.2011.
- Björn Schuller "Vom Labor auf den Markt - Hilfe für Radiosender", in Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, Peter Saueressig, 28.11.2007.
- Björn Schuller "Zukunftsmusik per Computer", in Mannheimer Morgen, Dr. Haas-Gruppe, 28.11.2007.
- Björn Schuller "Extraktion von Refrains in Musik", radio interview broadcast on Südwestdeutscher Rundfunk 4 (SWR4), 28.11.2007.
- Björn Schuller "Intimität im Sprachgebrauch", TV interview broadcast in RTL Explosiv, RTL, 2004.
- Björn Schuller "Automatische Erkennung von Emotion aus Sprache und Mimik", TV technical demonstration broadcast in 1,2 oder 3, Jubiläumssendung 30 Jahre, 30 Länder "Ohne Worte", ZDF, 29.09.2007, 8:25 AM.
- Björn Schuller "Automatische Erkennung von Emotion aus Sprache und Mimik", TV technical demonstration broadcast in 1,2 oder 3, Jubiläumssendung 30 Jahre, 30 Länder "Ohne Worte", ORF, 29.09.2007, 8:25 AM.
- Björn Schuller "Automatische Erkennung von Emotion aus Sprache und Mimik", TV technical demonstration broadcast in 1,2 oder 3, Jubiläumssendung 30 Jahre, 30 Länder "Ohne Worte", Kinderkanal, 30.09.2007, 4:05 PM.
Presence in the Public Media:
- Björn Schuller, Erik Marchi, Stefano Piana: "ASC-INCLUSION project", 2nd International Workshop on Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (IDGEI 2014) held in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2014), ACM, Haifa, Israel, 24.02.2014.
- Björn Schuller et al.: "ASC-Inclusion: An Integrated Internet-Based Environment for Social Inclusion of Children with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC)", ICT 2013 - Create, Connect, Grow, Vilnius, Lithunia, 25.10.2013.
- Erik Marchi, Björn Schuller: "Interactive software to help children with Autism understand and express emotions through tone-of-voice", Festival della Scienza, Genoa, Italy, 25.10.2013.
- Erik Marchi, Björn Schuller: "ASC-Inclusion: Vocal Emotion Games", Proc. 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (IDGEI 2013) held in conjunction with the 8th Foundations of Digital Games 2013 (FDG), ACM, SASDG Digital Library, Chania, Crete, Greece, 14.05.2013.
- Cyril Joder, Felix Weninger, Florian Eyben, David Virette, Björn Schuller: "Real-time Speech Separation by Semi-Supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization", 10th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA ICA 2012), Tel Aviv, Israel, 12.-15.03.2012.
- Marc Schröder, Sathish Pammi, Hatice Gunes, Maja Pantic, Michel Valstar, Roddy Cowie, Gary McKeown, Dirk Heylen, Mark ter Maat, Florian Eyben, Björn Schuller, Martin Wöllmer, Elisabetta Bevacqua, Catherine Pelachaud, Etienne de Sevin: "Come and Have an Emotional Workout with Sensitive Artificial Listeners!", International IEEE Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition 2011 (FG 2011), Santa Barbara, CA, 21.-23.03.2011.
- Marc Schröder, Sathish Pammi, Roddy Cowie, Gary McKeown, Hatice Gunes, Maja Pantic, Michel Valstar, Dirk Heylen, Mark ter Maat, Florian Eyben, Björn Schuller, Martin Wöllmer, Elisabetta Bevacqua, Catherine Pelachaud, Etienne de Sevin: "Demo: Have a Chat with Sensitive Artificial Listeners", 36th Annual Convention of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB�10), Symposium "Towards a Comprehensive Intelligence Test (TCIT)", AISB, Leicester, UK, 29.-30.03.2010.
- Marc Schröder, Elisabetta Bevacqua, Florian Eyben, Hatice Gunes, Dirk Heylen, Mark ter Maat, Sathish Pammi, Maja Pantic, Catherine Pelachaud, Björn Schuller, Etienne de Sevin, Michel Valstar, Martin Wöllmer: "A Demonstration of Audiovisual Sensitive Artificial Listeners", Proc. 3rd International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2009 (ACII 2009), IEEE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4799-2, Vol. I, pp. 263-264, 10.-12.09.2009. (T)
- Florian Eyben, Björn Schuller, Martin Wöllmer, Sathish Pammi, Marc Schröder, Mark ter Maat: "Talk to the Machine", Interspeech (2009), The First INTERSPEECH Conversational Systems Challenge, ISCA, Brighton, UK, 06.09.2009. (T)
Technical Demonstrations:
Invited Talks
(T): Talks given in person- Björn Schuller: "Sound Affects.", invited talk, LIRIS Workshop on Emotion, Ecole Centrale de Lyon/Technicolor, Lyon, France, 12.11.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Emotions in the Voice: Making them Accessible for Consumer Research", invited talk, "Orange Hour", GfK, Hamburg, Germany, 22.10.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Audio and textual analysis of sentiment", invited talk, Cognitive Computing Workshop 2015, London, UK, 02.10.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Emotion Detection, Sentiment Analysis", invited talk, Chase IT Services, London, UK, 01.10.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "How to Build an Intelligent Machine", invited talk, Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2015 (AMNC, "Summer Davos"), BetaZone Session, World Economic Forum (WEF), DaLian, P.R. China, 11.09.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Machines' Learning on Social Behaviour Sensing", invited talk, SMART School on Computational Social and Behavioral Sciences, Paris, France, 31.08.-04.09.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Intelligent Systems", invited talk, WiN:TeLeKT, University of Passau, Passau, Germany, 30.06.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "A.E.I.: Artificial Emotional Intelligence", invited inaugural lecture, University of Passau, Passau, Germany, 09.06.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Sounds of Autism and Depression: On Recognition and Feedback Generation", invited tele-talk, Applied Signal Processing in Mental Health Workshop, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 04.-05.05.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "What the Voice tells about the Face and the Heart", invited talk, International Symposium on Companion-Technology (ISCT 2015, Expert Workshop of the SFB-TR 62 "Companion-Technologie f�r kognitive technische Systeme"), Session "Multimodalit�t"), Ulm, Germany, 23.-25.09.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Subject, Emotion & Sentiment Analysis �in the Wild�", invited talk, GfK, N�rnberg, Germany, 14.04.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Rich Multi-sensorial Human State, Trait, and Behaviour Analysis for Computational Psychophysiology", invited talk, 2015 International Symposium on Computational Psychophysiology, Jinan, Shandong Province, China, 03.-06.04.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Help Your Robot Understand You: Cooperative Learning for Computational Paralinguistics", invited talk, NII Shonan Meeting: The Future of Human-Robot Spoken Dialogue: from Information Services to Virtual Assistants, Seminar 059, Shonan Village Center, Japan, 25.�28.03.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Implicit Consumer Tagging: The Voice", invited talk, "Orange Hour", GfK, Munich, Germany, 16.04.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Introduction W3C Community Group", invited talk, �Emotion representation and modelling in Human-Computer-Interaction-Systems� (ERM4HCI 2014) held in conjunction with the 16th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2014), ACM, Istanbul, Turkey, 16.11.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller and Hatice Gunes: "Organising Challenges: Achievements, Experiences, and the Future", invited talk, The first international audio/visual Mapping Personality Traits Challenge & Workshop (MAPTRAITS 2014), held in conjunction with ACM ICMI 2014, ACM, Istanbul, Turkey, 12.11.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Multimodal Human State and Trait Recognition: Quo plures, eo feliciores?", invited talk, Turkish German Multimodal Interaction Summit (TGMIS), pre-conference event of ACM ICMI 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 11.11.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Professoren Persönlich: Björn Schuller", invited talk, "Professoren Persönlich", IEEE Student Branch, University of Passau, Germany, 06.11.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "On Autism, Beats of the Heart, Cancer, Depression, Eye-contact and the Voice", invited talk, MindTech network for research on mental health solutions and the School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 16.07.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Deep Learning the Blues", invited talk, Computing Lunch Talks, Imperial College London, London, UK, 11.06.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Joining Maths & Music for DJ Computer", invited talk, How maths drives computing, Imperial College London, London, UK, 11.06.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Towards Big Data Customer Profiling & Sentiment Analysis", invited talk, GfK's Tech & Trend Scouting Event, GfK, Berlin, Germany, 28.04.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Medizintechnische Sprachanalyse: Beginn einer neuen Ära?", invited talk, "Elektronik f�r ein gesundes Leben", AKML (VDE Arbeitskreis Medizintechnik & LifeScience Electronic im Bezirksverein S�dbayern), Munich, Germany, 15.07.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Grasping Players' Emotions: A Serious Game?", invited talk, GaME 2014: Imperial College's Games and Media Event, London, UK, 06.06.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Deep for Big: Life-Long Cooperative Learning for Intelligent Sequential Data Analysis", invited talk, Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany, 06.06.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "En Route to Holistic Intelligent Connected Mobility", invited talk, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany, 31.03.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "A Holistic Perspective on Complex Systems, Machine Learning & Signal Processing: Emergence Inherent.", invited talk, University of Passau, Passau, Germany, 24.01.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Au Courant Computer Audition", invited talk, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany, 22.01.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "ERC-Starting Grants in Horizon 2020 - Erfahrungsbericht", invited talk, TUM, Garching, 11.02.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Affective Audio Analysis: A Status Quo", invited talk, Affective Computing and Social Signal Processing in the UK (AC@UK 2013), London, UK, 16.12.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Affective Information & Communication Technology � Horizon 2020", invited talk, ICT LEIT in H2020 Info Day & International Brokerage Event Koc University, Istanbul, 05.-06.12.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Acoustic Cues of Human Personality Traits", invited talk, Queen Mary University London, London, UK, 04.12.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Approaching Cross-Audio Computer Audition", invited talk, Computational Audio Analysis, Seminar 13451, Dagstuhl, Germany, 04.-08.11.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Interactive software to help children with Autism understand and express emotions through facial expressions, tone-of-voice and body gestures", invited talk, Festival della Scienza, Genoa, Italy, 25.10.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Acoustic Features in Affective Speech Analysis: History and a Dash of Future", invited talk, Workshop on Measuring affect and emotion in vocal communication via acoustic feature extraction: State of the art, current research, and benchmarking, Geneva, Switzerland, 01.-02.09.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Machine Learning 4 Holistic Evolutionary Audio Recognising", invited talk, Symposium Machine Learning, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, 04.04.2013.(T)
- Björn Schuller: "Approaching Active and Autonomous Automatic Audiovisual Affect Analysis", invited talk, University College London, London, UK, 06.03.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Active, Semi-Supervised, and Transfer Learning and other Tricks to Reduce Labeling Costs", invited tele-talk, Affectiva, Waltham, MA, 10.12.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Towards Holistic Autonomus Machines' Learning", invited talk, Imperial College London, London, UK, 09.11.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Acoustic Geo- and Emotion-Sensing: Streets of Graz", invited talk, Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria, 23.10.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Affective and Social Computing: Audivi, Vidi, ..., Vici?", invited talk, Graz University of Technology (TUG), Graz, Austria, 11.10.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Computer Audition � Next Stop: Universality", invited talk, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 04.09.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Intelligent Audio Analysis - Innovative Verfahren der Signalverarbeitung und Maschinellen Intelligenz", invited talk, Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria, 10.07.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Intelligent and Social Audio Processing", invited talk, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, 03.07.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Machines Recognising Our Emotion", invited talk, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 03.04.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Machine Listening & Learning", invited talk, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 04.04.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Recent Intelligent Audio Analysis", invited talk, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 04.04.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Huany�ng d�o m�n�hei j�sh� d�xu�", invited talk, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 05.04.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Intelligente multisensorische Systeme zur sozial kompetenten Interaktion", invited talk, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany, 24.04.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "The Machine Listening Challenge", invited talk, Honda Research Institute Europe, Offenbach am Main, Germany, 06.03.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Virtual Companions: Socially Competent Input Analysis", invited talk, SFB Kollogium SFB "Eine Companion Technologie für kognitive technische Systeme", University of Ulm, Germany, 20.02.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "ASC-Inclusion - The �Case�, Initiatives and Impact", invited talk, Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (DGEI) Expert Workshop, JRC-IPTS, Seville, Spain, 23.-24.01.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "When Machines Open Ears: Speech, Music, and Sound Analysis", invited talk, Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 09.12.2011. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Injecting Memory into Semantic Signal Processing", invited talk, NICTA, Sydney/Canberra, Australia, 01.12.2011. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Computational Affect Analysis: Voice, Words, and the Face", invited talk, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 29.11.2011. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Machines Learning to Listen", invited talk, NICTA, Sydney, Australia, 28.11.2011. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Engineering Paralinguistics: And Next ... the Transparent Speaker?", invited talk, Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Sprachforschung (ZefiS), Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany, 21.12.2011. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Semantic Speech, Music, and Sound Processing in the Real Life", invited talk, Frierich Alexander University / Fraunhofer IIS within the Seminar "Elektrotechnik", Erlangen, Germany, 20.09.2011. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Support Vector Machines ... in a Nutshell", invited talk, Promotionsprogramm "Empirische Sprachverarbeitung", Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany, 01.07.2011. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Communication Homme-Machine - Machine ou Compagnon?", invited talk, Universit� Pierre et Marie Curie � Paris 6, Paris, France, 05.04.2011. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Audiovisual Recognition of Affect and Non-verbals - Experiences and Directions", invited talk, University of California San Diego (UCSD), Computer Vision and Robotics Research (CVRR) Group, San Diego, CA, USA, 28.03.2011. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Next Gen Music Analysis: Some Inspirations from Speech", invited talk, Multimodal Music Processing, Seminar 11041, Dagstuhl, Germany, 23.-28.01.2011. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Long Short Term Memory Neural Networks for Audio and Video Analysis - An Introduction and Recent Successes", invited talk, Imperial College London, Department of Computing, London, UK, 15.09.2010. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Emotion in Speech: A Look Around the Corner", invited talk, Carnegie Mellon University, Language Technologies Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 21.06.2010. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Paralinguistics in Real-life Speech: On the Way to Unified Analysis", invited talk, CNRS-LIMSI, Orsay, France, 23.03.2010. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Processing Conversational Speech - About Joy, Interest, and Laughter", invited talk, CNRS-LTCI, Institut TELECOM - TELECOM ParisTech, Paris, France, 21.01.2010. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "New Avenues for Sensing Affect in Spoken Language", invited talk, University of Augsburg, Multimedia Concepts and Applications, Institute of Computer Science, Augsburg, Germany, 25.09.2009. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Intelligent Audio Signal Analysis: From Learning to Features", invited talk, Frierich Alexander University within the Seminar "Elektrotechnik", Lehrstuhl für Multimediakommunikation und Signalverarbeitung, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, 28.07.2009. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Audiovisual Data Processing for Robust Human-Machine-Communication and Media Retrieval" , invited talk, Max Planck Institut Informatik (MPI-Inf), Saarbrücken, Germany, 17.03.2009. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Maschinelles Lernen in der Analyse Kognitiver Daten", invited talk, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft, Neubiberg, Germany, 12.02.2009. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Capturing and Processing of Multimodal Data for Interaction, Segmentation and Surveillance Tasks", invited talk, Otto-von-Guericke University, Chair for Cognitive Systems / Speech Recognition, Magdeburg, Germany, 17.11.2008. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Speech and Emotion: Hvor skal du hen? - History and Future of Automatic Emotion Recognition", invited talk, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Forschungszentrum Stimme und Emotion, Institut für Psychologie, Kiel, Germany, 15.05.2008. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Quickskip: Robustes Audiothumbnailing - Effiziente Extraktion von Songteasern", invited talk at the Press Conference of the 5. Heidelberg Innovation Forum, MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH, Villa Bosch, Heidelberg, Germany, 27.11.2007. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Musical Mood Matching", invited talk, 5. Heidelberg Innovation Forum, Panel Session Interface Technology, MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH, Villa Bosch, Heidelberg, Germany, 27.11.2007. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Quickskip: Robust Audiothumbnailing for Fast Music Browsing", invited talk, 5. Heidelberger Innovationsforum, Panel Session Interface Technology, MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH, Villa Bosch, Heidelberg, Germany, 27.11.2007. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Laugh, Cough, Cry: Recognition of Non-linguistic Vocalizations", invited talk, 5. Heidelberg Innovation Forum, Panel Session Semantic Technologies & Speech Recognition, MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH, Villa Bosch, Heidelberg, Germany, 28.11.2007. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Audiovisual Recognition of Spontaneous Interest", invited talk, Toyota Motor Corporation, Toyota City, Japan, 09.11.2007. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Audiovisual Emotion Recognition - Towards Real Life Usage", invited talk, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR), Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 02.07.2007. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Audiovisuelle Emotionserkennung - Grundlagen und aktuelle Entwicklungen", invited talk, Fraunhofer IITB, Karlsruhe, Germany, 06.06.2007. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Automatic Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Spoken and Manual Interaction", invited talk, Chair for Cognitive Systems / Speech Recognition, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany, 20.10.2006. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Automatische Emotionserkennung aus sprachlicher und manueller Interaktion", invited lecture within the course for graduate students on Communications Engineering, Technische Universität München, Institute for Communications Engineering, Munich, Germany, 18.01.2006. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Inhaltsbasierte Musiksuche in einer multimodalen Systemarchitektur", GI-Jahrestagung 2005, Symposium Musikinformatik, Bonn, Germany, 21.09.2005. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Integration of semantic and prosodic aspects in the recognition of emotions in natural language", invited lecture within the course for graduate students on Communication and Emotion, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany, 03.07.2003. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Sprachverarbeitung im Fahrzeug", invited talk, AUDI AG Vorentwicklung, Ingolstadt, Germany, 13.11.2003. (T)
- Björn Schuller: "Natürlichsprachliche Interaktion und Emotionserkennung im Fahrzeug", invited talk and technical demonstration, "Bedienkonzepte 2010: Multimodal - fehlerrobust - adaptiv", BMW Group, FIZ, Munich, Germany, 27.03.2002. (T)
Keynotes, Tutorials, and Panels
- Björn Schuller: Keynote "`Less Input': Cooperative Learning for Emotionally Intelligent Systems", 4th Machine Learning for Interactive Systems Workshop (MLIS 2015) held at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'15), Lille, France, 11.07. 2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Keynote "Computational Paralinguistics: Breaking the Voice", UK SPEECH 2015 - 4th Meeting of the UK and Irish Speech Science and Technology Research Community, Norwich, UK, 01.-02.07.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Keynote "Speech Analysis in the Big Data Era", 18th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2015), Springer LNCS/LNAI, Plzen, Czech Republic, 14.-17.09.2015. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Keynote "What more can you hear behind the voice?", 3rd Huawei Technology Engineering Summit 2014 (TES 2014), Shenzhen, P.R. China, 24.-25.10.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Keynote "Machine Learning for Machine Listening: A new Era?", 6th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association, AAA/AES/EAA, Austria, 16.-17.10.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Plenary Talk "Deep Learning our Everyday Emotions", Special Session on Emotional expressions and daily functional activities, annual workshop on Neural Networks (WIRN 2014), Vietri, Italy, 15.-16.05.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Keynote "Digital Games to Change Players' Behaviour: Intelligent Yet?", 2nd International Workshop on Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (IDGEI 2014) held in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2014), ACM, Haifa, Israel, 24.02.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Keynote "Latest Advances in Machine Listening - Time to Get Excited", 3rd IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2013), IEEE, Berlin, Germany, 08.-11.09.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Keynote "Representation and Modelling of Human Emotion for Computers: Psychological Foundations vs. Machine Learning", Workshop on �Emotion representation and modelling in Human-Computer-Interaction-Systems� (ERM4HCI 2013) held in conjunction with the 15th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2013), ACM, Springer LNCS, Sydney, Australia, 09.-13.12.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Invited Plenary "Memories of Artificial Neural Networks", 32nd Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Colloquium, Czech Pattern Recognition Society (CPRS), Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic, 25.04.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Keynote "Learning Context in Affect Recognition", Second International Workshop on Context Based Affect Recognition (CBAR 2013), held in conjunction with Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013), IEEE, Geneva, Switzerland, 02.09.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Keynote "Presidential & Audio/Visual Emotion Challenges", Festschrift for Roddy Cowie & Ellen Douglas-Cowie, held in conjunction with Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013), IEEE, Geneva, Switzerland, 02.09.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Keynote "Speech Processing - When it gets emotional", 6th International Non-Linear Speech Processing Workshop (NOLISP 2013), Springer LNAI, Mons, Belgium, 19.-21.06.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Keynote "(A) Machine Learning Behaviour", The 1st International Workshop on Brain and Cognitive Computation (BCC 2013), Harbin, China, 12.-13.01.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Plenary Talk "Speech Emotion Recognition on the Go", International Workshop on Affective Computing for Mobile HCI (AC4MobHCI 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, 17.-18.09.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Keynote "Semantic Speech Tagging: Towards Combined Analysis of Speaker Traits", AES 42nd Conference on Semantic Audio, Audio Engineering Society (AES), Ilmenau, Germany, 22.-24.07.2011. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Keynote "Audiovisual Human Communicative Behavior Analysis: Interest and Emotional Dimensions", Third IEEE Workshop on CVPR for Human Communicative Behaviour Analysis (CVPR4HB), held in conjunction with the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2010 (CVPR 2010), San Francisco, CA, 18.06.2010. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Invited Plenary "The Researcher's Guide to Challenge one's Community", Summer School on Social Signal Processing, European Network of Excellence on SSP, Vietri Sul Mare, Italy, 03.-07.06.2013. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Invited Plenary "Computational Paralinguistics: Emotion, Affect, and Personality in Speech and Language Processing", University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain, 19.12.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Invited Plenary "Speaker State and Trait Analysis", Summer School on Pattern Recognition in Multimodal Human Interaction, Spanish Association for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (AERFAI), Vigo, Spain, 04.-08.06.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Invited Plenary "Ten Trends in the Analysis of Speaker States and Traits", 4th COST 2102 International Training School on Cognitive Behavioural Systems, Jointly organized with EUCogII and SSPNet, Dresden, Germany, 21.-26.02.2011. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Invited Plenary "Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Cues of Speaker State - Capturing and Classification", The PINK COST 2102 International Conference on Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication and Enactment: The Processing Issues, Jointly organized with the Social Signal Processing Network (NoE), Budapest, Hungary, 07.-10.09.2010. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Invited Plenary "Assessing the Voice of Emotion - When it Comes to Engineering", The PINK COST 2102 International Conference on Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication and Enactment: The Processing Issues, Jointly organized with the Social Signal Processing Network (NoE), Budapest, Hungary, 07.-10.09.2010. (T)
Keynote Speeches and Invited Lectures:
- Björn Schuller: Tutorial "Modelling User Affect and Sentiment in Intelligent User Interfaces", The 20th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2015), ACM, Atlanta, GA, 29.03.-01.04.2014.
- Björn Schuller: Tutorial "User Affect and Sentiment Modelling", The 22nd Conference on User Modelling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP 2014), Springer LNCS, Aalborg, Denmark, 07.-11.07.2014. (T)
- Björn Schuller, Anton Batliner: Tutorial "Computational Paralinguistics: Emotion, Affect, and Personality in Speech and Language Processing", INTERSPEECH 2012, ISCA, Portland, OR, USA, 09.-13.09.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller, Florian Metze: Tutorial "Beyond Words in Speech Processing: Speaker States, Traits, and Vocal Behavior", 37th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE Signal Processing Society, Kyoto, Japan, 25.-30.03.2012. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Tutorial "Emotion and Affect in Next-Generation Speech Analysis", 35th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE Signal Processing Society, Dallas, TX, 14.-19.03.2010. (T)
- Björn Schuller: Tutorial "Emotion Recognition in the Next Generation: an Overview and Recent Development", INTERSPEECH 2009, ISCA, Brighton, UK, 06.-10.09.2009. (T)
- Hatice Gunes, Björn Schuller: Tutorial "Continuous Analysis of Emotions for Multimedia Applications", ACM Multimedia 2012, ACM, Nara, Japan, 29.10.-02.11.2012. (T)
- Panelist Panel Discussion Cognitive Computing Workshop 2015, London, UK, 02.10.2015.
- Panel Moderator "Panel Discussion", 1st International Workshop on Automatic Sentiment Analysis in the Wild (WASA 2015) held in conjunction with ACII 2015, IEEE, Xian, PR China, 21.09.2015.
- Panelist Panel Discussion "Multimodalit�t", Expert Workshop of the SFB-TR 62 "Companion-Technologie f�r kognitive technische Systeme", Ulm, Germany, 23.-25.09.2015.
- Panelist Panel Discussion "Discussion Session 2", 4th Machine Learning for Interactive Systems Workshop (MLIS 2015) held at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'15), Lille, France, 11.07. 2015.
- Panelist Panel Discussion 2015 International Symposium on Computational Psychophysiology, Jinan, Shandong Province, China, 03.-06.04.2015.
- Panelist Panel Discussion, Second International Workshop on Context Based Affect Recognition (CBAR 2013), held in conjunction with Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013), IEEE, Geneva, Switzerland, 02.09.2013.
- Panelist Panel Discussion, International Workshop on Affective Computing for Mobile HCI (AC4MobHCI 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, 17.-18.09.2012.
- Panelist Special Session "Audio/Visual Detection of Non-Linguistic Vocal Outbursts", International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2011, Prague, IEEE, Czech Republic, 22.-27.05.2011.
- Panelist Panel Discussion, International Workshop on Emotion Synthesis, rePresentation, and Analysis in Continuous spacE (EmoSPACE 2011), held in conjunction with the 9th International IEEE Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition 2011 (FG 2011), Santa Barbara, CA, 21.03.2011.
- Panelist Panel Discussion, Third IEEE Workshop on CVPR for Human Communicative Behaviour Analysis (CVPR4HB), held in conjunction with the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2010 (CVPR 2010), San Francisco, CA, 18.06.2010.
- Panelist Special Session "O25 - Emotion, Sentiment", 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2010), ELRA, Valletta, Malta, 19.-21.05.2010.
- Panelist 3rd International Workshop on EMOTION: Corpora for Research on Emotion and Affect, Satellite of 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2010), ELRA, Valletta, Malta, 23.05.2010.
- Panelist Special Session "Recognition of Non-Prototypical Emotion from Speech - The final frontier?", 3rd International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2009 (ACII 2009), IEEE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10.-12.09.2009.
Organisation, Chairing, and Committee Memberships
- Co-General Chair of the 16th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2014), Albert Ali Salah, Jeffrey Cohn, Björn Schuller, ACM, Istanbul, Turkey, 12.-16.11.2014.
- Organisation and Co-Chairing 1st International Workshop on ETHics In Corpus Collection, Annotation and Application (ETHI-CA� 2016), satellite of LREC 2016, Laurence Devillers, Bjöorn Schuller, Emily Mower Provost, Peter Robinson, Jeff Hancock, Roddy Cowie, ELRA, Portoroz, Slovenia, 23.-28.05.2016.
- Organisation and Co-Chairing 6th International Workshop on Emotion and Sentiment Analysis (ESA 2016), satellite of LREC 2016, Juan Fernando Sanchez-Rada, Carlos A. Iglesias, Björn Schuller, Gabriela Vulcu, Paul Buitelaar, Laurence Devillers, ELRA, Portoroz, Slovenia, 23.-28.05.2016.
- Organisation and Co-General Chair of the "Emotion Representations and Modelling for Companion Technologies" (ERM4CT) workshop 2015, joint workshop of the 3rd ERM4HCI (Emotion Representations and Modelling for Human-Computer-Interaction Systems) and the 2nd T2CT (Techniques Towards Companion Technologies) held in conjunction with the 17th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2015), Kim Hartmann, Ingo Siegert, Björn Schuller, Louis-Philippe Morency, Albert Ali Salah, Ronald Böck, ACM, Seattle, WA, 09.-13.11.2015.
- Organisation and Co-Chairing 5th Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AV+EC 2015) `Audio, Video plus Physiology�, held in conjunction with the 23rd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2015), Fabien Ringeval, Björn Schuller, Michel Valstar, Roddy Cowie, and Maja Pantic, ACM, Brisbane, Australia, 26.-30.10.2015.
- Organisation and Co-Chairing 1st International Workshop on Automatic Sentiment Analysis in the Wild (WASA 2015) held in conjunction with ACII 2015, Maja Pantic, Björn Schuller, Gabor Szirtes, Florian Eyben, IEEE, Xian, PR China, 21.09.2015.
- Organisation and Co-Chairing 3rd International Workshop on Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (IDGEI 2015) held in conjunction with the 20th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2015), Lucas Paletta, Björn Schuller, Peter Robinson, Nicolas Sabouret, ACM, Atlanta, GA, 29.03.2015.
- Organisation and Co-Chairing 3rd International Workshop on Emotion Representation, Analysis and Synthesis in Continuous Time and Space � EmoSPACE�15, held in conjunction with the IEEE FG 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 04./08.05.2015.
- Co-Chair Turkish German Multimodal Interaction Summit (TGMIS), pre-conference event of ACM ICMI 2014, Albert Ali Salah, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Björn Schuller, Christian Becker-Asano, Istanbul, Turkey, 11.11.2014.
- Organisation and Co-General Chair of the 2nd Workshop on �Emotion representation and modelling in Human-Computer-Interaction-Systems� (ERM4HCI 2014) held in conjunction with the 16th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2014), Kim Hartmann, Ronald Böck, Björn Schuller, Klaus R. Scherer, ACM, Istanbul, Turkey, 16.11.2014.
- Organisation and Co-Chairing The first international audio/visual Mapping Personality Traits Challenge & Workshop (MAPTRAITS 2014), held in conjunction with ACM ICMI 2014, Hatice Gunes, Björn Schuller, Oya Celiktutan, Evangelos Sariyanidi, Florian Eyben, ACM, Istanbul, Turkey, 12.11.2014.
- Organisation and Co-Chairing 4th Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC 2014) `3D Dimensional Affect and Depression�, held in conjunction with the 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2014), Michel Valstar, Björn Schuller, Jarek Krajewski, Jeffrey Cohn, Roddy Cowie, and Maja Pantic, ACM, Orlando, FL, 07.11.2014.
- Organisation and Co-Chairing 5th International Workshop on Emotion Social Signals, Sentiment & Linked Open Data (ES�LOD 2014), satellite of LREC 2014, Björn Schuller, Paul Buitelaar, Laurence Devillers, Catherine Pelachaud, Thierry Declerck, Anton Batliner, Paolo Rosso, Se�n Gaines, ELRA, Reykjavik, Iceland, 26.-27.05.2014.
- Organisation and Co-Chairing 2nd International Workshop on Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (IDGEI 2014) held in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2014), Lucas Paletta, Björn Schuller, Peter Robinson, Nicolas Sabouret, ACM, Haifa, Israel, 24.-27.02.2014.
- Organisation and Co-General Chair of the Workshop on �Emotion representation and modelling in Human-Computer-Interaction-Systems� (ERM4HCI 2013) held in conjunction with the 15th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2013), Kim Hartmann, Ronald Böck, Christian Becker-Asano, Jonathan Gratch, Björn Schuller, Klaus R. Scherer, ACM, Springer LNCS, Sydney, Australia, 09.-13.12.2013.
- Organisation and Co-Chairing 7th Workshop "emotion and computing - current research and future impact", workshop at the KI 2013, GI, Koblenz, Germany, 16.09.2013.
- Organisation and Co-General Chair of the Workshop on Measuring affect and emotion in vocal communication via acoustic feature extraction: State of the art, current research, and benchmarking, Klaus Scherer, Björn Schuller, Johan Sundberg, Geneva, Switzerland, 01.-02.09.2013.
- Organisation and General Chair of the Third International Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC 2013), Björn Schuller, Michel Valstar, Roddy Cowie, Maja Pantic, Jarek Krajewski, Satellite of the 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2013), ACM, Barcelona, Spain, 21.-25.10.2013.
- Organisation and Co-General Chair of the International Symposium on Attention in Cognitive Systems (ISACS 2013) held in conjunction with the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2013), Lucas Paletta, Laurent Itti, Björn Schuller, Fang Fang, Springer LNAI, Beijing, China, 03.-04.08.2013.
- Organisation and Co-General Chair of the 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (IDGEI 2013) held in conjunction with the 8th Foundations of Digital Games 2013 (FDG), Björn Schuller, Lucas Paletta, Nicolas Sabouret, ACM, Chania, Crete, Greece, 14.-17.05.2013.
- Organisation and Co-General Chair of the Dagstuhl Seminar Computational Audio Analysis, Meinard Müller, Shrikanth Narayanan, Björn Schuller, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 04.-08.11.2013.
- Organisation and Co-General Chair of the 2nd International Workshop on Emotion Synthesis, rePresentation, and Analysis in Continuous spacE (EmoSPACE 2013), Hatice Gunes, Björn Schuller, Maja Pantic, Roddy Cowie, held in conjunction with the 10th International IEEE Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition 2013 (FG 2013), Shanghai, China, 22.-26.04.2013.
- Organisation and General Chair of the Second International Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC 2012), Grand Challenge and Satellite of ACM ICMI 2012, Björn Schuller, Michel Valstar, Roddy Cowie, Maja Pantic, ACM, Santa Monica, CA, 22.-26.10.2012.
- Project Leader (Principal Investigator) Socially Aware Many-to-Machine Communication (m2m), Project in the 8th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces (eNTERFACE 2012), Metz, France, 02.07.2012-27.07.2012.
- Organisation and Co-General Chair of the First International Workshop on Wide Spectrum Social Signal Processing (WS�P 2012), held in conjunction with the ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2012), Mohamed Chetouani, Björn Schuller, Peter Robinson, IEEE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 03.-06.09.2012.
- Organisation and Co-General Chair of the 4th International Workshop on EMOTION SENTIMENT & SOCIAL SIGNALS 2012 (ES� 2012) - Corpora for Research on Emotion, Sentiment & Social Signals, held in conjunction with LREC 2012, Laurence Devillers, Björn Schuller, Anton Batliner, Paolo Rosso, Ellen Douglas-Cowie, Roddy Cowie, Catherine Pelachaud, ELRA, Istanbul, Turkey, 26.05.2012.
- Organisation of the Social Signal Processing IACAPAP 2012 Workshop (SSP IACAPAP 2012), held in conjunction with the 20th World Congress on Brain, Mind and Development (Cerveau, Psych� et D�veloppement), International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP), Mohamed Chetouani, David Cohen, Jacqueline Nadel, Björn Schuller, Paris, France, 21.-25.07.2012.
- Organisation and General Chair of the First International Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC 2011), held in conjunction with International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2011 (ACII 2011), Björn Schuller, Michel Valstar, Roderick Cowie, Maja Pantic, Springer LNCS, Memphis, TN, 09.10.2011.
- Organisation and Co-General Chair of the 4th IEEE Workshop on CVPR for Human communicative Behavior analysis (CVPR4HB 2011), Maja Pantic, Jeffrey Cohn, Björn Schuller, Matthew Turk, Roderick Cowie, Thomas S. Huang, held in conjunction with the 24th IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2011, Colorado Springs, CO, 24.06.2011.
- Organisation and Co-General Chair of the International Workshop on Emotion Synthesis, rePresentation, and Analysis in Continuous spacE (EmoSPACE 2011), Hatice Gunes, Björn Schuller, Maja Pantic, Roddy Cowie, held in conjunction with the 9th International IEEE Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition 2011 (FG 2011), Santa Barbara, CA, 21.03.2011.
- Organisation and Co-General Chair of the 3rd International Workshop on EMOTION: Corpora for Research on Emotion and Affect, Laurence Devillers, Björn Schuller, Roddy Cowie, Ellen Douglas-Cowie, Anton Batliner, Satellite of 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2010), ELRA, Valletta, Malta, 23.05.2010.
- Organisation and Hosting 1st W3C Emotion Incubator Group F2F Meeting, W3C, Munich, Germany, 26.-27.3.2007.
Organisation and Chairing of International Conferences and Workshops:
- Program Chair of the 6th International AAAC Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2015 (ACII 2015), Xian, PR China, 21.-25.09.2015.
- Program Chair of the 15th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2013), ACM, Sydney, Australia, 09.-13.12.2013.
- Program Chair of the 4th ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2012), IEEE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 03.-06.09.2012.
- Program Chair of the 4th International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2011 (ACII 2011), Memphis, TN, 09.-12.10.2011.
- Area Chair Speech Processing, 41st International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE, Shanghai, P.R. China, 20.�25.03.2016.
- Area Chair, 27th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2015), IEEE, Salerno, Italy, 09.-11.11.2015.
- Area Chair Speech Processing, 40th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE, Sydney, Australia, 19.�24.04.2015.
- Area Chair Speech Processing, 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), EURASIP, Nice, France, 31.08.-04.09.2015.
- Area Chair Affective and Socially-Aware Multimedia, 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2014), ACM, Orlando, FL, 03.-07.11.2014.
- Area Chair Speech Processing, 39th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE, Florence, Italy, 04.-09.05.2014.
- Area Chair Speech Processing, 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE, Vancouver, Canada, 26.-31.05.2013.
- Area Chair ACM 14th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI 2012), ACM, Santa Monica, CA, 22.-26.10.2012.
- Area Chair and Senior Program Committee member of the 5th International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2013 (ACII 2013), IEEE/HUMAINE Association, Geneva, Switzerland, 02.-05.09.2013.
- Technical Program Committee member 2nd Advanced Research in Material Sciences, Manufacturing, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering Technology International Conference (AR4MET2016), Batam, Indonesia, 12.-14.04.2016.
- Technical Program Committee of the 29th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2016), special track on Big Data (FLAIRS AI4BigData), Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Key Largo, FL, USA, 17.05.2016.
- Technical Program Committee member of the 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2016), IEEE, Noida, India, 11.-12.02.2016.
- Program Committee member Multimodal Machine Learning Workshop (MMML 2015), held at the 29th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2015), NIPS, Montreal, Canada, 11.-12.12.2015.
- Program Committee member 1st International Conference on Complex Information Systems (COMPLEXIS 2016), Rome, Italy, 22.-24.04.2016.
- Scientific Committee member 10th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2016), ELRA, Portoro�, Slovenia, 23.-28.05.2016.
- Technical Program Committee member 2015 International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet'15), IEEE, Trivandrum, India, 16.-19.12.2015.
- Technical Program Committee member Workshop on Signal Processing for Wireless and Multimedia Communications (SPWMC'15), satellite of the 2nd International Symposium on Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems (SIRS'15), ACM, Springer, Trivandrum, India, 16.-19.12.2015.
- Program Committee member 8th International Symposium on Attention in Cognitive Systems (ISACS 2015) in conjunction with IROS 2015, IEEE, Hamburg, Germany, 02.10.2015.
- Program Committee member 2nd workshop on Computer Vision for Affective Computing (CV4AC 2015), during the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2015), IEEE, Santiago, Chile, 13.-16.12.2015.
- Technical Program Committee member 12. ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation (ITG Conference on Speech Communication), IEEE, Paderborn, Germany, 05.-07.10.2016.
- Program Committee member Doctoral Consortium 17th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2015), ACM, Seattle, WA, 09.-13.11.2015.
- Program Committee member of the 2015 International Conference on Machine learning and Signal Processing (MALSIP'2015), Springer LNEE, Melaka, Malaysia, 15.�17.12.2015.
- Program Committee member of the International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications 2015 (ATC 2015), IEEE, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 14.-16.10.2015.
- Program Committee member of the 8th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2016), Springer LNAI, Da Nang, Vietnam, 14.-16.03.2016.
- Program Committee member 1st International Workshop on ENgagement in HumaN Computer IntEraction (ENHANCE 2015) held in conjunction with ACII 2015, IEEE, Xian, PR China, 21.09.2015.
- Program Committee member 1st International Workshop on Advancements in Social Signal Processing for Multimodal Interaction (ASSP4MI@ICMI2015) held in conjunction with the 17th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2015), ACM, Seattle, WA, 13.11.2015.
- Program Committee member 2015 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU), IEEE, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, 13.-17.12.2015.
- Program Committee member International Conference on Information and Software Technologies (ICIST), Springer CCIS, Druskininkai, Lithuania, 15.-16.10.2015.
- Program Committee member 3rd Workshop on Emotions and Personality in Personalized Systems (EMPIRE) held in conjunction with RecSys 2015, ACM, Vienna, Austria, 19.-20.09.2015.
- Program Committee for the Special Session "Special Session on Emotion and Sentiment in Intelligent Systems and Big Social Data Analysis (SentISData)" of the IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (IEEE DSAA), IEEE/ACM, Paris, France, 19.-21.10.2015.
- Technical Program Committee member 2015 Advancement on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology (ADMMET2015) conference, Bandung, Indonesia, 24.�26.11.2015.
- Technical Program Committee member 3rd International Conference on Conference on Computing, Management and Educational Tech (ComManTel 2015), Da Nang, Vietnam, 28.-30.12.2015.
- Technical Program Committee member 23rd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2015), ACM, Brisbane, Australia, 26.-30.10.2015.
- Program Committee member International Workshop on Affect and Sentiment in Multimedia (ASM2015) held in conjunction with the 23rd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2015), ACM, Brisbane, Australia, 26.-30.10.2015.
- Program Committee member of the 37th German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) - the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM) Annual Pattern Recognition Symposium, DAGM, Springer LNCS, 06.-09.10.2015, Aachen, Germany.
- Scientific Committee member of the INTERSPEECH 2015, ISCA, Dresden, Germany, 06.-10.09.2015.
- Program Committee member of the 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI15), INNS, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 23.-24.11.2015.
- Program Committee member of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2016), Rome, Italy, 24.-26.02.2016.
- Technical Program Committee member 2015 IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON 2015), IEEE, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 19.�21.10.2015.
- Technical Program Committee member 2015 Advanced Research in Material Sciences, Manufacturing, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering Technology International Conference (AR4MET2015), Bali, Indonesia, 02.-04.06.2015.
- Technical Program/Steering Committee member International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things, Delhi, India, 08.-10.10.2015.
- Technical Program Committee member The 2nd NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, IEEE, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 16.-18.09.2015
- Program Committee member of the 2015 Afeka Conference for Speech Processing (ACSP 2015), AFEKA, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2015.
- Program Committee member of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 2015), IEEE, Baltimore, MA, 27.-29.05.2015.
- Program Committee member of the 1st International Workshop on Personality and Affect in Multimedia Retrieval (PAMUR), held in conjunction with the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2015), ACM, Shanghai, China, 23.-26.06.2015.
- Program Committee member of the 2nd International Workshop on Emotion and Sentiment in Social and Expressive Media: opportunities and challenges for emotion-aware multi agent systems (ESSEM 2015), held in conjunction with the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2015), ACM, Istanbul, Turkey, 04.-08.05.2015.
- Program Committee member 6. Studierendenkonferenz Informatik (SKILL 2015), GI, Cottbus, Germany, 01.-02.10.2015.
- Technical Program Committee member of The 28th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2015), Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Hollywood, FL, USA, 18.-20.05.2015.
- Program Committee member of the 21st International Conference on Information and Software Technologies (ICIST 2015), Springer CCIS, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2015.
- Technical Program Committee member of the IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems 2015 (IEEE SPICES 2015), IEEE, Kozhikode, India, 19.-21.02.2015.
- Technical Committee member of the International Symposium on Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (ISTA�15), Kochi, India, 10.-13.08.2015.
- Program Committee member of the 4th ICDM SENTIRE 2014 (Sentiment Elicitation from Natural Text for Information Retrieval and Extraction), held in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2014), IEEE, Shenzhen, China, 14.-17.12.2014.
- Technical Program Committee of the 12th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT 2014), IEEE, Islamabad, Pakistan, 17.-19.12.2014.
- Scientific Committee member of the 6th International Workshop on Spoken Dialog Systems (IWSDS 2015), Busan, South Korea, 11.-13.01.2014.
- Scientific Committee member of the 3rd international conference on "Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation" (CEM 2015), Hammamet-Tunisia, 04.-07.11.2015.
- Program Committee member of the ICMI 2014 Workshop on Understanding and Modeling Multimodal, Multiparty Interactions (UMMMI-ICMI2014), held at the 16th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2014), ACM, Istanbul, Turkey, 16.11.2014.
- Technical Program Committee member of the 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2015), IEEE, Noida, India, 19.-20.02.2015.
- Program Committee member of the 7th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2015), Springer LNAI, Bali, Indonesia, 23.-25.03.2015.
- Technical Committee member Special Session on Cyber-Physical Systems and Social Computing, 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2015), Kerala, India, 10.-13.08.2015.
- Technical Committee member 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2015), Kerala, India, 10.-13.08.2015.
- Program Committee member of the 4th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, 10.-12.01.2015.
- Scientific Review Committee member of the 15th INTERSPEECH 2014, ISCA, Singapore, Singapore, 14.-18.09.2014.
- Program Committee member of the 3rd Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining (WISDOM14), an ICML 2014 (International Conference on Machine Learning) workshop, Beijing, China, 25.06.2014.
- Program Committee member of the Understanding and Modeling Multiparty, Multimodal Interactions Workshop at the 16th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2014), ACM, Istanbul, Turkey, 16.11.2014.
- Program Committee President, Special Session Soft Computing Techniques for Time-Series Analysis (SCTTSA � SOFA - 2014), 6th International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications (SOFA 2014), IEEE, Springer, Timisoara, Romania, 24.-26.07.2014.
- Program Committee member of the 3rd International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV 2014), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 23.-24.05.2013.
- Technical Program Committee member 2nd International Symposium on Computational & Business Intelligence (ISCBI14), IEEE/INNS, India, 2014.
- Technical Program Committee member of the 1st International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I), IEEE, Mysore, India, 27.-29.11.2014.
- Program Committee member of 2nd International Workshop on Multimodal Analyses enabling Artificial Agents in Human-Machine Interaction (MA3HMI 2014), satellite of Interspeech 2014, ISCA, Singapore, Singapore, 13.09.2014.
- Program Committee member of the International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems and Social Computing (CSSC-2014) affiliated with Third International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014), IEEE, Delhi, India, 24.-27.09.2014.
- Technical Program Committee member of the 2014 IEEE Joint Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (JISIC 2014: ISI + EISIC), IEEE, the Hague, the Netherlands, 24.-26.09.2014.
- Technical Program Committee Member of the 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2014), EURASIP, Lisbon, Portugal, 01.-05.09.2014.
- Scientific Committee Member of the REVERB Workshop 2014 (REVERB 2014), satellite of IEEE ICASSP 2014 and HSCMA 2014 and part of the IEEE SPS AASP challenge series, Florence, Italy, 10.05.2014.
- Program Committee member of The 2nd International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing (SLSP 2014), Grenoble, France, 14.-16.10.2014.
- Program Committee member of the 20th International Conference on Information and Software Technologies (ICIST 2014), Springer CCIS, Druskininkai, Lithuania, 09.-10.10.2014.
- Program Committee member of the 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2014), IFIP, Springer, Island of Rhodes, Greece, 19.-22.09.2014.
- Program Committee member of the International Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI14), INNS, New Delhi, India, 26.-27.09.2014.
- Technical Program Committee member of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2014), IEEE, Chengdu, China, 14.-18.07.2014.
- Technical Program Committee member of the 2014 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Asia (ISGT ASIA), IEEE, Kuala Lumpur, 20.-23.05.2014.
- Technical Program Committee member of the 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2014), Reykjavik, Iceland, 26.-31.05.2014.
- Technical Program Committee member of the 2014 Speech Processing Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, 07.-08.07.2014.
- Technical Program Committee member of the 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2014), IEEE, Beijing, China, 06.-11.07.2014.
- Program Committee member of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2014), IEEE, Chengdu, China, 14.-18.07.2014.
- Technical Committee member 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2014), Greater Noida, India, 24.-27.09.2014.
- Program Committee member of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction (IHCI 2013), Springer LNCS, Sydney, Australia, 03.-05.12.2013.
- Program Committee member of ICDM SENTIRE 2013 (Sentiment Elicitation from Natural Text for Information Retrieval and Extraction), held in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2013), IEEE, Dallas, Texas, 07.-10.12.2013.
- Program Committee member of the 1st International Symposium on Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems (SIRS-2014), Trivandrum, India, 13.-15.03.2014.
- Program Committee member of the 6th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2014), Springer LNAI, Bangkok, Thailand, 07.-09.04.2014.
- Program Committee member of the 5th International Workshop Series on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (IWSDS 2014), Napa, CA, 18.-19.01.2014.
- Program Committee member Fourth International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2013), Springer, Dublin, Ireland, 03.-05.12.2013.
- Program Committee member 1st International Workshop on Emotion and Sentiment in Social and Expressive Media (ESSEM 2013), satellite of the 13th Conference of the Italian Association of Italian Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2013), Springer LNCS, Turin, Italy, 03.12.2013.
- Program Committee member 21st European Signal Processing Conference 2013 (EUSIPCO 2013), EURASIP, IEEE, Marrakech, Morocco, 09.-13.09.2013.
- Program Committee member ACM Multimedia Open Source Software Competition (ACMOSS 2013), 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2013), ACM, Barcelona, Spain, 21.-25.10.2013.
- Program Committee member International Workshop Conflict and communication, Multimodal Social Signals of conflict and negotiation in humans, animals, and machines, Rome, Italy, 29.-31.10.2013.
- Program Committee member of the Emotion Recognition In The Wild Challenge and Workshop (EmotiW 2013), satellite of the 15th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2013), ACM, Sydney, Australia, 09.-13.12.2013.
- Program Committee member of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2013), IEEE, Mysore, India, 22.-25.08.2013.
- Program Committee member of the International Workshop on Techniques towards Companion Technologies (T2CT 2013), satellite of the Thirteenth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2013), Springer, Edinburgh, UK, 28.08.2013.
- Program Committee member of the IVA 2013 Workshop on Multimodal Corpora (MMC 2013), satellite of the Thirteenth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2013), Springer, Edinburgh, UK, 01.09.2013.
- Program Committee member of the 11th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI 2013), Springer, Bangalore, India, 24.-27.09.2013.
- Program Committee member of the WWW13 workshop on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Big Social Data Analysis (MABSDA 2013), satellite of the 22nd World Wide Web conference (WWW 2013), W3C, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13.-17.05.2013.
- Program Committee member of the 4th International Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding (HBU 2013), satellite of the 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2013), ACM, Barcelona, Spain, 21.-25.10.2013.
- Program Committee member of the 6th International Non-Linear Speech Processing Workshop (NOLISP 2013), Springer LNAI, Mons, Belgium, 19.-21.06.2013.
- Program Committee member of the 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2013), ACM, Barcelona, Spain, 21.-25.10.2013.
- Program Committee member of the 5th International Workshop on Affective Interaction in Natural Environments (AFFINE 2013), satellite event of ACII 2013, IEEE/HUMAINE Association, Geneva, Switzerland, 02.-05.09.2013.
- Program Committee member of the 14th International Workshop on Image and Audio Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIA�MIS 2013), IEEE, Paris, France, 03.-05.07.2013.
- Scientific Review Committee member for Interspeech 2013, ISCA, Lyon, France 24.-29.08.2013.
- Program Committee member of the 2nd International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV 2013), IEEE, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 17.-18.05.2013.
- Program Committee member of the 2nd Workshop on Innovation in Border Control (WIBC 2013), jointly organized with the European Intelligence and Security Informatics (EISI 2013), Swedish Defence Research Agency, Uppsala, Sweden, 12.-14.08.2013.
- Program Committee member of the International Workshop on Affective Analysis in Multimedia (AAM 2013) held in conjunction with the 15th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2013 (ICME 2013), IEEE, San Jose, CA, USA, 15.-19.07.2013.
- Program Committee member of the International Symposium on Attention in Cognitive Systems (ISACS 2013) held in conjunction with the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2013), Springer LNAI, Beijing, China, 03.-04.08.2013.
- Program Committee member of the 6th international Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS) conference, IEEE, Beijing, China 09.-11.06.2013.
- Program Committee member of Vision(s) on Deception and Non-Cooperation - Workshop held in conjunction with the 10th International IEEE Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition 2013 (FG 2013), Shanghai, China, 22.-26.04.2013.
- Technical Program Committee memeber of the Speech Processing Conference, AFEKA, Tel Aviv, Israel, 01.-02.07.2013.
- Technical Program Committee member of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2013 (ICME 2013), IEEE, San Jose, CA, USA, 15.-19.07.2013.
- Program Committee member of the 12th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2013), Saint Paul, MN, USA, 06.-10.05.2013.
- Program Committee member of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2013), IEEE, Shanghai, China, 22.-26.04.2013.
- Program Committee member of the 5th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2013), Springer LNAI, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18.-20.03.2013.
- Program Committee member Workshop on Face analysis: The intersection of computer vision and human perception, in conjunction with the 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2012), Springer LNCS, Daejeon, South Korea, 06.12.2012.
- Program Committee member of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECON 2012), IEEE, Malaysia, 02.-05.12.2012.
- Program Committee member of the IVA Satellite Workshop on Multimodal Analyses enabling Artificial Agents in Human-Machine Interaction (MA3 2012), satellite of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2012), Springer, Santa Cruz, CA, 15.09.2012.
- Program Committee member of the 2nd International ACM Workshop on Music Information Retrieval with User-Centered and Multimodal Strategies (MIRUM 2012), held in conjunction with ACM Multimedia, ACM, Nara, Japan, 02.11.2012.
- Scientific Committee member of the 4th International Workshop Series on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (IWSDS 2012), Paris, France, 28.-30.11.2012.
- Scientific Committee member of the 6th Workshop Emotion and Computing - Current Research and Future Impact, Workshop at the KI 2012, Springer LNCS, Saarbrücken, Germany, 24.09.2012.
- Program Committee member of the First ACM International Workshop on Audio and Multimedia Methods for Large-Scale Video Analysis (AMVA 2012), satellite of ACM Multimedia, Nara, Japan, 29.10.-02.11.2012.
- Program Committee member of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012), IAPR, Tsukuba Science City, Japan, 11.11.2012.
- Program Committee member of the 2012 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Application (ISIEA 2012), IEEE, Bandung, Indonesia, 23.-26.09.2012.
- Program Committee member of the Workshop on Exploring Stances in Interactions: Conceptual and Practical Issues in Social Signal Processing Research held within the 4th ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2012), IEEE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 03.-06.09.2012.
- Program Committee member of the Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining (WISDOM) held within the 2012 ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), Beijing, China, 12.-16.08.2012.
- Program Committee member of the ICPR 2012 Satellite Workshop Multimodal pattern recognition of social signals in human computer interaction, IAPR, Tsukuba Science City, Japan, 11.11.2012.
- Program Committee member of the 9th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR 2012), LNCS, Springer, London, UK, 19.�22.06.2012.
- Program Committee member of the Workshop on Innovation in Border Control 2012 (WIBC), jointly organized with the European Intelligence and Security Informatics (EISI 2012), Odense, Denmark, 21.-22.08.2012.
- Program Committee member of the 2012 International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS 2012), IEEE, Shenyang, China, 11.-14.07.2012.
- Program Committee member of the LREC 2012 Workshop on Multimodal Corpora (MMC 2012), ELRA, Istanbul, Turkey, 22.05.2012.
- Program Committee member of the 3rd International Conference on Computer & Communication Technology (ICCCT 2012), IEEE, Allahabad, India, 16.-18.11.2012.
- Program Committee member 1st International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2012), Springer, Chennai, India, 03.-05.08.2012.
- Program Committee member of the International Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (PRIP 2012), Chennai, India, 03.-05.08.2012.
- Technical Program Committee member of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2012), IEEE, Melbourne, Australia, 09.-13.07.2012.
- Program Committee member of the 7th ICMI Workshop on Multimodal Corpora for Machine Learning, held in conjunction with the 13th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2011), ACM, Alicante, Spain, 18.11.2011.
- Program Committee member of the SENTIRE 2011 (Sentiment Elicitation from Natural Text for Information Retrieval and Extraction), held in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2011), IEEE, Vancouver, Canada, 11.-14.12.2011.
- Program Committee member of the International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision 2012 (ICIEV 2012), IEEE/IAPR, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 04.-05.05.2012.
- Program Committee member of the MMCogEmS 2011 Workshop (Inferring Cognitive and Emotional States from Multimodal Measures), held in conjunction with the 13th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2011), ACM, Alicante, Spain, 17.11.2011.
- Program Committee member of the International ACM Workshop on Music Information Retrieval with User-Centered and Multimodal Strategies (MIRUM 2011), held in conjunction with ACM Multimedia, ACM, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, 28.11.-01.12.2011.
- Senior Program Committee member of the 4th International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2011 (ACII 2011), Memphis, TN, 09.-12.10.2011.
- Program Committee member of the Third International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2011), IEEE, MIT Boston, USA, 09.-11.10.2011.
- Program Committee member of the International Conference on Advances in Computing (ACC 2011), ACM, Springer, Kochi, Kerala, India, 22.-24.07.2011.
- Program Committee member of the Multimodal Audio-based Multimedia Content Analysis (MAMCA), held in conjunction with the 11th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Barcelona, Spain, 11.-15.07.2011.
- Program Committee member of the 9th International IEEE Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition 2011 (FG 2011), Santa Barbara, CA, 21.-23.03.2011.
- Program Committee member of the Social Behavior Analysis workshop, held in conjunction with the 9th International IEEE Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition 2011 (FG 2011), Santa Barbara, CA, 21.-23.03.2011.
- Program Committee member of the 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction 2011 (India HCI 2011), Bangalore, India, 07.-10.04.2011.
- Program Committee member of the Second Workshop on Social Signal Processing 2010 (SSPW 2010), held in conjunction with the ACM Multimedia, Firenze, Italy, 25.-29.10.2010.
- Program Committee member of the Third Workshop on Affective Interaction in Natural Environments (AFFINE 2010), held in conjunction with the ACM Multimedia, Firenze, Italy, 25.-29.10.2010.
- Program Committee member of the Third IEEE Workshop on CVPR for Human Communicative Behaviour Analysis (CVPR4HB), held in conjunction with the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2010 (CVPR 2010), San Francisco, CA, 18.06.2010.
- Program Committee member of the Third International Workshop on EMOTION (satellite of LREC): Corpora for Research on Emotion and Affect, ELRA, Valletta, Malta, 23.05.2010.
- Scientific Committee member of the 6th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces (eNTERFACE/10), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 12.07.-06.08.2010.
- Technical Program Committee member of the 1st International Workshop on Human Behaviour Understanding, held in conjunction with the IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Istanbul, Turkey, 22.08.2010.
- Program Committee member of the Social Signal Processing Workshop, in conjunction with ACII 2009, IEEE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 13.09.2009.
- Program Committee member of the Second IEEE Workshop on CVPR for Human Communicative Behaviour Analysis (CVPR4HB), held in conjunction with the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2009 (CVPR 2009), Miami, FL, 25.06.2009.
- Program Committee member of the 3rd International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2009 (ACII 2009), IEEE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10.-12.09.2009.
- Program Committee member of the 8th International IEEE Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition 2008 (FG 2008), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 17.-19.09.2008.
- Program Committee member of the First IEEE Workshop on CVPR for Human Communicative Behaviour Analysis (CVPR4HB), held in conjunction with the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2008 (CVPR 2008), Anchorage, Alaska, 28.06.2008.
- Program Committee member ParaLing'07: International workshop on "Paralinguistic speech - between models and data" in association with the 16th International Conference on Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS07), Saarbrücken, Germany, 02.-03.08.2007.
- Program Committee member AI4HC workshop in conjunction with 20th IJCAI 2007, Hyderabad, India, 06.01.2007.
Program Chair and Committee Membership:
- Advisory Committee Member International Academic Conference on Innovation Engineering & Technology (IACIET-2014), IEEE, Jaipur, India, 26.-27.09.2014.
- Special Sessions & Challenges Chair of the 16th INTERSPEECH 2015, ISCA, Dresden, Germany, 06.-10.09.2015.
- Workshop Chair of the 5th International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2013 (ACII 2013), IEEE/HUMAINE Association, Geneva, Switzerland, 02.-05.09.2013.
- Steering Committee member of the 4th International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2011 (ACII 2011), Memphis, TN, 09.-12.10.2011.
- Workshop Chair of the 4th International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2011 (ACII 2011), Memphis, TN, 09.-12.10.2011.
- Workshop Chair of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing ICSC 2010, IEEE, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 20.-22.09.2010.
- Technical Program, Proceedings, Sponsors, Awards of the DAGM 2008, 30th Annual Symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition, Munich, Germany, 10.-13.6.2008.
Conference Organisational Committee Membership:
- Outstanding Papers Committee member of the 15th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2013), ACM, Sydney, Australia, 09.-13.12.2013.
- Best Paper Committee member of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2013), IEEE, Shanghai, China, 22.-26.04.2013.
- 2011 Outstanding Young Researcher in Automatic Human Behaviour Analysis Award Committee Member, IEEE, 2011.
- Best Paper Committee member, 4th International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2011 (ACII 2011), Springer LNCS, Memphis, TN, 09.-12.10.2011.
- Best Student Paper Committee member, 9th International IEEE Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition 2011 (FG 2011), Santa Barbara, CA, 21.-23.03.2011.
- Best Student Paper Judge, 159th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America 2010, ASA, Baltimore, MD, USA, 19.-23.04.2010.
- Best Demo Award Committee Member, 4th International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2009 (ACII 2009), IEEE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10.-12.09.2009.
Award Committee Membership:
- Organisation Special Session "Computational Intelligence Algorithms for Digital Audio Applications", Stefano Squartini, Aurelio Uncini, Björn Schuller, Francesco Piazza, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), INNS/IEEE, Vancouver, Canada, IEEE, 25.-29.07.2016.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Session "Socio-cognitive Language Processing", Björn Schuller, Michael McTear, The Seventh International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems (IWSDS), Springer, Riekonlinna, Finland, 13.-16.01.2016.
- Organisation Symposium "Music Emotion Recognition: Machine Learning and Cognitive Modelling", Eduardo Coutinho, Björn Schuller, 4th International Conference on Music & Emotion (ICME 2015), Geneva, Switzerland, 12.-16.10.2015.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Session "INTERSPEECH 2015 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE)", Björn Schuller, Stefan Steidl, Anton Batliner, Florian Hönig, Juan Rafael Orozco-Arroyave, INTERSPEECH 2015, ISCA, Dresden, Germany, 06.-10.09.2015.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Session "Speech science in end user applications", Felix Burkhardt, Norbert Reithinger, Björn Schuller, Nils Lenke, Diane Hirschfeld, INTERSPEECH 2015, ISCA, Dresden, Germany, 06.-10.09.2015.
- Organisation Special Session "Computational Intelligence Algorithms for Digital Audio Applications", Stefano Squartini, Aurelio Uncini, Björn Schuller, Francesco Piazza, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), INNS/IEEE, Killarney, Ireland 11.-16.07.2015.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Session "INTERSPEECH 2014 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE)", Björn Schuller, Stefan Steidl, Anton Batliner, Julien Epps, INTERSPEECH 2014, ISCA, Singapore, Singapore, 14.-18.09.2014.
- Organisation and Co-Chairing Panel Session "Looking for emotional and social signals in multimedia: Where art thou?", Hayley Hung, Hatice Gunes, Lexing Xie, Björn Schuller, 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2014), ACM, Orlando, FL, 03.-07.11.2014.
- Organisation and Co-Chairing Special Session "Emotional Speech Processing for Human-Machine Interaction", Dong-Yan Huang, Swee Lan See, Björn Schuller, Vidhyasaharan Sethu, Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA-ASC 2014), IEEE, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 09.-12.12.2014.
- Organisation Special Session "Computational Intelligence Algorithms for Digital Audio Applications", Stefano Squartini, Aurelio Uncini, Björn Schuller, Francesco Piazza, World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2014), IEEE, Beijing, China, 06.-09.07.2014.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Session "Speech science in end user applications", Felix Burkhardt, Jürgen Schröter, Björn Schuller, INTERSPEECH 2013, ISCA, Lyon, France, 25.-29.08.2013.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Event "INTERSPEECH 2013 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE)", Björn Schuller, Stefan Steidl, Anton Batliner, Alessandro Vinciarelli, Klaus Scherer, Fabien Ringeval, Mohamed Chetouani, INTERSPEECH 2013, ISCA, Lyon, France, 25.-29.08.2013.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Event "INTERSPEECH 2012 Speaker Trait Challenge", Björn Schuller, Stefan Steidl, Anton Batliner, Elmar Nöth, Alessandro Vinciarelli, Felix Burkhardt, Rob van Son, INTERSPEECH 2012, Portland, OR, USA, 09.-13.09.2012.
- Organisation Special Session "Advances in Cognitive and Emotional Information Processing", Stefano Squartini, Francesco Piazza, Björn Schuller, 9th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2012), LNCS, Springer, Shenyang, China, 11.-14.07.2012.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Event "INTERSPEECH 2011 Speaker State Challenge", Björn Schuller, Anton Batliner, Stefan Steidl, Florian Schiel, Jarek Krajewski, INTERSPEECH 2011, Florence, Italy, 28.-31.08.2011.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Session "Audio/Visual Detection of Non-Linguistic Vocal Outbursts", Björn Schuller, Maja Pantic, International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2011, Prague, IEEE, Czech Republic, 22.-27.05.2011.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Session "Computational Intelligence Algorithms for Advanced Human-Machine Interaction", Jianhua Tao, Stefano Squartini, Björn Schuller, 8th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2011), IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Springer LNCS, Guilin, China, 29.05.-01.06.2011.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Session "Conventional, Online, and Robotic Government 2011 (CORG 2011)" with Chaudhary Imran Sarwar, 4th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI 2011), IEEE, Yokohama, Japan, 19.-21.05.2011.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Session "Conventional, Online, and Robot-Based Information Leadership" with Chaudhary Imran Sarwar, Tariq Mehmood Chaudhry, Adrian Cheok, 3rd Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2011), Springer LNAI, Daegu, Korea, 20.-22.04.2011.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Session and Challenge "INTERSPEECH 2010 Paralinguistic Challenge", Björn Schuller, Stefan Steidl, Anton Batliner, Felix Burkhardt, Laurence Devillers, Christian Müller, Shrikanth Narayanan, INTERSPEECH 2010, ISCA, Makuhari, Japan, 26.-30.09.2010.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Session "Recognition of Non-Prototypical Emotion from Speech - The final frontier?", Björn Schuller, Anton Batliner, Stefan Steidl, Dino Seppi, 4th International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2009 (ACII 2009), IEEE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10.-12.09.2009.
- Organisation and Chairing Special Session and Challenge "INTERSPEECH 2009 Emotion Challenge", Björn Schuller, Stefan Steidl, Anton Batliner, INTERSPEECH 2009, ISCA, Brighton, UK, 06.-10.09.2009.
- Organisation Structured Session "Music Processing", DAGA 2010, 36. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik, DEGA, Berlin, Germany, 15.-18.03.2010.
- Organisation and Chairing Structured Session "Music Processing", Björn Schuller, Armin Kohlrausch, International Conference on Acoustics (NAG/DAGA 2009), including the 35th German Annual Conference on Acoustics, Acoustical Society of the Netherlands (Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap, NAG), DEGA, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23.-26.03.2009.
- Organisation and Chairing Structured Session "Music Processing", DAGA 2008, 34. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik, DEGA, Dresden, Germany, 10.-13.03.2008.
- Organisation and Chairing Structured Session "Music Processing", DAGA 2007, 33. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik, DEGA, Stuttgart, Germany, 19.-22.03.2007.
- Organisation and Chairing Structured Session "Music Processing", Björn Schuller, Meinard Müller, Frank Kurth, Michael Clausen, DAGA 2006, 32. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik, DEGA, Braunschweig, Germany, 20.-23.03.2006.
- Organisation and Chairing Structured Session "Music Processing", Björn Schuller, DAGA 2005, 31. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik, DEGA, München, Germany, 14-17.03.2005.
Organisation and Chairing of Special Events, Symposia, and Special Sessions:
- Doctoral Consortium Mentor, 6th International AAAC Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2015 (ACII 2015), Xian, PR China, 21.-25.09.2015.
- Chairing Session "Keynote Speech 1", 6th International AAAC Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2015 (ACII 2015), Xian, PR China, 21.-25.09.2015.
- Chairing Sessions "Session 3 - In the wild" and "Session 4 - Final remarks", 1st International Workshop on Automatic Sentiment Analysis in the Wild (WASA 2015) held in conjunction with ACII 2015, IEEE, Xian, PR China, 21.09.2015.
- Chairing Session "Oral Session 2: Multimodal Fusion", 16th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI 2014), ACM, Istanbul, Turkey, 12.11.2014.
- Chairing Sessions "Emotion Detection" and "Plenary Discussion", 2nd International Workshop on �Emotion representation and modelling in Human-Computer-Interaction-Systems� (ERM4HCI 2014) held in conjunction with the 16th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2014), ACM, Istanbul, Turkey, 16.11.2014.
- Chairing Sessions "Keynote 1" and "Session 1", The first international audio/visual Mapping Personality Traits Challenge & Workshop (MAPTRAITS 2014), held in conjunction with ACM ICMI 2014, ACM, Istanbul, Turkey, 12.11.2014.
- Chairing Session "Signal Processing and Machine Learning", 6th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association, AAA/AES/EAA, Austria, 16.-17.10.2014.
- Chairing Session "Keynote I", 5th International Workshop on Emotion Social Signals, Sentiment & Linked Open Data (ES�LOD 2014), satellite of LREC 2014, ELRA, Reykjavik, Iceland, 26.-27.05.2014.
- Doctoral Consortium Mentor, 19th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2014), ACM, Haifa, Israel, 24.-27.02.2014.
- Chairing Session "Emotion & Affect in Serious Games", 2nd International Workshop on Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (IDGEI 2014) held in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2014), ACM, Haifa, Israel, 24.02.2014.
- Chairing Session "Keynote 2", 15th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2013), ACM, Sydney, Australia, 09.-13.12.2013.
- Chairing Session "Session 7 - Affect, Laughter, Voice", 5th biannual Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013), IEEE, Geneva, Switzerland, 02.-05.09.2013.
- Chairing Session "SUN-1", Workshop on Measuring affect and emotion in vocal communication via acoustic feature extraction: State of the art, current research, and benchmarking, Geneva, Switzerland, 01.-02.09.2013.
- Chairing Session "Human-Device-Interaction", 3rd IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2013), IEEE, Berlin, Germany, 08.-11.09.2013.
- Chairing Session "Speech and Audio Analysis", 6th International Non-Linear Speech Processing Workshop (NOLISP 2013), Springer LNAI, Mons, Belgium, 19.-21.06.2013.
- Chairing Session "Guest Talks: IDGEI @ FDG 2013", 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (IDGEI 2013) held in conjunction with the 8th Foundations of Digital Games 2013 (FDG), ACM, SASDG Digital Library, Chania, Crete, Greece, 14.05.2013.
- Chairing Session "SP-L6 - Pitch Analysis", 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, 26.-31.05.2013.
- Chairing Session SLP-P3 "Paralinguistic, Nonlinguistic Information and Data Mining", 37th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE Signal Processing Society, Kyoto, Japan, 25.-30.03.2012.
- Chairing Session 4 "Audio/Visual Emotion Recognition", 1st International Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC 2011) held in conjunction with the International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2011 (ACII 2011), Springer LNCS, Memphis, TN, 09.10.2011.
- Chairing Session 9 "Varied Approaches to Affect Detection", International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2011 (ACII 2011), Springer LNCS 6975, Memphis, TN, 09.-12.10.2011.
- Chairing Session 4 "Music Information Retrieval [Part 2]", AES 42nd Conference on Semantic Audio, Audio Engineering Society (AES), Ilmenau, Germany, 22.-24.07.2011.
- Chairing Session 2 "Audio-based affect analysis", International Workshop on Emotion Synthesis, rePresentation, and Analysis in Continuous spacE (EmoSPACE 2011), held in conjunction with the 9th International IEEE Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition 2011 (FG 2011), Santa Barbara, CA, 21.03.2011.
- Chairing Session 5, 4th COST 2102 International Training School on Cognitive Behavioural Systems, Jointly organized with EUCogII and SSPNet, Dresden, Germany, 21.-26.02.2011.
- Chairing Session Tuesday Afternoon I, The PINK COST 2102 International Conference on Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication and Enactment: The Processing Issues, Jointly organized with the Social Signal Processing Network (NoE), Budapest, Hungary, 07.-10.09.2010.
- Chairing Session "Oral Session W24-5 - Extended and Multiple Emotion Corpora", 3rd International Workshop on EMOTION: Corpora for Research on Emotion and Affect, Satellite of 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2010), ELRA, Valletta, Malta, 23.05.2010.
- Chairing Session "Oral Session 4-KZ - Emotional Speech Analysis", 4th International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2009 (ACII 2009), IEEE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11.09.2009.
- Chairing Session "SDN-TA", Conference Internationale sur Prosodie et Iconicité (ProsIco 2009), Rouen, France, 09.-10.04.2009.
- Chairing Session "Automatic Indexing", ICME 2004, International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, IEEE, Taipei, Taiwan, 27.-30.06.2004.
- Chairing Session "WA2N Human III", SMC 2002, International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE, Hammamet, Tunesia, 6.-9.10.2002.
- Chairing Session "Emotion Recognition (SuA3T4)", RO-MAN 2008, 17th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE, Munich, Germany, 01.-03.08.2008.
Session Chairing and Doctoral Consortium Mentorship:
- Invited Young Scientist (one of 40 extraordinary scientists under the age of 40) Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2015 (AMNC, "Summer Davos"), World Economic Forum (WEF), DaLian, P.R. China, 09.-11.09.2015.
- Invited Expert "Applied Signal Processing in Mental Health" Workshop, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA (remote access), 04.-05.05.2015.
- Invited Expert NII Shonan Meeting: The Future of Human-Robot Spoken Dialogue: from Information Services to Virtual Assistants, Seminar 059, Shonan Village Center, Japan, 25.�28.03.2015.
- Invited Expert GVA Synchronisation Workshop, CISA, Geneva, Switzerland, 04.-05.02.2015.
- Invited Expert Conference on �The Language of Interaction: Quantitative Tools from Engineering, Computer Science, and Clinical Psychology�, Volkswagen Foundation Heidelberg, Germany, 28.07.-01.08.2014.
- Invited Expert HARPS Advisory Board Meeting, Humans and Robots in Public Spaces (HARPS, EPSRC project), London, U.K., 04.12.2013.
- Invited Expert MASELTOV Advisory Board Meeting, MASELTOV Project (EC STREP), Rome, Italy, 12.-13.12.2012.
- Invited Expert BMBF-Fachgespräch Mensch-Technik-Interaktion für den Demografischen Wandel, Potsdam, Germany, 17.10.2012.
- Invited Expert within the Dagstuhl Seminar Multimodal Music Processing, Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik, Wadern, Germany, 23.-28.01.2011.
- Invited Expert within the W3C Technical Plenary / Advisory Committee Meetings Week (TPAC 2008), W3C, Cannes, France, 23.-24.10.2008.
- Invited Expert within the EU-funded CEICES Workshop 2006, Lehrstuhl fuer Mustererkennung (Informatik 5), Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany, 09.-12.12.2006.
Conference/Workshop Invitations as Expert:
- Honoured as one of 40 extraordinary scientists under the age of 40, World Economic Forum (WEF), 2015.
- Best result MediaEval 2015 Benchmark Affective Impact of Movies Task: George Trigoergis, Eduardo Coutinho, Fabien Ringeval, Erik Marchi, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Björn Schuller: "The ICL-TUM-Passau Approach for the MediaEval 2015 �Affective Impact of Movies� Task", Proc. of the MediaEval 2015 Multimedia Benchmark Workshop, satellite of Interspeech 2015, ISCA, Wurzen, Germany, 03.09.2015.
- MediaEval Distinctive Mention (MDM) 2015 ("for being an influential runner up team that provided open-source software we all used for a baseline"): Imperial College Team (group Schuller), MediaEval 2015 Multimedia Benchmark Workshop, satellite of Interspeech 2015, ISCA, Wurzen, Germany, 03.09.2015.
- Best Paper Prize 3rd International Workshop on Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (IDGEI 2015) held in conjunction with the 20th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2015): Björn Schuller, Erik Marchi, Simon Baron-Cohen, Amandine Lassalle, Helen O�Reilly, Delia Pigat, Peter Robinson, Ian Davies, Tadas Baltrusaitis, Marwa Mahmoud, Ofer Golan, Shimrit Friedenson, Shahar Tal, Shai Newman, Noga Meir, Roi Shillo, Antonio Camurri, Stefano Piana, Alessandra Stagliano, Sven Bölte, Daniel Lundqvist, Steve Berggren, Aurelie Baranger, Nikki Sullings, Metin Sezgin, Nese Alyuz, � Agnieszka Rynkiewicz, Kacper Ptaszek, and Karol Ligmann: "Recent developments and results of ASC-Inclusion: An Integrated Internet-Based Environment for Social Inclusion of Children with Autism Spectrum Conditions", Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (IDGEI 2015) as part of the 20th ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2015, ACM, Atlanta, GA, 29.03.2014.
- Best Student Paper Award AES 53rd International Conference Semantic Audio: Christian Kirst, Felix Weninger, Cyril Joder, Peter Grosche, Jürgen Geiger, Björn Schuller: "On-line NMF-based Stereo Up-Mixing of Speech Improves Perceived Reduction of Non-Stationary Noise", AES 53rd International Conference Semantic Audio, AES, London, UK, 26.-29.01.2014.
- Best Paper Award 2nd CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge held in conjunction with ICASSP 2013: Jürgen T. Geiger, Felix Weninger, Antti Hurmalainen, Jort F. Gemmeke, Martin Wöllmer, Björn Schuller, Gerhard Rigoll, Tuomas Virtanen: "The TUM+TUT+KUL Approach to the CHiME Challenge 2013: Multi-Stream ASR Exploiting BLSTM Networks and Sparse NMF", Proc. 2nd CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge held in conjunction with ICASSP 2013, IEEE, Vancouver, Canada, 01.06.2013.
- Best result MediaEval 2014 Benchmark Emotion in Music: Eduardo Coutinho, Felix Weninger, Klaus Scherer, Bj�rn Schuller: "The Munich LSTM-RNN Approach to the MediaEval 2014 Emotion in Music Task", MediaEval 2014 Workshop, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain, 16.-17.10.2014.
- Best result (3 finalists) MediaEval 2013 Benchmark Emotion in Music: Felix Weninger, Florian Eyben, Bj�rn Schuller: "The TUM Approach to the MediaEval Music Emotion Task Using Generic Affective Audio Features", MediaEval 2013 Workshop, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain, 18.-19.10.2013.
- 1st place (11 finalists) The 2nd `CHiME' Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge 2013: Track 1 (Small Vocabulary): Jürgen T. Geiger, Felix Weninger, Antti Hurmalainen, Jort F. Gemmeke, Martin Wöllmer, Björn Schuller, Gerhard Rigoll, Tuomas Virtanen: "The TUM+TUT+KUL Approach to the CHiME Challenge 2013: Multi-Stream ASR Exploiting BLSTM Networks and Sparse NMF", 2nd CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge held in conjunction with ICASSP 2013, IEEE, Vancouver, Canada, 01.06.2013.
- Honorable Mention (2nd place, 11 finalists) Open Source Software Competition ACM Multimedia 2013: Florian Eyben, Felix Weninger, Florian Gro�, Björn Schuller: "Recent Developments in openSMILE, the Munich Open-Source Multimedia Feature Extractor", Proc. 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2013), ACM, Barcelona, Spain, 21.-25.10.2013.
- 1st place (18 finalists) Annual Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX) 2010: Audio Onset Detection: Sebastian Böck, Florian Eyben, Björn Schuller: "Onset Detection with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks", Annual Meeting of the MIREX 2010 community as part of the 11th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR, Utrecht, Netherlands, 11.08.2010.
- 1st place (13 finalists) Annual Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX) 2010: Audio Beat Tracking: Sebastian Böck, Florian Eyben, Björn Schuller: "Beat Detection with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks", Annual Meeting of the MIREX 2010 community as part of the 11th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR, Utrecht, Netherlands, 11.08.2010.
- 2nd place Automatic Speech Recognition (22 finalists) REVERB Challenge 2014 held in conjunction with IEEE ICASSP 2014 and HSCMA 2014.
- 2nd place (11 finalists) IEEE AASP Challenge: Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (D-CASE) 2013 - Acoustic Scene Classification: Jürgen T. Geiger, Björn Schuller, Gerhard Rigoll: "Large-Scale Audio Feature Extraction and SVM for Acoustic Scene Classification", 2013 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA 2013), New Paltz, NY, 20.-23.10.2013.
- 3rd place (24 finalists) Annual Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX) 2010: Audio Train/Test - Genre Classification (Latin): Florian Eyben, Björn Schuller: "Music Classification with the Munich openSMILE Toolkit", Annual Meeting of the MIREX 2010 community as part of the 11th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR, Utrecht, Netherlands, 11.08.2010.
- Honorable Mention (2nd place, 10 finalists) Open Source Software Competition ACM Multimedia 2010: Florian Eyben, Martin Wöllmer, Björn Schuller: "openSMILE - The Munich Versatile and Fast Open-Source Audio Feature Extractor", ACM Multimedia (MM), ACM, Firenze, Italy, 25.-29.10.2010.
- Best Demo Award 4th International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2009 (ACII 2009): Marc Schröder, Elisabetta Bevacqua, Florian Eyben, Hatice Gunes, Dirk Heylen, Mark ter Maat, Sathish Pammi, Maja Pantic, Catherine Pelachaud, Björn Schuller, Etienne de Sevin, Michel Valstar, Martin Wöllmer: "A Demonstration of Audiovisual Sensitive Artificial Listeners", HUMAINE, IEEE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10.-12.09.2009.
- Florian Eyben, Fachschaftspreis für beste Lehre (best lecture), Übung "Pattern Recognition", Fachschaft Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Technische Universität München, Germany, July 2008.
- Irman Abdic, 2nd Place InnoApp 2015 competition, "Birdly", European Young Innovator Forum (eyIF), Huawei, 05.02.2015.
Awards of Supervised Students:
Reviewing and Editorship
- Proposal Assessor King's College Cambridge Junior Research Fellowship in Physical and Chemical Sciences, Maths and Engineering, UK, since 2015.
- Proposal Reviewer European Research Council (ERC), Starting Grants, since 2015.
- Proposal Reviewer Isreal Science Foundation (ISF), since 2015.
- Proposal Reviewer Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK, since 2014.
- Proposal Reviewer Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Discovery Grants, since 2014.
- Evaluation Committee Member (Membre (Rapporteur, Lecteur) Comit� d��valuation scientifique (CES) ) Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, French National Research Agency), since 2014.
- European Project Review Committee member Future and Emerging Technologies (FET), since 2014.
- Proposal Reviewer Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, French National Research Agency), since 2013.
- Proposal Reviewer Technology Foundation STW, The Netherlands, since 2014.
- Proposal Reviewer Research Foundation Flanders � FWO, Belgium, since 2014.
- Proposal Reviewer The Royal Academy of Engineering, Research Fellowship Scheme, United Kingom, since 2014.
- Proposal Reviewer The Danish Council for Independent Research | Technology and Production Sciences, since 2014.
- Proposal Reviewer CHIST-ERA (European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies ERA-Net), since 2013.
- Proposal Reviewer 7th Framework Programme, ICT, FET-Open, European Commission (EC), since 2013.
- Proposal Reviewer German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademische Austauschdienst, DAAD), since 2012.
- Advisory and Proposal Reviewer German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), since 2012/2014.
- Proposal Reviewer for The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), division Physical Sciences, since 2012.
- Proposal Reviewer for the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), since 2012.
- Proposal Reviewer for the US National Science Foundation (NSF), since 2012.
- Referee Marie Curie Individual Fellowship or Reintegration European Commission's 7th Framework Programme, since 2012.
- Proposal Reviewer for the German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF), since 2012.
- Reviewer for Supercomputing at the Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart (HLRS), Germany, since 2011.
- Proposal Reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), since 2009.
Funding and Projects:
- Member of the IEEE Transactions Operations Committee, since 2014.
- Ex officio, non-voting member of the IEEE Publications Board, since 2014.
- Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, IEEE, 2015 - 2016. (IF: 3.466, 5-year IF: 3.871 (2013))
- Secretary of the Steering Committee IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Representative for the Computer Society, IEEE, 2009-2013. (IF: 3.466, 5-year IF: 3.871 (2013))
- Member of the Steering Committee IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Representative for the Computer Society, IEEE, 2009-2013. (IF: 3.466, 5-year IF: 3.871 (2013))
- Associate Editor of the IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2014 - 2016. (IF: 1.674 (2012))
- Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, since 2012. (IF: 4.291 (2014))
- Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (name changed in 2013 - formerly IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Part B Cybernetics, since 2012. (IF: 2.674, 5-year IF: 3.255 (2010))
- Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC), IEEE, since 2011. (IF: 3.466, 5-year IF: 3.871 (2013))
- Associate Editor of the Computer Speech and Language, ELSEVIER, since 2011.
- Editorial Board Member of PeerJ Computer Science, PeerJ, since 2014.
- Editorial Board Member of the Scientific World Journal (Signal Processing subject area), Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2013-2015. (IF: 1.730 (2012))
- Editorial Board Member ISRN Artificial Intelligence, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, since 2011.
- Advisory Editor of the Cognitive Processing - International Quarterly of Cognitive Science, Springer, since 2013. (IF: 1.567 (2011))
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Multimodal Sentiment Analysis and Mining in the Wild", Mohammad Soleymani, Björn Schuller, Shih-Fu Chang, Image and Vision Computing Journal, Elsevier, 2016. (IF: 1.587, 5-year IF: 2.384 (2014))
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "New Avenues in Knowledge Bases for Natural Language Processing", Erik Cambria, Björn Schuller, Yunqing Xia, Bebo White, Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier, 2016. (IF: 3.058, 5-year IF: 2.920 (2013))
- Lead Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Atypical Speech and Voices: Corpora, Classification, Coaching and Conversion", Björn Schuller, Tiago H. Falk, Vijay Parsa, Elmar Nöth, EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, SpringerOpen, 2015. (IF: 0.630 (2012))
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Best of ICMI", Albert Ali Salah, Jeff Cohn, Björn Schuller, Oya Aran, Louis-Philippe Morency, Philip R. Cohen, ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, ACM, 2015.
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Affective Neural Networks and Cognitive Learning Systems for Big Data Analysis", Erik Cambria, Amir Hussain, Björn Schuller, Newton Howard, Neural Networks, ELSEVIER, 2013. (IF: 2.182, 5-year IF: 2.477 (2012))
- Managing Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Next Generation Computational Paralinguistics", Björn Schuller, Stefan Steidl, Anton Batliner, Alessandro Vinciarelli, Felix Burkhardt, Rob van Son, Computer Speech and Language, ELSEVIER, 2013. (IF: 1.353, 5-year IF: 1.489 (2010))
- Guest Editor Special Issue on Concept-Level Opinion and Sentiment Analysis", Erik Cambria, Björn Schuller, Bing Liu, Haixun Wang, Catherine Havasi, IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine, IEEE, 2012. (IF: 2.570, 5-year IF: 2.632 (2010))
- Managing Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Broadening the View on Speaker Analysis", Björn Schuller, Stefan Steidl, Anton Batliner, Florian Schiel, Jarek Krajewski, Computer Speech and Language, ELSEVIER, 2012. (IF: 1.353, 5-year IF: 1.489 (2010))
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Affect Analysis in Continuous Input", Hatice Gunes, Björn Schuller, Image and Vision Computing (IMAVIS), ELSEVIER, 2011. (IF: 1.525, 5-year IF: 1.840 (2010))
- Managing Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Paralinguistics in Naturalistic Speech and Language", Björn Schuller, Stefan Steidl, Anton Batliner, Computer Speech and Language, ELSEVIER, 2011.
- Managing Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Sensing Emotion and Affect - Facing Realism in Speech Processing", Björn Schuller, Stefan Steidl, Anton Batliner, Speech Communication, ELSEVIER, 2011.
- Lead Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Naturalistic Affect Resources for System Building and Evaluation", Björn Schuller, Ellen-Douglas Cowie, Anton Batliner, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, IEEE, 2011. (IF: 3.466, 5-year IF: 3.871 (2013))
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Cognitive and Emotional Information Processing for Human-Machine Interaction", Stefano Squartini, Amir Hussain, Björn Schuller, Cognitive Computation, Springer, 2011. (IF: 1.000 (2011))
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Emotion and Mental State Recognition from Speech", Julien Epps, Roddy Cowie, Shrikanth Narayanan, Björn Schuller, Jianhua Tao, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, SpringerOpen, 2011. (IF: 1.012, 5-Year IF: 1.136 (2010))
Journal Steering and Editorship:
- Journal Reviewer Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL), Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (ATALA), since 2015.
- Journal Reviewer Applied Computing and Informatics, Elsevier, since 2015.
- Journal Reviewer ISA Transactions: The Journal of Automation, Elsevier, ISA, since 2015. (IF: 2.984, 5-year IF: 2.815 (2014))
- Journal Reviewer Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier, since 2015. (IF: 3.058, 5-year IF: 2.920 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer Neural Processing Letters (NEPL), Springer, since 2015. (IF: 1.448 (2014))
- Journal Reviewer ETRI Journal, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, since 2015. (IF: 0.945 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer Psychophysiology, The International Journal of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Wiley, since 2015. (IF: 3.18 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer Machine Learning, Springer, since 2015. (IF: 1.467 (2012))
- Journal Reviewer Applied Mathematical Modelling (APM), Elsevier, since 2015. (IF: 2.158, 5-year IF: 2.195 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMM), ACM, since 2015. (IF: 0.90, 5-year IF: 1.59 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, CRL Publishing, since 2015.
- Journal Reviewer The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP), since 2014. (IF: 4.225 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer Expert Systems With Applications, Elsevier, since 2014. (IF: 1.965, 5-year IF: 2.254 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, since 2014. (IF: 2.679, 5-year IF: 2.970 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer International Journal of Speech Technology, Springer, since 2014.
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE, since 2014. (IF: 3.198 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, IEEE, since 2014. (IF: 3.652 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer Behavior Research Methods, Springer, since 2014. (IF: 2.458 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer Learning and Individual Differences Journal of Psychology and Education, Elsevier, since 2014. (IF: 1.565, 5-year IF: 2.158 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Elsevier, since 2014. (IF: 1.165, 5-year IF: 1.942 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, since 2014. (IF: 1.106 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, since 2014. (IF: 1.892 (2012))
- Journal Reviewer Autism Research, INSAR, Wiley, since 2014. (IF: 3.988 (2012))
- Journal Reviewer Neural Computing and Applications (NCAA), Springer, since 2014. (IF: 1.168 (2012))
- Journal Reviewer Connection Science, Taylor and Francis, since 2014. (IF: 0.706 (2012))
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, IEEE, since 2014. (IF: 1.895 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making (IJITDM), World Scientific Publishing, since 2014. (IF: 3.139 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer Information Processing & Management, Elsevier, since 2014. (IF: 0.817, 5-year IF: 1.388 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, Springer, since 2014. (IF: 0.171 (2012))
- Journal Reviewer Journal of Zhejiang University Science C (Computers & Electronics), since 2014.
- Journal Reviewer APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing, Cambridge University Press, since 2013.
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS), IEEE, since 2013.
- Journal Reviewer Revue d'intelligence artificielle (RIA), Lavoisier, since 2013.
- Journal Reviewer Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik, deGruyter, since 2013. (IF: 1.157 (2012))
- Journal Reviewer SpringerPlus, Springer, since 2013.
- Journal Reviewer Molecular Autism (MA), BioMed Central / Springer, since 2013.
- Journal Reviewer Computational Intelligence Magazine (CIM), IEEE, since 2013. (IF:4.629 (2012))
- Journal Reviewer Computers in Biology and Medicine (CBM), Elsevier, since 2013. (IF: 1.162, 5-year IF: 1.359 (2012))
- Journal Reviewer Pattern Recognition (PR), Elsevier, since 2013. (IF: 2.632, 5-year IF: 3.219 (2012))
- Journal Reviewer Psychological Science, Association for Psychological Science (aps), SAGE, since 2013. (IF: 4.431 (2012))
- Journal Reviewer International Journal of Social Robotics (IJSR), Springer, since 2013.
- Journal Reviewer Acta Astronautica (AA), Academy of Astronautics, Elsevier, since 2013. (IF: 0.614, 5-year IF: 0.619 (2012))
- Journal Reviewer Journal of Intelligent Decision Technologies (IDT), IOS Press, since 2013.
- Journal Reviewer TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, IAES, since 2013.
- Journal Reviewer Molecular Psychiatry, Nature, since 2012. (IF: 15.470, 5-year IF: 13.253 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer Biological Psychiatry, Elsevier, since 2012. (IF: 8.283, 5-year IF: 9.247 (2011))
- Journal Reviewer PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science (PLOS), since 2012. (IF:4.092 (2011))
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine (TITB), IEEE, since 2012. (IF: 1.707, 5-year IF: 1.953 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Elsevier, since 2012. (IF: 1.435, 5-year IF: 1.633 (2011))
- Journal Reviewer Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIIM), Elsevier, since 2012. (IF: 1.568, 5-year IF: 1.891 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (CMPB), Elsevier, since 2012. (IF: 1.238, 5-year IF: 1.402 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer Psychological Methods, American Psychological Association (APA), since 2012. (IF: 3.186 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, Springer, since 2012.
- Journal Reviewer Signal, Image and Video Processing Journal, Springer, since 2012. (IF: 0.617 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer Language Resources and Evaluation (LREV), Springer, since 2012. (IF: 0.615, 5-year IF: 0.683 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT), Taylor and Francis, since 2012. (IF: 0.835, 5-year IF: 1.426 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer Journal of Applied Mathematics, Hindawi, since 2012. (IF: 0.630 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer Archives of Acoustics - A Quaterly Journal, Polish Academy of Sciences, since 2012. (IF: 0.504 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET), IGI Gloabl, since 2012.
- Journal Reviewer International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, INTECH, since 2012. (IF: 0.375 (2012))
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI), IEEE, since 2011. (IF: 5.027, 5-year IF: 7.228 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (T-CSVT), IEEE, since 2011. (IF: 1.847, 5-year IF: 2.837 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), IEEE, since 2011. (IF: 2.234, 5-year IF: 2.748 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer Sensors, MDPI, since 2011. (IF: 1.771, 5-year IF: 1.917 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer Journal of Multimedia (JMM), Academy Publisher, since 2011.
- Journal Reviewer ISRN Signal Processing, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, since 2011.
- Journal Reviewer Interacting with Computers (IWC), Elsevier, since 2011. (IF: 1.698 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEUE), Elsevier, since 2011. (IF: 0.508 5-year IF: 0.497 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer Acta Acustica united with Acustica (AAA), European Acoustics Association, S. Hirzel Verlag, since 2011. (IF: 0.552, 5-year IF: 0.744 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer ACM Transactions on Information Systems (ToIS), ACM, since 2011. (IF: 1.085, 5-year IF: 2.214 (2010))
- Journal Reviewer Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (JMUI), Springer, since 2011. (IF: 0.833 (2012))
- Journal Reviewer Cognitive Processing (COGPRO), Springer, since 2011.
- Journal Reviewer ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), ACM, since 2011.
- Journal Reviewer Künstliche Intelligenz (KUIN, German Journal on Artificial Intelligence), Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Springer, since 2011.
- Editorial Board Member International Journal of Computer Vision & Signal Processing (IJCVSP), since 2011.
- Jorunal Reviewer Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, since 2011.
- Journal Reviewer ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS), ACM, since 2010.
- Journal Reviewer Cognitive Computation (COGN), Springer, since 2010. (IF: 1.000 (2011))
- Journal Reviewer ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing (TSLP), ACM, since 2010.
- Journal Reviewer International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications (IJRFITA), Inderscience, since 2010.
- Journal Reviewer User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization Research (UMUAI), Springer, since 2010. (IF: 2.345, 5-year IF: 2.942 (2009))
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC), IEEE, since 2010. (IF: 3.466, 5-year IF: 3.871 (2013))
- Journal Reviewer Scientific Research and Essays (SRE), AcademicJournals, since 2010. (IF: 0.324, 5-year IF: 0.378 (2009))
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE, since 2009. (IF: 1.200 (2009))
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE, since 2009. (IF: 1.173, 5-year IF: 1.537 (2009))
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE, since 2009. (IF: 1.822, 5-year IF: 2.372 (2009))
- Journal Reviewer Journal of New Music Research, Taylor & Francis, since 2009. (IF: 0.521, 5-year IF: 0.760 (2009))
- Journal Reviewer Advances in Human-Computer Interaction (AHCI), Hindawi Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, since 2009.
- Journal Reviewer Computer Speech and Language (CSL), ELSEVIER, since 2008. (IF: 1.413, 5-year IF: 1.165 (2008))
- Journal Reviewer Pattern Recognition Letters (PatRec), ELSEVIER, since 2008. (IF: 1.303, 5-year IF: 1.772 (2009))
- Journal Reviewer Signal Processing (SIGPRO), ELSEVIER, since 2008. (IF: 1.135, 5-year IF: 1.283 (2009))
- Journal Reviewer Image and Vision Computing Journal (IVCJ), ELSEVIER, since 2008. (IF: 1.474, 5-year IF: 1.767 (2009))
- Journal Reviewer Neurocomputing, ELSEVIER, since 2008. (IF: 1.440, 5-year IF: 1.459 (2009))
- Journal Reviewer International Journal of Computers and Applications (IJCA), Int. Society for Computers and their Application (ISCA), ACTA Press, since 2008.
- Editorial Review Board Member International Journal of Synthetic Emotions (IJSE), IGI Global, since 2008.
- Journal Reviewer International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), World Scientific Publishing, since 2007. (IF: 0.512, 5-year IF: 0.818 (2009))
- Journal Reviewer EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing (JASMP), European Association for Signal Processing, SpringerOpen, since 2007. (IF: 0.709 (2011))
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B-Cybernetics, IEEE, since 2007. (IF: 3.007, 5-year IF: 3.513 (2009))
- Journal Reviewer Speech Communication, ELSEVIER, EURASIP, ISCA, since 2006. (IF: 1.196, 5-year IF: 1.327 (2009))
- Journal Reviewer IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (TASLP), IEEE Signal Processing Society, since 2005. (IF: 1.782, 5-year IF: 1.946 (2009))
- Journal Reviewer EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (JASP), European Association of Speech, Signal and Image Processing, SpringerOpen, since 2005. (IF: 1.012, 5-Year IF: 1.136 (2010))
Journal Reviewing:
- Book Proposal Reviewer, Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier, since 2015.
- Book Chapter Reviewer, Handbook of Affective Computing, Rafael A. Calvo, Sidney D�Mello, Jonathan Gratch, Arvid Kappas (eds.), Oxford University Press, 2013.
- Book Chapter Reviewer, Dagstuhl Follow Ups Multimodal Music Processing, Meinard Müller, Masataka Goto (eds.), 2012.
- Book Proposal Reviewer, Wiley, since 2010.
- Book Chapter Reviewer, Multimedia Information Extraction, Mark Maybury (ed.), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2010.
- Book Chapter Reviewer, The Phonetics of Laughing, Jürgen Trouvain, Nick Campbell (ed.), Trends in Linguistics, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin and New York, 2009.
Book Reviewing:
- Habilitation Thesis Rapporteur, Matthieu Geist: "Contr�le optimal et apprentissage automatique, applications aux interactions homme-machine", Universit� de Lille 1, Lille, France, 2015.
- Doctoral Thesis Examiner (Zweitgutachter), Johannes Wagner: "Social Signal Interpretation: Building Online Systems for Multi-modal Behaviour Analysis", Augsburg University, Augsburg, Germany,
- Doctoral Thesis Rapporteur, Fan Yang: "D�tection de marqueurs affectifs et attentionnels de personnes �g�es en interaction avec un robot", Universit� Paris-Saclay, Paris, France, 2015.
- Doctoral Thesis Rapporteur, Baveye Yoann: "Automatic Prediction of Emotions Induced by Movies", Ecole Centrale de Lyon/Technicolor, Lyon, France, 2015.
- Doctoral Thesis Internal Examiner, Michael (Mihalis) A. Nicolaou: "Machine Learning for Automatic Analysis of Affective Behaviour", Imperial College London, London, UK, 2014.
- Opponent PhD dissertation, Pasi Saari: "Content and Context-based Approaches to Prediction of Mood in Music", University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, 2014.
- Doctoral Thesis Pre-Reviewer, Jouni Pohjalainen: "Robust Feature Extraction of Speech", Aalto University, Aalto, Finland, 2014.
- Doctoral Thesis Internal Examiner, Jie Shen: "Synchronisation and integration of modules for audiovisual behaviour understanding", Imperial College London, London, UK, 2014.
- Doctoral Thesis Transfer Examinator, Christos Georgakis: "Visual detection of native/non-native speakers", Imperial College London, London, UK, 2014.
- Doctoral Thesis Rapporteur, Cl�ment Chastagnol: "Reconnaissance automatique des dimensions affectives dans l�interaction orale homme-machine pour des personnes d�pendantes", Universit� Paris 11, Paris, France, 2013.
- Doctoral Thesis Examinateur, Gelareh Mohamed: "Automatic Personality Perception: Inferring Personality Traits from Nonverbal Vocal Behavior", EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2013.
- Doctoral Thesis Examiner (Zweitgutachter), Christian Plahl: "Neural Network based Feature Extraction for Speech and Image Recognition", RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany, 2013.
- PhD Thesis Examiner Seliz Gülsen Karadogan: "Towards Cognizant Hearing Aids: Modeling of Content, Affect and Attention", Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, 2012.
- PhD Thesis Rapporteur Christophe Vaudable: "Analyse et reconnaissance des �motions lors de conversations de centres d�appels", Universit� Paris 11, Paris, France, 2012.
- PhD Thesis Examinator Tet Fei Yap: "Speech production under cognitive load: Effects and classification", University of New South Wales, Australia, 2011.
- PhD Thesis Examinateur Thibaud Senechal: "Ce que le visage r�v�le : Analyse des mouvements faciaux pour l�interpr�tation �motionnelle", Universit� Pierre et Marie Curie � Paris 6, Paris, France, 2011.
- PhD Thesis Examinateur Fabien Ringeval: "Ancrages et mod�les dynamiques de la prosodie : application � la reconnaissance des �motions act�es et spontan�es", Universit� Pierre et Marie Curie � Paris 6, Paris, France, 2011.
- PhD Thesis Examinator Gordon James McIntyre: "The Computer Analysis of Facial Expressions: On the Example of Depression and Anxiety", Faculty of Information Sciences & Engineering, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia, 2010.
- PhD Thesis Examinator Julia Sidorova: "Optimization Techniques for Speech Emotion Recognition", Department of Translation and Language Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2009.
PhD Thesis Reviewing:
- Reviewer 41st International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE, Shanghai, P.R. China, 20.�25.03.2016.
- Reviewer 4th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF 2016), IEEE, Limassol, Cyprus, 03.-04.03.2016.
- Reviewer International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2016), IEEE, Seattle, WA, 11.-15.07.2016.
- Reviewer International Conference on Machine Learning and Signal Processing (MALSIP 2015), Springer, Melaka, Malaysia, 15.-17.12.2015.
- Reviewer 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2016), Vancouver, Canada, IEEE, 25.-29.07.2016.
- Reviewer Affective Social Multimedia Computing 2015 (ASMMC), workshop at ACII 2015, IEEE, XiAn, P.R. China, 21.-24.09.2015.
- Reviewer 60th AES International Conference, AES, Leuven, Belgium, 03.-05.02.2016.
- Reviewer 17th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2015), ACM, Seattle, WA, 09.-13.11.2015.
- Reviewer 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2015), ISMIR, Malaga, Spain, 26.-30.10.2015.
- Reviewer of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2015), ACM, Osaka, Japan, 07.-11.09.2015.
- Reviewer of the 18th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2015), Springer LNCS/LNAI, Plzen, Czech Republic, 14.-17.09.2015.
- Reviewer Southern Management Association Meeting (SMA 2015), SMA, St. Pete Beach, FL, 27.-31.10.2015.
- Reviewer of the 24th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2015), IEEE, Kobe, Japan, 31.08.-03.09.2015.
- Reviewer 4th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV 2015), IEEE, Kitakyushu, Japan, 15.-17.06.2015.
- Reviewer International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2015), INNS/IEEE, Killarney, Ireland, 12.-17.07.2015.
- Reviewer 40th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2015, IEEE, Sydney, Australia, 19.�24.04.2015.
- Reviewer 11th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2015 (FG 2015), IEEE, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 04.-08.05.2015.
- Reviewer 11th ITG Conference on Speech Communication, ITG, IEEE, Erlangen, Germany, 24.-26.09.2014.
- Reviewer 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014), ISMIR, Taipei, Taiwan, 27.-31.10.2014.
- Reviewer of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2014), IEEE, Edinburgh, UK, 25.-29.08.2014.
- Referee 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE, Edinburgh, UK, 25.-29.08.2014.
- Reviewer Southern Management Association Meeting (SMA 2014), SMA, Savannah, GA, 11.-15.11.2014.
- Referee 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2014) (Track 4: Document Analysis, Biometrics and Pattern Recognition Applications), IAPR, Stockholm, Sweden, 24.-28.08.2014.
- Reviewer 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2014), IEEE, Hong Kong, China, 31.05.-05.06.2014.
- Reviewer 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2014), Gothenburg, Sweden, 26.�30.04.2014.
- Reviewer ICME 2014 Workshop on Multimedia Affective Computing (MAC 2014), held in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2014), IEEE, Chengdu, China, 14.-18.07.2014.
- Reviewer "Science Behind the AVATAR" Workshop, Homeland Security, Tucson, AZ, 5.-7.11.2013.
- Reviewer Doctoral Consortium 5th International HUMAINE Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2013 (ACII 2013), IEEE/HUMAINE Association, Geneva, Switzerland, 02.-05.09.2013.
- Reviewer IEEE Fifth Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference 2013 (CEEC 2013), IEEE, Essex, U.K., 17.-18.09.2013.
- Reviewer 2013 IEEE Conference on Clean Energy and Technology (CEAT 2013), IEEE, Langkawi, Malaysia, 18.-20.11.2013.
- Reviewer 16th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2013), ISCA, Plzen, Czech Republic, 01.-05.09.2013.
- Reviewer IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2013), IEEE, Tokyo, Japan, 03.-07.11.2013.
- Reviewer 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2013), ISMIR, Curitiba, Brasil, 04.-08.11.2013.
- Reviewer of the 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2013), IEEE, Gyeongju, Korea, 26.-29.08.2013.
- Reviewer 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2013), ACM SIGCHI, Munich, Germany, 27.-30.08.2013.
- Reviewer ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013), ACM, Paris, France, 27.04.-02.05.2013.
- Reviewer 9th International Workshop on Systems, Signal Processing and their Applications (WOSSPA 2013),IEEE/EURASIP, Mazafran, Algeria, 12.-15.05.2013.
- Reviewer 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction (ICHI 2012), IEEE, Kharagpur, India, 27.-29.12.2012.
- Reviewer 11th Biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society (KogWis 2012), Bamberg, Germany, 30.09.-03.10.2012.
- Reviewer 10th ITG Conference on Speech Communication, ITG, IEEE, Braunschweig, Germany, 26.-28.09.2012.
- Reviewer ACM 14th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI 2012), ACM, Santa Monica, CA, 22.-26.10.2012.
- Reviewer 20th European Signal Processing Conference 2012 (EUSIPCO 2012), EURASIP, Bucharest, Romania, 27.08.-31.08.2012.
- Reviewer IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems (IROS 2012), IEEE, Vilamoura, Portugal, 07.-12.10.2012.
- Reviewer 11th International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA), IEEE, Montral, QC, 03.-05.07.2012.
- Reviewer 2012 International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2012), IEEE, Springer LNCS, Huangshan, China, 25.-29.07.2012.
- Reviewer INTERSPEECH 2012, Portland, OR, USA, 09.-13.09.2012.
- Reviewer Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2012), ACL, Jeju, South Korea, 12.-14.07.2012.
- Reviewer 2012 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2012), ACM, SIGCHI, Lisbon, Portugal, 14.-17.02.2012.
- Reviewer 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2012), IEEE, RiverCentre, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA, 14.-18.05.2012.
- Reviewer 37th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE Signal Processing Society, Kyoto, Japan, 25.-30.03.2012.
- Reviewer 4th COST 2102 International Training School on Cognitive Behavioural Systems, Jointly organized with EUCogII and SSPNet, Dresden, Germany, 21.-26.02.2011.
- Reviewer 2011 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU 2011), IEEE, Big Island, Hawaii, 11.-15.12.2011.
- Reviewer 13th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2011), ACM, Alicante, Spain, 14.-18.11.2011.
- Reviewer 2nd International Conference on Computer & Communication Technology (ICCCT 2011), IEEE, Allahabad, India, 15.-17.09.2011.
- Reviewer 14th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2011), ISCA, Plzen, Czech Republic, 01.-05.09.2011.
- Reviewer IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems (IROS 2011), IEEE, San Francisco, CA, USA, 25.-30.09.2011.
- Reviewer IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetcis (SMC 2011), Special Session "Social Signal Processing", IEEE, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 09.-12.10.2011.
- Reviewer 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) 2011, ISMIR, Miami, FL, USA, 24.-28.10.2011.
- Reviewer The PINK COST 2102 International Conference on Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication and Enactment: The Processing Issues, Jointly organized with the Social Signal Processing Network (NoE), Budapest, Hungary, 07.-10.09.2010.
- Reviewer 17th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2011), IEEE, EURASIP, Corfu, Greece, 06.-08.07.2011.
- Reviewer 33rd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI 2011), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 27.-30.06.2011.
- Reviewer AES 42nd Conference on Semantic Audio, Audio Engineering Society (AES), Ilmenau, Germany, 22.-24.07.2011.
- Reviewer 19th European Signal Processing Conference 2011 (EUSIPCO 2011), EURASIP, Barcelona, Spain, 29.08.-02.09.2011.
- Reviewer INTERSPEECH 2011, ISCA, Florence, Italy, 28.-31.08.2011.
- Reviewer IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2011, IEEE, Prague, Czech Republic, 22.-27.05.2011.
- Reviewer 12th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and 7th Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction (ICMI-MLMI 2010), ACM, Beijing, China, 08.-12.11.2010.
- Reviewer 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) 2010, ISMIR, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 09.-13.08.2010.
- Reviewer INTERSPEECH 2010, ISCA, Makuhari, Japan, 26.-30.09.2010.
- Reviewer IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2010), IEEE, Dallas, TX, 14.-19.03.2010.
- Reviewer ICMI-MLMI 2009, The 11th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and The Sixth Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, ACM SIGCHI, Cambridge, MA, 02-06.11.2009.
- Reviewer INTERSPEECH 2009, ISCA, Brighton, UK, 06.-10.09.2009.
- Reviewer ICME 2009, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, IEEE, New York, NY, 28.06. - 03.07.2009.
- Reviewer IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2009), IEEE, Taipei, Taiwan, 19.-24.04.2009.
- Reviewer ICMI 2008, The 10th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, Special Session Social Signal Processing, ACM, IEEE, Chania, Greece, 20-22.10.2008.
- Reviewer ICMI 2008, The 10th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ACM, IEEE, Chania, Greece, 20-22.10.2008.
- Reviewer INTERSPEECH 2008, ISCA, Brisbane, Australia, 22.-26.09.2008.
- Reviewer ICMI 2007, The 9th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ACM, SIGCHI, Nagoya, Japan, 12.-15.11.2007.
- Reviewer ICPR 2006, The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, IAPR, Hong Kong, China, 20.-24.08.2006.
Conference Reviewing:
Memberships and Listings
- Vice-Chair of the Computational Audio Processing Task Force of the Intelligent Systems Applications Technical Committee (IEEE ISATC), IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, since 11/2015.
- Trustee of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC, registered Charity in the UK), since 02/2015.
- Member of the IEEE Task Force on Player Modeling, IEEE, since 02/2015.
- Elected Chair Linked Data Models for Emotion and Sentiment Analysis Community Group, W3C, since 2014.
- Member NISR-Topic Group: Natural Interaction with Social Robots, since 2014.
- Honorary Fellow and member of the TUM Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), since 2013.
- Secretary (President-Emeritus) of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC, former HUMAINE Association), 09/2015 - 09/2017.
- Elected President of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC, former HUMAINE Association), 09/2013 - 09/2015.
- Elected as President-elect of the HUMAINE Association, 03/2012-09/2013.
- Elected Member of the IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee (SLTC), Area Speech Analysis, 2013 - 2015, re-elected for 2016 - 2018.
- Re-elected as six-year member of the HUMAINE Association Executive Committee, 09/2009-09/2015.
- Elected as two-year member of the HUMAINE Association Executive Committee, 09/2007-09/2009.
- Chairing "Special Interest Group Emotion Recognition from Speech (SPEECH-SIG)", HUMAINE Association, http://emotion-research.net/sigs/speech-sig/, since 2009.
- Member of DHV (Deutscher Hochschulverband), since 2014.
- Member of the Advisory Board (Beirat) of the Zentrum für interdisziplin�re Sprachforschung (Centre for Interdisciplinary Speech Research), Bergische Univeristät Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany.
- Member as Invited Expert of the W3C Emotion Markup Language Incubator Group, W3C, 17.12.2007 - 20.11.2008.
- Member as Invited Expert of the W3C Emotion Incubator Group, W3C, since 06.12.2006 - 10.07.2007.
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Member 2011-2014.
- IEEE Signal Processing Society, Member since 2010.
- IEEE Computer Society, Member since 2009.
- IEEE Communications Society, Member in 2009, 2011, 2014.
- ACM Association for Computing Machinery, Member since 2007.
- HUMAINE Association, Member since 2007.
- IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Member since 2005, Senior Member since 2015.
- ISCA International Speech Communication Association, Member since 2005.
- IIIS International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, Member since 2006.
- DEGA Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (German Acoustical Society), Member since 2006.
- Bund der Freunde der Technischen Universität München e.V., Member since 2013.
- SSC Siemens Student Club, Member since 1996.
- Listing in Kürschners Deutscher Gelehrten-Kalender, De Gruyter, since 2015.
- Listing in Marquis Who is Who in the World 2007 (25th edition), 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013 (30th edition), 2014, 2015, 2016.
- Listing in Marquis Who is Who in Science and Engineering, 2006 (9th edition), 2007 (10th edition).
Visitors and Supervised Theses
If interested, please contact me.- Prof. Haifeng Li (Visiting Professor at TUM, 01-02/2012, 10-12/2013, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin/China)
- Ass. Prof. Stefano Squartini (Visiting ERASMUS lecturer at TUM, 09/2012, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy)
- Dr. Jouni Pohjalainen (Visiting Postdoctoral Reseacher at University of Passau, 10/2015-12/2015, Aalto University, Aalto, Finland): robust short-term features and long-term modeling methods
- Dr. Hua (Maggie) Zong (Visiting CSC lecturer at TUM, 02/2014-02/2015, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin/China): Radar Signal Analysis
- Dr. Shaowei Fan (Visiting CSC lecturer at TUM, 02/2014-02/2015, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin/China): Hand Control for Robotics
- Dr. Anton Batliner (04-09/2012, Visiting Senior Scientist at TUM, Friedrich-Alexander Universit�t, Erlangen/Germany): Autism Spectrum Condition and Children's Speech
- Dr. Silvia Monica Feraru (Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher at TUM, 12/2011-02/2012, Technical University Iasi, Iasi/Romania): Analysis, Identification and Classification of Emotional Expressiveness for the Romanian Language
- Mr. Ramon Reyes (Visiting Doctoral Student at TUM, 10-12/2014, Instituto Tecnol�gico de Orizaba, Mexico): Developping an augmented reality mannequin for simulating an hemorrhage
- Mrs. M� Inmaculada Moh�no Herranz (Visiting Doctoral Student at TUM, 08-10/2014, University of Alcal�, Madrid/Spain): Emotion recognition through analysis of biological signals, including EKG, EEG, thoracic impedance, galvanic skin response, temperature and speech
- Mr. Xinzhou Xu (Visiting Doctoral Student at TUM, 10/2014-10/2016, Southeastern University/P.R. China): Speech Emotion Recognition using Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Methods
- Ms. Paula L�pez Otero (Visiting Doctoral Researcher at TUM, 01-04/2014, Universida de Vigo/Spain): Emotion Recognition in Speech
- Mr. Wei Zhang (Visiting Doctoral Researcher at TUM, 10-12/2013, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin/China): Audio/visual Violence Detection in Movies
- Mr. Rui Xia (Visiting Doctoral Researcher at TUM, 09-10/2013, University of Texas at Dallas/USA): Recent Topics in Speech Emotion Recognition
- Mr. Heysem Kaya (Visiting Doctoral Researcher at TUM, 08-10/2013, Bogazi�i University/Turkey): Adaptive Mixture Models for Speech Emotion Recognition
- Mr. Antti Hurmalainen (Visiting Doctoral Researcher at TUM, 12/2012, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere/Finland): Audio Source Separation
- Mrs. Aldona Rosner (Visiting Doctoral Student at TUM, since 11/2012, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice/Poland): Advanced Music Genre Recognition
- Ms. Wenjing Han (Visting Doctoral Student at TUM, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin/China, 08/2011-09/2012): Highly Robust Interest and Emotion Recognition from Speech
- Masao Yamagishi, MsE (Visiting Doctoral Researcher at TUM, 09-12/2011, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo /Japan): Convex Optimization for Speaker Classification
Visiting Researchers
- Dr. Fabien Ringeval (Postdoctoral Researcher, TUM, 07/2011 and from 01/2014, University of Passau, from 04/2015): Autism and its Impact on Children's Speech
- Dr. Cyril Joder (Postdoctoral Researcher, TUM, 10/2011 - 12/2012): Source Separation for Speech and Music
- Dr. Eduardo Coutinho (Postdoctoral Researcher, TUM, from 11/2013, Imperial College London, from 01/2015): Affect-related Audio Analysis
- Dr. Hesam Sagha (Postoctoral Researcher, TUM, from 05/2014): In-car music recommendation system based on driver's emotion
- Dr. Bin Dong (Postdoctoral Researcher, TUM, from 05/2014): Blind audio source separation
- Dr. Amr Ibrahim El-Desoky Mousa (Postdoctoral Researcher, TUM, from 08/2014): Advanced Language Modelling
- Dr.-Ing. Zixing Zhang, MSc (Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Passau, from 05/2015): Efficient Deep Learning
Supervised (Post-)Doctoral Researchers:
- Dr.-Ing. Martin Wöllmer (Doctoral Thesis, TUM, 01/2008 - 08/2012, finished 02/2013 with highest honour): Context-Sensitive Machine Learning for Intelligent Human Behavior Analysis, now with BMW Group
- Dr.-Ing. Florian Eyben (Doctoral Thesis, 01/2008 - 02/2015, finished 01/2015 with highest honour): Real-time Speech and Music Classification by Large Audio Feature Space Extraction
- Dr. rer. nat. Felix Weninger (Doctoral Thesis, TUM, 01/2010 - 05/2015, finished 05/2015): Intelligent Single-Channel Methods for Multi-Source Audio Analysis
- Dr.-Ing. Zixing Zhang, MSc (Doctoral Thesis, TUM, 08/2010 - 04/2015, finished 04/2015): Semi-Autonomous Data Enrichment and Optimisation for Intelligent Speech Analysis
- Dipl.-Ing. Raymond Brückner (external Doctoral Thesis with SVOX/Nuance, TUM, since 06/2011): Automatic Speech Recognition with Deep Hierarchical Networks
- Mr. Jun Deng, MSc (Doctoral Thesis, TUM, since 08/2011): Semi-Supervised Learning in the Analysis of Continuous Speaker Emotion and Personality
- Mr. Erik Marchi, MSc (Doctoral Thesis, TUM, since 12/2011): Speech Analysis and Feedback for Voice Coaching
- Mr. Christian Kirst (Doctoral Thesis, TUM, since 01/2013): Advanced Music Transcription
- Dipl.-Ing. Florian Pokorny (external Doctoral Thesis with Medical University of Graz, TUM, since 11/2013): The Voice of Genetic Disorders � An Acoustic Analysis of Early Vocalizations in Rett and Fragile X Syndrome
- Ms. Yue Zhang, MSc (Doctoral Thesis, TUM, since 01/2014): Novel Machine Learning Approaches for Holistic Computational Paralinguistics
- Ms. Simone Hantke, MSc (Doctoral Thesis, TUM, since 03/2014): Perception-motivated Acoustic Models in Computational Paralinguistics
- Mr. Shahin Amiriparian, MSc (Doctoral Thesis, TUM, since 03/2014, University of Passau, since 10/2014): Modeling and detection of user corrections in spoken dialogs
- Mr. George Trigeorgis (Doctoral Thesis, Imperial College London, since 09/2013): Deep Learning for Audiovisual Analysis
- Mr. Kun Qian (Doctoral Thesis, TUM, since 10/2014): Automatic General Audio Signal Classification
- Ms. Jing Han (Doctoral Thesis, University of Passau, since 02/2015): Deep Holistic Speech Analysis
- Mr. Vedhas Pandit (Doctoral Thesis, University of Passau, since 01/2015): Machine Learning Methods for Classification of Complex Audio Signals
- Mr. Maximilian Schmitt (Doctoral Thesis, University of Passau, since 01/2015): Noise-Robustness in Audio Signal Analysis
- Ms. Maryna Gavryukova (Doctoral Thesis, University of Passau, since 03/2015): Deep Linguistic Sentiment Analysis
Supervised PhD Theses:
- Gunter Spahn (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2000): Natürlichsprachliche Navigation in virtuellen Welten
- Stephan Reiter (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 06/2002): Automatische Emotionserkennung aus der sprachlichen und berührsensitiven Interaktion
- Ting-Yap Tong (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 02/2003): Music Retrieval by probabilistic contextual integration of hummed, written, and spoken query
- Florian Hörger (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2003): Evaluierung von Merkmalen und Klassifikationsansätzen in der akustischen Emotionserkennung
- Juan Wang (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2003): Usability based design of a multimodal Music Information Retrieval interface
- Ronald Müller (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2003): Einsatz Bayes'scher Netze zur Interpretation von Benutzeraktionen
- Martin Hadersdorfer (external Diplomarbeit with BMW AG, TUM, 04/2004): Entwicklung eines Benutzermodells zur adaptiven Parametrisierung von ACC
- Yuping Shi (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2004): Automatische Melodieerkennung in polyphonen Audiodateien
- Raquel Jiménez Villar (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2004): Speech Emotion Recognition Combining Acoustic Features and Language Information
- Thomas Mikschl (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2006): Funktionalbasierte Zeitreihenanalyse in der audiovisuellen Mustererkennung
- Ricardo Minguez (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2007): Feature Space Optimization for Paralinguistic Speech Analysis Tasks
- Naijiang Lu (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2007): Speaker and Noise Adaptation in Acoustic Emotion Recognition (Sprecher- und Störgeräuschadaption in akustischer Emotionserkennung)
- Florian Dibiasi (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2007): Audiothumbnailing unter Verwendung von Harmonie- und Rhythmusinformation (Audiothumbnailing incorporating Harmony- and Rhythmstructure)
- Hermann Anton Karl (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 11/2007): Anwendung von Sprachmodellen in der musikalischen Progressionserkennung (Language Modeling in the Recognition of Musical Chord Progressions)
- Jin Yao (Master Thesis, TUM, 02/2008): Speech-based Emotion Recognition in Medical Operations (Sprachbasierte Emotionserkennung in Medizinischen Operationen)
- Martin Wöllmer (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 02/2008): Speech Enhancement and Switching Models for Noise Robust Speech Recognition (Speech Enhancement und Switching Models zur störrobusten Spracherkennung)
- Florian Eyben (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 02/2008): Detection of Non-Verbals and Disfluencies in Conversational Speech (Erkennung von Nonverbalen Ereignissen und Hesitationen in natürlichsprachlichen Dialogen)
- Yuan Ma (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 03/2008): Robust Emotion Recognition from Reverberated Speech
- Josef Zwack (Master Thesis, TUM, 04/2008): Semantic and Contextual Analysis for the Recognition of Affect in Spontaneous Speech (Semantische und kontextuelle Analyse für die Erkennung von Affekt in Spontansprache)
- Sebastian Kopp (Master Thesis, TUM, 04/2008): Ground Truth Modeling in Automatic Interest Recognition from Speech
- Xiaodi Wang (Master Thesis, TUM, 04/2008): Boosted Performance in Acoustic Paralinguistics Recognition by Word Models and Locally Optimized Feature Spaces
- Cong Hui (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 05/2008): Multi-Instance Learning for Acoustic Frame-Level Modelling of Interest
- Peter Grosche (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 05/2008): Polyphonic Automatic Music Transcription based on Real Audio (Polyphone Automatische Transkription Originaler Musikaufnahmen)
- Christoph Scheuermann (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2008): Noise-Robust Automatic Speech Recognition in Medical Operating Room Environments (Störrobuste Spracherkennung im Operationssaal)
- Tobias Knaup (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 02/2009): Comparing Linguistic Analysis based on Online Knowledge Sources and Bags-of-N-Grams for Movie Review Valence Estimation
- Fabian Heinemann (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 04/2009): Automatic Chord Labelling in Original Recordings with Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks
- Yang Sun (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2009): A Tandem BLSTM-DBN Architecture for Robust In-Car Spelling Recognition
- Haroon Jacob (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2009): Linguistic Sentence Modality Recognition in Conversational Speech
- Yunpeng Sun (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2009): Sentence Modality Recognition in Conversational Speech by Combined Acoustic and Linguistic Property Analysis (Erkennung des Satzyps in Gesprächen an Hand akustischer und linguistischer Merkmale)
- Felix Weninger (external Diplomarbeit with Informatik 12 TUM 11/2009): Applications of Non-Negative Matrix Factorization in Speech Processing
- Benedikt Gollan (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2009): An Audible Demonstrator for Music Information Retrieval Experiencing
- Xiaohua Zhang (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 10/2010): Alternative Features for Acoustic Modeling
- Christian Landsiedel (external Master Thesis with KTH Stockholm, Sweden 10/2010): Syllabification of Conversational Speech
- Erik Marchi (external Master Thesis with Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, 01/2011): Noise Robust Acoustic Modeling for Conversational Agents
- Duc Bui Tran (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2012): Robustness of Interest and Intoxication Recognition in Prototype Systems
- Johannes Bergmann (Master Thesis, TUM, 05/2013): Implementation of Recurrent Neural Networks on Multi-Core Architectures
- Giacomo Ferroni (Master Thesis with Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy 09/2013): Advanced Music Signal Processing for Onset Detection
- Markus Maier (Diplomarbeit with the German Heart Center / Deutsches Herzzentrum, TUM, 08/2013): Kinect integration into a biofeedback system for children under rehabilitation.
- Bernd Huber (Master Thesis, TUM): Mobile Audio Sensing
- Johanna Böhm (Master Thesis, University of Passau): Automatic Recognition of Perceived Singing Quality
- Marius Telespan (Undergraduate Individual Project, Imperial College London, 06/2014): Audio Watermarking based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and Beat Detection
- Jonathan Roitgrund (Undergraduate Individual Project, Imperial College London, 06/2014): A combined ASR and VAD approach to long audio alignment in movies
- Vincent Thiberville (MSc Individual Project, Imperial College London, 09/2014): Musical Key Detection
- Douglas Gray (MSc Individual Project, Imperial College London, 09/2014): Transcription and instrument recognition of multi-instrumental music using NMF
- Fabio Versperini(Master Thesis with Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy): In-home Acoustic Event Detection by using LSTM and/or DNN
- Florian Gro� (Master Thesis, TUM, 07/2014): Driver Intention Prediction from Fleet Data
- Ben Thompson (2nd Marker, Undergraduate Individual Project, Imperial College London, 06/2014): Secure Online Coding Platform
- Nikhil George Jacob (external Master Thesis with Fraunhofer IIS Erlangen/Germany): Optimization of Speech Coding Algorithms at Low Bit Rates
- Vasileios Vryniotis (MSc Individual Project, Imperial College London, 09/2014): Sentiment Analysis and the importance of Neutral Class
- Cl�ment Jambou (2nd Marker, MSc Individual Project, Imperial College London, 09/2014): Generating Music with Recurrent Neural Networks and other deep learning techniques
- Georgios Papamakarios (2nd Marker, MSc Individual Project, Imperial College London, 09/2014): Robust Low-Rank Modelling on Matrices and Tensors
- Senden Wenyang Cai (2nd Marker, MSc Individual Project, Imperial College London, 09/2014): Detect eating and talking from webcam videos
- Zhuolin Liu (2nd Marker, MSc Individual Project, Imperial College London, 09/2014): Face Liveness Recognition
- Prerna Arora (Master Thesis with University of Paderborn, TUM, 02/2015): Multi-cultural Analysis of the Effect of Autism Spectrum Condition on Emotional Speech
- Jiayun Ding (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2015): A mobile app for detecting symptoms of depression from facial expressions and voice
- Sixuan Yang (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2015): Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Analysis
- Rob Brekelmans (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 05/2015): Classifying Emotion from Brain Activity using Machine Learning Methods
- Kaveh Fouladgar (2nd Marker, Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 05/2015): Study of rank minimization techniques in machine learning
- Vincent Zhang (2nd Marker, Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 05/2015): Deep Learning for Facial Expression Analysis
- Lingyu Lu (2nd Marker, Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 05/2015): Application on unstructured big data platform
- Ian Billett (2nd Marker, Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 05/2015): Exploring the Networks of Academic Literature
- Andrea Michi (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 11/2015): Deep Learning Accents of L2 English Speakers for Corrective Feedback Presentation
- Christian Nkinsi (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 11/2015): Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Analysis
- Max Rasmusen (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 11/2015): Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Analysis
- Sinduran Sivarajan (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 11/2015): Automatic animal sound classification and retrieval
Supervised Master Theses:
- Ronald Müller (Bachelorarbeit, TUM, 10/2002): Erkennung des psychologischen Sprecherzustands aus prosodischen Merkmalen
- Martin Wieser (Bachelorarbeit, TUM, 09/2003): Emotionserkennung in der haptischen Interaktion mittels Support Vector Machines
- Marc Kirsch (Bachelorarbeit, TUM, 10/2003): Usability-Untersuchungen zur natürlichsprachlichen Bedienung von Infotainmentfunktionen im Fahrzeug
- Elmar Sommer (Bachelorarbeit, TUM, 11/2003): Verfahren und Merkmale zur inhaltsbasierten Musiksuche
- Moritz Dausinger (Bachelorarbeit, TUM, 11/2006): Automatische Erkennung musikalischer Progressionen in polyphonem Audiomaterial (Automatic Chord Labeling in Original Audio Recordings)
- Florian Eyben (Studienarbeit, TUM, 12/2006): High Level Rhythmic Audio Features For Robust Music Information Retrieval
- Qianqian Xu (Bachelorarbeit, TUM, 07/2007): Audio-based Progression Recognition Incorporating Rhythm Analysis
- Benedikt Gollan (Bachelorarbeit, TUM, 10/2007): Musical Features for Recognition of Key in Real Audio (Musikalische Merkmale zur datengetriebenen Tonarterkennung in Originalaufnahmen)
- Xiaohua Zhang (Studienarbeit, TUM, 01/2008): Prosodic and Spectral Features in Segment-based Acoustic Modeling (Prosodische und spektrale Merkmale zur segmentbasierten Akustischen Modellierung)
- Ugur Özcan (Studienarbeit, TUM, 01/2008): Stressdetektion im Fahrzeug anhand akustischer Parameter (Detection of Driver's Stress based on Acoustic Parameters)
- Kayssar Chaabane (Studienarbeit, TUM, 06/2008): A Comparison of Spectral and Prosodic Features in Segment-based Phoneme Recognition (Vergleich cepstraler und prosodischer Merkmale in der segment-basierten Phonemerkennung)
- Chi He (Studienarbeit, TUM, 06/2008): Datenbankübergreifende Erkennung von Emotion aus akustischen Parametern (Cross-Database Acoustic Emotion Recognition)
- Haitao Liu (Studienarbeit, TUM, 06/2008): Boosting Frame-Level Accuracy for Phoneme Recognition
- Jian Li (Studienarbeit, TUM, 10/2008): Einfluss des Sprechstils auf die Automatische Spracherkennung (On the Impact of Speaking Style on Automatic Speech Recognition )
- Clemens Hage (Bachelorarbeit, TUM, 10/2008): Automatic Musical Mood Recognition from Original Recordings by Musical Features (Automatische Erkennung Musikalischer Stimmung in Originalaufnahmen mittels musikalischer Merkmale)
- Johannes Dorfner (Bachelorarbeit, TUM, 10/2008): Automatic Music Mood Classification from Lyrics and Musical Features in large Archives (Automatische Klassifikation Musikalischer Stimmung mittels Textanalyse und musikalischer Merkmale in großen Archiven)
- Jürgen Glatz (Bachelorarbeit, TUM, 02/2009): Emotional Factors in Speech-based Surgeon-Robot Interaction
- Christoph Kozielski (Bachelorarbeit, TUM, 08/2009): Artist Gender Recognition in Popular Music by Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
- Judith Köppe (external Bachelorarbeit with Hochschule Lübeck 09/2009): Speech-based Emotion Recognition in Real-Life Conditions
- Felix Friedmann (Bachelorarbeit, TUM, 06/2011): Recognition of Physiological Parameters in the Human Voice
- Sebastian Stanislaw Wozny (Bachelorarbeit, TUM, 07/2013): Voice separation in Hip-Hop music
- Elzbieta Siwy (Individual Project BEng JMC, Imperial College London, 12/2014): Multitask-Learning with Partially Unknown Labels for Rich Speaker Characterisation
Supervised Bachelor Theses:
- Stefan Kugele, Andreas Scholz, Stephan Thoma (Interdisziplinäres Projekt, TUM, 06/2004): Integrative Dialogführung in einer hybriden Systemarchitektur
- Damir Ismailovic, Kevin Tunstall, Maximilian Wöhrl (Interdisziplinäres Projekt, TUM, 06/2006): Integration eines multimodalen biometrischen Erekennungssystems in eine bestehende Zugangskontrolle
- Christian Kern, Lorenz Mösenlechner (Interdisziplinäres Projekt, TUM, 09/2007): Audiovisuelle Emotionserkennung
- Tayfur Coskun (Interdisziplinäres Projekt, TUM, 02/2008): Linguistische Merkmale in der Emotionserkennung
- Alexander Lehmann, Felix Weninger (Interdisziplinäres Projekt, TUM, 11/2008): Instrument Separation by NMF and ICAFup
- Marcel Knapp (Interdisziplinäres Projekt, TUM): Automatic Chord Labeling in Original Audio Recordings
- Irman Abdic (Interdisziplinäres Projekt, TUM): Automatische Erkennung von Vogelgesang - Neue Methoden und akustische Merkmale
- Clotilde Guinard (Interdisziplinäres Projekt, TUM): Real-time Speech Analysis and Recognition for Computational Paralinguistics
- Lucas Azaiis, Adrien Payan, Tianjiao Sun, Guillaume Vidal, Tina Zhang (MSc Group Project, Imperial College London, 2015): The Speech Assessor
- Graham Walker, Braxton Collier, Andrew Machen, Sam Windels and Marco Wisse (MSc Group Project, Imperial College London, 2015): Matrix Factorisation Enhanced Feature Extraction for Real-World Computer Audition
- Tom Bartissol, Sacha Cohen-Scali, Hyun Lee, Nathan Patel, Dane Sherburn, Roxana Ursu (MSc Group Project, Imperial College London, 2015): Automatic detection of social anxiety symptoms from speech and facial expressions
- Mate Hegedus, Jiaqi Chen, Miklos Kepes, Long Le Bao, Daniel Lucsanszky, Charles Roelli (MSc Group Project, Imperial College London, 2015): CURRENNT: an open-source Machine Learning library for Deep Learning
- Samuel Coope, Michael Cypher, Timotej Kapus, Miguel Marques, Cale Tilford, Mark Valdez (MSc Group Project, Imperial College London, 2015): Automatic estimation of heart rate from video and audio signals
- Utsav Tiwary, Vishaal Anandaraman, Omotola Babasola, Jiacheng Chen, Ricardo Hamilton-Davis, Aneeque Safdar, Sinduran Sivarajan (MSc Group Project, Imperial College London, 2015): Mobile adaptive estimation of heart rate from audio signals
Supervised Group Projects:
- Dipl.-Inf. Thomas Hook (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, TUM, 2008): Internet im Fahrzeug per Sprach- und Touchsteuerung
- Dipl.-Ing. Claudia Tiddia (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, TUM, 2010): Nicht-negative Matrixfaktorisierung zur störrobusten Spracherkennung
- Fabian Bross (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, TUM, 2010): Nicht-negative Matrixfaktorisierung zur störrobusten Spracherkennung
- Erik Marchi (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, TUM, 2010): Nicht-negative Matrixfaktorisierung zur störrobusten Spracherkennung
- Jordi Feliu (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, TUM, 2011): Nicht-negative Matrixfaktorisierung zur störrobusten Spracherkennung
- Dipl.-Ing. Simone Hantke (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, TUM, 2011): Kontextsensitive automatische Erkennung spontaner Sprache mit BLSTM-Netzwerken
- Thomas Knauer (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, TUM, 2011): Spracherkennung in Hip Hop Musik mittels NMF-basierter Quellentrennung
- Vikram Ravindra (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, TUM, 2011-2013): An Android client for openSMILE
- Otto-Thadäus Jandl (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, TUM, 2011-2012): Hörversuche und Experimente zur Spracherkennung
- Youssef Adel (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, TUM, 2011-2012): Efficient Literature Search
- Ms. Yingsi Tang (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, TUM, 2014): Data Management in Computational Paralinguistics
- Mr. Matthias Fuchs (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, University of Passau, 2015): Complex Systems Engineering
- Mr. Tobias Leis (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, University of Passau, 2015): Complex Systems Engineering
- Mr. Sergey Pugachevskij (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, University of Passau, 2015): Complex Systems Engineering
- Ms. Miriam Deml (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, University of Passau, 2015): Crowd-Sourcing
- Ms. Mai Lan Dinh Thanh (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, University of Passau, 2015): Data Collection and Engineering
- Mr. Christoph Hausner (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, University of Passau, 2015): Data Analysis
Supervised Research Assistants:
- Imen Bouzouita (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, TUM, 2011): Sprachdatenverwaltung
- Salma Zouari (Universitäres Fachpraktikum, TUM, 2011): Verfahren zur Audiosignalanalyse
- Judith Köppe (Fachpraktikum, TUM, 2009): Digtiale Verarbeitung und Erkennung von Sprachsignalen
- Sun Yang (ENB SIM Porject, TUM, 2008): Automatic Speech Recognition and Natural Language Understanding for Internet Control in the Car
- Andreas Mavredakis (Werkstudent, TUM): Natürliches Sprachverstehen zur Steuerung von Audio- und Kommunikationseinheiten
- Markus Fronius (Programmierpraktikant Informatik Grundstudium LMU): Implementierung diskreter Hidden-Markov-Modell Evaluation
- Sebastian Graf (Fachpraktikant, TUM): Integratives Interfacekonzept zur prototypischen Evaluierung
- Ting-Yap Tong (Werkstudent, TUM): Emotionserkennung aus Daten eines Fahrtenschreibers
- Florian Hörger (Fachpraktikant, TUM): Neuronale Netze zur Emotionserkennung, Music Retrieval
- Bernardo José Brüning Schmitt (Praktikant, TUM): Verfahren und Merkmale in der Emotionserkennung
Supervised Student Trainees:
- Artur Spychaj (UTA Tutor, Imperial College London, Spring Term 2014): PMT
Project Coordination, Participation, and Advisory
- DE-ENIGMA: Multi-Modal Human-Robot Interaction for Teaching and Expanding Social Imagination in Autistic Children (#688835)
EU Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Action (RIA)
Runtime: 01.02.2016 - 31.07.2019
Role: Coauthor Proposal, Beneficiary, LEAR
Partners: University of Twente, Savez udruzenja Srbije za pomoc osobama sa autizmom, Autism-Europe, IDMIND, University College London, University of Passau, Romane Institute of Mathematics Simion Stoilow of the Romanian Academy, Imperial College London
Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC, frequently defined as ASD -- Autism Spectrum Disorders) are neurodevelopmental conditions, characterized by social communication difficulties and restricted and repetitive behaviour patterns. There are over 5 million people with autism in Europe � around 1 in every 100 people, affecting lives of over 20 million people each day. Alongside their difficulties, individuals with ASC tend to have intact and sometimes superior abilities to comprehend and manipulate closed, rule-based, predictable systems, such as robotbased technology. Over the last couple of years, this has led to several attempts to teach emotion recognition and expression to individuals with ASC, using humanoid robots. This has been shown to be very effective as an integral part of the psychoeducational therapy for children with ASC. The main reason for this is that humanoid robots are perceived by children with autism as being more predictable, less complicated, less threatening, and more comfortable to communicate with than humans, with all their complex and frightening subtleties and nuances. The proposed project aims to create and evaluate the effectiveness of such a robot-based technology, directed for children with ASC. This technology will enable to realise robust, context-sensitive (such as user- and culture-specific), multimodal (including facial, bodily, vocal and verbal cues) and naturalistic human-robot interaction (HRI) aimed at enhancing the social imagination skills of children with autism. The proposed will include the design of effective and user-adaptable robot behaviours for the target user group, leading to more personalised and effective therapies than previously realised. Carers will be offered their own supportive environment, including professional information, reports of child�s progress and use of the system and forums for parents and therapists. - EmotAsS: Emotionsensitive Assistance System (#16SV7213)
BMBF IKT2020-Grant (Sozial- und emotionssensitive Systeme f�r eine optimierte Mensch-Technik-Interaktion)
Runtime: 01.06.2015 - 31.05.2018
Role: Coauthor Proposal, Beneficiary
Partners: University of Bremen, University of Passau, vacances Mobiler Sozial- und Pflegedienst GmbH, Martinshof (Werkstatt Bremen), Meier und Sch�tte GmbH und Co. KG
Emotionen und deren Erkennung in der gesprochenen Sprache sind f�r die erfolgreiche Mensch-Technik- Interaktion wichtig, insbesondere bei Menschen mit Erkrankungen oder Behinderungen. Ziel des Projekts ist es, Emotionserkennung und deren Nutzung f�r Interaktionsprozesse in Werkstätten f�r behinderte Menschen zu entwickeln und zu untersuchen. Es soll daher ein System entwickelt werden, das sicher Emotionen bei Menschen mit Behinderungen in der Sprache erkennt und angemessen und unterstützend auf diese reagiert. Die Erkenntnisse sollen auf ein weiteres Anwendungsgebiet übertragen und in der Kommunikation mit Demenzerkrankten erprobt werden. - VocEmoApI: Voice Emotion detection by Appraisal Inference (#230331)
EU Horizon 2020 ERC Proof of Concept Grant (PoC 2015) - 46% acceptance rate in the call
Runtime: 01.11.2015 - 30.04.2017
Role: Coauthor Proposal, Beneficiary, LEAR
Partners: audEERING UG
The automated sensing of human emotions has gained a lot of commercial attention lately. For facial and physiological sensing many companies offer first professional products. Recently, voice analytics has become a hot topic, too, with first companies emerging for the telecom, entertainment, and robot markets (e.g. Sympalog, audEERING, Aldebaran, etc.). Current vocal emotion detection approaches rely on machine learning where emotions are identified based on a reference set of expression clips. The drawback of this method is the need to rely on a small set of basic, highly prototypical emotions. Real life emotion detection application fields such as clinical diagnosis, marketing research, media impact analysis, and forensics and security, require subtle differentiations of feeling states. VocEmoApI will develop a proof-of-concept software for vocal emotion detection based on a fundamentally different approach: Focusing on vocal nonverbal behavior and sophisticated acoustic voice analysis, it exploits the building blocks of emotional processes - a person�s appraisal of relevant events and situations which trigger action tendencies and expressions which constitute an emotional episode. Evidence for emotion-antecedent appraisals will be continuously tracked in running speech. The approach can infer not only basic emotion categories but also much finer distinctions such as subcategories of emotion families and subtle emotions. The development of VocEmoApI draws extensively from the results of the applicant�s Advanced Grant, providing a solid theoretical basis. Market analysis through marketing research partners will be conducted and the prototype software will be utilized to promote the technology and estimate a product value based on feedback from industry contacts. A massive impact of VocEmoApI on large markets such as household robotics, public security, clinical diagnosis and therapy, call analytics, and marketing research is to be expected. - Promoting Early Diagnosis of Rett Syndrome through Speech-Language Pathology (Akustische Parameter als diagnostische Marker zur Fr�herkennung von Rett-Syndrom) (#16430)
Österreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) Jubiläumsfonds
Runtime: 01.11.2015 - 31.10.2019
Role: Main Cooperation Partner
Partners: Medical University of Graz, Karolinska Institutet, Boston Children�s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, University of Passau, Imperial College London, Victoria University of Wellington - iHEARu: Intelligent systems' Holistic Evolving Analysis of Real-life Universal speaker characteristics (#338164)
FP7 ERC Starting Grant (StG) - 8.6% acceptance rate in the call (7% in Computer Science)
Runtime: 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2018
Role: Principal Investigator and Grant Holder
Partners: University of Passau, TUM
Recently, automatic speech and speaker recognition has matured to the degree that it entered the daily lives of thousands of Europe's citizens, e.g., on their smart phones or in call services. During the next years, speech processing technology will move to a new level of social awareness to make interaction more intuitive, speech retrieval more efficient, and lend additional competence to computer-mediated communication and speech-analysis services in the commercial, health, security, and further sectors. To reach this goal, rich speaker traits and states such as age, height, personality and physical and mental state as carried by the tone of the voice and the spoken words must be reliably identified by machines. In the iHEARu project, ground-breaking methodology including novel techniques for multi-task and semi-supervised learning will deliver for the first time intelligent holistic and evolving analysis in real-life condition of universal speaker characteristics which have been considered only in isolation so far. Today's sparseness of annotated realistic speech data will be overcome by large-scale speech and meta-data mining from public sources such as social media, crowd-sourcing for labelling and quality control, and shared semi-automatic annotation. All stages from pre-processing and feature extraction, to the statistical modelling will evolve in "life-long learning" according to new data, by utilising feedback, deep, and evolutionary learning methods. Human-in-the-loop system validation and novel perception studies will analyse the self-organising systems and the relation of automatic signal processing to human interpretation in a previously unseen variety of speaker classification tasks. The project's work plan gives the unique opportunity to transfer current world-leading expertise in this field into a new de-facto standard of speaker characterisation methods and open-source tools ready for tomorrow's challenge of socially aware speech analysis. - SEWA: Automatic Sentiment Estimation in the Wild (#645094)
EU Horizon 2020 Innovation Action (IA) - 9.3% acceptance rate in the call
Runtime: 01.02.2015 - 31.07.2018
Role: Principal Investigator, Coauthor Proposal, Project Steering Board Member, Workpackage Leader
Partners: Imperial College London, University of Passau, PlayGen Ltd, RealEyes
The main aim of SEWA is to deploy and capitalise on existing state-of-the-art methodologies, models and algorithms for machine analysis of facial, vocal and verbal behaviour, and then adjust and combine them to realise naturalistic human-centric human-computer interaction (HCI) and computer-mediated face-to-face interaction (FF-HCI). This will involve development of computer vision, speech processing and machine learning tools for automated understanding of human interactive behaviour in naturalistic contexts. The envisioned technology will be based on findings in cognitive sciences and it will represent a set of audio and visual spatiotemporal methods for automatic analysis of human spontaneous (as opposed to posed and exaggerated) patterns of behavioural cues including continuous and discrete analysis of sentiment, liking and empathy. - MixedEmotions: Social Semantic Emotion Analysis for Innovative Multilingual Big Data Analytics Markets (#644632)
EU Horizon 2020 Innovation Action (IA) - 12.5% acceptance rate in the call
Runtime: 01.04.2015 - 31.03.2017
Role: Principal Investigator, Coauthor Proposal, Project Steering Board Member, Workpackage Leader
Partners: NUI Galway, Univ. Polit. Madrid, University of Passau, Expert Systems, Paradigma Tecnol�gico, TU Brno, Sindice Ltd., Deutsche Welle, Phonexia SRO, Adoreboard, Millward Brown
MixedEmotions will develop innovative multilingual multi-modal Big Data analytics applications that will analyze a more complete emotional profile of user behavior using data from mixed input channels: multilingual text data sources, A/V signal input (multilingual speech, audio, video), social media (social network, comments), and structured data. Commercial applications (implemented as pilot projects) will be in Social TV, Brand Reputation Management and Call Centre Operations. Making sense of accumulated user interaction from different data sources, modalities and languages is challenging and has not yet been explored in fullness in an industrial context. Commercial solutions exist but do not address the multilingual aspect in a robust and large-scale setting and do not scale up to huge data volumes that need to be processed, or the integration of emotion analysis observations across data sources and/or modalities on a meaningful level. MixedEmotions will implement an integrated Big Linked Data platform for emotion analysis across heterogeneous data sources, different languages and modalities, building on existing state of the art tools, services and approaches that will enable the tracking of emotional aspects of user interaction and feedback on an entity level. The MixedEmotions platform will provide an integrated solution for: large-scale emotion analysis and fusion on heterogeneous, multilingual, text, speech, video and social media data streams, leveraging open access and proprietary data sources, and exploiting social context by leveraging social network graphs; semantic-level emotion information aggregation and integration through robust extraction of social semantic knowledge graphs for emotion analysis along multidimensional clusters. - ARIA-VALUSPA: Artificial Retrieval of Information Assistants - Virtual Agents with Linguistic Understanding, Social skills, and Personalised Aspects (#645378)
EU Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Action (RIA) - 9.3% acceptance rate in the call
Runtime: 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2017
Role: Principal Investigator, Coauthor Proposal, Project Steering Board Member, Workpackage Leader
Partners: University of Nottingham, Imperial College London, CNRS, University of Augsburg, University of Twente, Cereproc Ltd, La Cantoche Production
The ARIA-VALUSPA project will create a ground-breaking new framework that will allow easy creation of Artificial Retrieval of Information Assistants (ARIAs) that are capable of holding multi-modal social interactions in challenging and unexpected situations. The system can generate search queries and return the information requested by interacting with humans through virtual characters. These virtual humans will be able to sustain an interaction with a user for some time, and react appropriately to the user's verbal and non-verbal behaviour when presenting the requested information and refining search results. Using audio and video signals as input, both verbal and non-verbal components of human communication are captured. Together with a rich and realistic emotive personality model, a sophisticated dialogue management system decides how to respond to a user's input, be it a spoken sentence, a head nod, or a smile. The ARIA uses special speech synthesisers to create emotionally coloured speech and a fully expressive 3D face to create the chosen response. Back-channelling, indicating that the ARIA understood what the user meant, or returning a smile are but a few of the many ways in which it can employ emotionally coloured social signals to improve communication. As part of the project, the consortium will develop two specific implementations of ARIAs for two different industrial applications. A �speaking book� application will create an ARIA with a rich personality capturing the essence of a novel, whom users can ask novel-related questions. An �artificial travel agent� web-based ARIA will be developed to help users find their perfect holiday � something that is difficult to do with existing web interfaces such as those created by booking.com or tripadvisor. - Automatic General Audio Signal Classification China Scholarship Council
Runtime: 01.09.2014 - 31.08.2018
Role: Supervisor - Speech Emotion Recognition using Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Methods
China Scholarship Council
Runtime: 01.08.2014 - 31.07.2016
Role: Supervisor - Semi-Supervised Learning in the Analysis of Continuous Speaker Emotion and Personality
China Scholarship Council
Runtime: 01.08.2011 - 31.07.2015
Role: SupervisorFinished Projects:
- In-car music recommendation system based on driver's emotion
TUM University Foundation Fellowship
Runtime: 01.05.2014 - 30.04.2015
Role: Supervisor - PROPEREMO: Production and Perception of Emotions: An affective sciences approach (#230331)
FP7 ERC Advanced Grant
Runtime: 01.03.2008 - 28.02.2015
Role: Participant
Partners: University of Geneva (PI Klaus Scherer), TUM, Free University of Berlin
Emotion is a prime example of the complexity of human mind and behaviour, a psychobiological mechanism shaped by language and culture, which has puzzled scholars in the humanities and social sciences over the centuries. In an effort to reconcile conflicting theoretical traditions, we advocate a componential approach which treats event appraisal, motivational shifts, physiological responses, motor expression, and subjective feeling as dynamically interrelated and integrated components during emotion episodes. Using a prediction-generating theoretical model, we will address both production (elicitation and reaction patterns) and perception (observer inference of emotion from expressive cues). Key issues are the cognitive architecture and mental chronometry of appraisal, neurophysiological structures of relevance and valence detection, the emergence of conscious feelings due to the synchronization of brain/body systems, the generating mechanism for motor expression, the dimensionality of affective space, and the role of embodiment and empathy in perceiving and interpreting emotional expressions. Using multiple paradigms in laboratory, game, simulation, virtual reality, and field settings, we will critically test theory-driven hypotheses by examining brain structures and circuits (via neuroimagery), behaviour (via monitoring decisions and actions), psychophysiological responses (via electrographic recording), facial, vocal, and bodily expressions (via micro-coding and image processing), and conscious feeling (via advanced self-report procedures). In this endeavour, we benefit from extensive research experience, access to outstanding infrastructure, advanced analysis and synthesis methods, validated experimental paradigms as well as, most importantly, from the joint competence of an interdisciplinary affective science group involving philosophers, linguists, psychologists, neuroscientists, behavioural economists, anthropologists, and computer scientists. - ASC-INCLUSION: Integrated Internet-Based Environment for Social Inclusion of Children with Autism Spectrum Conditions (#289021)
EU FP7 Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP)
Runtime: 01.11.2011 - 31.12.2014
Role: Coordinator, Principal Investigator, Coauthor Proposal, Project Steering Board Member, Workpackage Leader
Partners: University of Cambridge, Bar Ilan University, Compedia, University of Genoa, Karolinska Institutet, Autism Europe, TUM, Koc University, Spectrum ASC-Med
Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC, frequently defined as ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorders) are neurodevelopmental conditions, characterized by social communication difficulties and restricted and repetitive behaviour patterns. Current studies suggest 1% of the population might fit an ASC diagnosis. Alongside their difficulties individuals with ASC tend to have intact and sometimes superior abilities to comprehend and manipulate closed, rule-based, predictable systems, such as computerized environment. Their affinity for the computerized environment has led to several attempts to teach emotion recognition and expression, and social problem solving to individuals with ASC, using computer-based training.
In the last decade, web applications have been increasingly used for social interaction, forming online communities and social networks. Anecdotal reports of the emergence of online autistic communities, and the use of forums and virtual-worlds, show the great promise the internet holds for better inclusion and social skills training for users/people with ASC. Since intervention into ASC has been shown to be more effective when provided early in life, using the internet as a platform for the support of younger individuals with ASC could significantly promote their social inclusion.
The project aims to create and evaluate the effectiveness of such an internet-based platform, directed for children with ASC (and other groups like ADHD and socially-neglected children) and those interested in their inclusion. This platform will combine several state-of-the art technologies in one comprehensive virtual world, including analysis of users� gestures, facial and vocal expressions using standard microphone and webcam, training through games, text communication with peers and smart agents, animation, video and audio clips. User�s environment will be personalized, according to individual profile & sensory requirements, as well as motivational. Carers will be offered their own supportive environment, including professional information, reports of child�s progress and use of the system and forums for parents and therapists. - Novel Approaches for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition
China Scholarship Council
Runtime: 01.08.2010 - 31.07.2014
Role: Supervisor - U-STAR: Universal Speech Translation Advanced Research
Academic Cooperation
Runtime: 01.06.2012 - 31.03.2013
Role: Consortial Partner
The Universal Speech Translation Advanced Research Consortium (U-STAR) is an international research collaboration entity formed to develop a network-based speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) with the aim of breaking language barriers around the world and to implement vocal communication between different languages. - GLASS: Generic Live Audio Source Separation
Industry Cooperation with HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES within the HUAWEI Innovative Research Program (HIRP)
Runtime: 01.01.2011 - 31.12.2013
Role: Principal Investigator, Author Proposal
GLASS finds new ways of separating audio sources, e.g., for crystal clear speech communication, by machine intelligence and advanced separation algorithms. - Kontextsensitive automatische Erkennung spontaner Sprache mit BLSTM-Netzwerken (#SCHU2508-4/1) ("Context-Sensitive Automatic Recognition of Spontaneous Speech by BLSTM Networks"
Funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation)
Runtime: 01.03.2011 - 28.02.2014
Role: Principal Investigator, Author Proposal
Trotz zahlreicher Fortschritte im Bereich der automatischen Spracherkennung ist die Erkennungsleistung und Robustheit heutiger Spracherkennungssysteme nicht ausreichend, um als Grundlage für natürliche, spontansprachliche Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion zu dienen. Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens ist es deshalb, die Genauigkeit von Systemen zur Erkennung natürlicher, fließender Sprache mittels neuartiger Mustererkennungsmethoden zu verbessern. Da die Effizienz der menschlichen Spracherkennung vor allem auf der intelligenten Auswertung von Langzeit-Kontextinformation beruht, sollen dabei Ansätze zur Berücksichtigung von Kontext auf Merkmalsebene verfolgt werden. Ausgehend von sogenannten Tandem-Spracherkennern, bei denen neuronale Netze zur Phonemprädiktion in Kombination mit dynamischen Klassifikatoren verwendet werden, sollen hierzu bidirektionale Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM) Netzwerke eingesetzt werden. Im Gegensatz zu derzeit in Tandem- Systemen verwendeten Phonemschätzern erlaubt es das BLSTM-Prinzip, ein optimales Maß an Kontextinformation bei der Prädiktion miteinzubeziehen. Da jüngste Erfolge im Bereich der kontextsensitiven Phonemerkennung und Schlüsselwortdetektion die Effektivität des BLSTM-Ansatzes unterstreichen, ist eine entsprechende Weiterentwicklung kontinuierlicher Spracherkennungssysteme äußerst vielversprechend. - Nichtnegative Matrix-Faktorisierung zur störrobusten Merkmalsextraktion in der Sprachverarbeitung (#SCHU2508-2/1) (�Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Robust Feature Extraction in Speech Processing�)
Funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation)
Runtime: 01.06.2010 - 31.05.2013
Role: Principal Investigator, Author Proposal
Hauptziel des Forschungsvorhabens ist, die Erkennung von Sprach- und Musiksignalen störrobuster zu gestalten. Besonderes Kennzeichen ist die Integration von Merkmalen, die auf Nichtnegativer Matrix-Faktorisierung (NMF) basieren. NMF � ein Verfahren zur Datenreduktion � erfreut sich in der Signalverarbeitung jüngst zunehmender Popularität. Dabei wird meist ein Spektrogramm in zwei Faktoren zerlegt. Der erste enthält eine spektrale �Basis� des Signals, der zweite die Aktivität der Basisvektoren über die Zeit. In diesem Forschungsvorhaben werden aus dem zweiten Faktor Merkmale gewonnen, die bestehende Architekturen zur Sprach- und Musikverarbeitung ergänzen können. Erste durchgeführte Experimente zur NMF-Merkmalsextraktion für die störrobuste Erkennung gesprochener Buchstabensequenzen im Fahrzeug haben sich dabei konventionellen Verfahren als signifikant überlegen und äußerst vielversprechend erwiesen. Das dabei verwendete Verfahren soll im Rahmen des Projekts durch Weiterentwicklung der NMF verbessert werden und insbesondere für den Einsatz in echtzeitfähigen Spracherkennungssystemen, auch für fließende Sprache, vorbereitet werden. Schließlich sollen die beschriebenen NMF-Merkmale in weiteren Anwendungsfeldern wie Emotionserkennung, Erkennung von nichtlinguistischer Vokalisierung wie Lachen oder Husten in Sprache und Akkorderkennung mit dem Ziel der Steigerung aktueller Erkennungsgüte und der Störrobustheit eingesetzt werden. - Highly Robust Interest and Emotion Recognition from Speech
China Scholarship Council
Runtime: 01.08.2011 - 30.09.2012
Role: Supervisor - SEMAINE: Sustained Emotionally coloured Machine-humane Interaction using Nonverbal Expression (#211486)
Runtime: 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2010
Role: Principal Investigator, Coauthor Proposal (highest ranked in the call), Project Steering Board Member, Workpackage Leader
Partners: DfKI, Queens University Belfast (QUB), Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine London, University Twente, University Paris VIII, CNRS-ENST, TUM
SEMAINE deals with real-time, robust, non-verbally competent conversations between a conversational agent and a human user. - TCVC: Talking Car and Virtual Companion
Industry Cooperation with Continental Automotive GmbH
Runtime: 01.06.2008 - 30.11.2008
Role: Principal Investigator, Author Proposal
TCVC provides an expertise on emotion in the car with respect to a requirement analysis, potential and near-future use-cases, technology assessment and a user acceptance study. - ICRI: In-Car Real Internet
Industry Cooperation with Continental Automotive GmbH
Runtime: 01.06.2008 - 30.11.2008
Role: Principal Investigator, Author Proposal
ICRI aims at benchmarking of internet browsers on embedded platforms as well as at development of an integrated multimodal demonstrator for internet in the car. Investigated modalities contain hand-writing and touch-gestures and natural speech apart from conventional GUI interaction. The focus lies on MMI development with an embedded realisation. - cUSER 2
Industry cooperation with Toyota
Runtime: 08.01.2007 - 31.07.2007
Role: Principal Investigator, Coauthor Proposal
The aim of the cUSER follow-up project is to establish a system to interpret human interest by combined speech and facial expression analysis basing on multiple input analyses. Besides the aim of improved highest possible accuracy by subject adaptation, class balancing strategies, and fully automatic segmentation by individual audio and video stream analysis, cUSER 2 focuses on real-time application by cost-sensitive feature space optimization, graphics processing power utilization, and high-performance programming methods. Furthermore, feasibility and real recognition scenarios will be evaluated. - cUSER
Industry cooperation with Toyota
Runtime: 01.08.2005 - 30.09.2006
Role: Coauthor Proposal, Project Steering, Senior Researcher
The aim of this project was an audiovisual approach to the recognition of spontaneous human interest. For a most robust estimate, information from four sources was combined for the first time (as reported in the literature) by a synergistic and individual failure tolerant early feature fusion: Firstly, speech is analyzed with respect to acoustic properties based on a high-dimensional prosodic, articulatory, and voice quality feature space plus the linguistic analysis of spoken content by ASR and bag-of-words vector space modeling. Secondly, visual analysis provides patterns of the facial expression by Active Appearance Models, and of the movement activity by eye tracking. Experiments were carried out on a video database of 10.5h of spontaneous human-to-human conversation collected throughout the project. It contains 20+ subjects in gender and age-class balance. Recordings were fulfilled considering diverse comfort and noise conditions. Multiple levels of interest were annotated within a rich transcription. Experiments aimed at person-independent and robust real-life usage and showed the high potential of such a multimodal approach. Benchmark results could further be provided based on transcription versus full automatic processing. - CEICES: Combining Efforts for Improving automatic Classification of Emotional user States
Reserach Initiative within the EU FP6 Network of Excellence (NoE) HUMAINE
Runtime: 2005 - 2008
Role: Invited Research Expert
Partners: Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK, formerly ITC-IRST), Universität Karlsruhe (UKA), Universität Augsburg (UA), LIMSI-CNRS, Tel Aviv University (TAU), Tel Aviv Academic College of Engineering (AFEKA), TUM
CEICES is a co-operation between several sites dealing with classification of emotional user states conveyed via speech; this initiative was taken within the European Network of Excellence HUMAINE under the name CEICES (Combining Efforts for Improving automatic Classification of Emotional user States). The database used within CEICES is a German corpus with recordings of 51 ten- to thirteen-year old children communicating with Sony's AIBO pet robot. Conceptualization, design and recordings were done at the originator site FAU. The approach to be followed within CEICES looked like this: the originator site provided speech files, phonetic lexicon, manually corrected word segmentation, and manually corrected F0 values, emotional labels, definition of train and test samples, etc. The data was annotated at the word level. All partners committed themselves to share with all the other partners their extracted feature values together with the necessary information (which feature models which acoustic or linguistic phenomenon, format of feature values, classifier used, etc.). Thus each site could assess the features provided by all other sites, together with their own features, aiming at a repertoire of optimal features. - FERMUS: Fehlerrobuste Multimodale Sprachdialoge
Industry cooperation with BMW, DaimlerChrysler, Siemens, VDO Automotive
Runtime: 01.03.2000 - 30.06.2003
Role: Coauthor Proposal, Project Steering, Researcher
The primary intention of the FERMUS-project was to localize and evaluate various strategies for a dedicated analysis of potential error patterns during human-machine interaction with information and communication systems in upper-class cars. For reaching this goal, we have employed a huge bundle of progressive and mainly recognition-based input modalities, like interfaces for natural speech and dynamic gestural input. Particularly, emotional patterns of the driver have beeen integrated for generating context-adequate dialog structures. - SOMMIA: Speech-oriented Man-Machine-Interface in the Automobile
Industry Cooperation with SiemensVDO Automotive
Runtime: 01.06.2000 - 30.09.2001
Role: Coauthor Proposal, Project Steering, Researcher
The SOMMIA project focused on the design and evaluation of an ergonomic and generic operation concept for a speech-based MMI integrated in a car MP3-player or in comparable automotive applications. In addition, the system was subject to several economic and geometrical boundary conditions: a two line, 16 characters display with a small set of LEDs and a speaker- independent full word recognizer with 30 to 50 words active vocabulary. Nevertheless, the interface had to meet high technical requirements: its handling should be easy to learn, comfortable and, above all, intuitive and interactively explorable. - ADVIA: Adaptive Dialogverfahren im Automobil
Industry cooperation with BMW
Runtime: 01.07.1998 - 31.12.2000
Role: Coauthor Proposal, Project Steering, Researcher
In modernen Fahrzeugen der Luxusklasse, aber durch den ständigen Preisverfall bereits in Mittelklassefahrzeugen, koexistieren zahlreiche elektronische Geräte zur Steigerung des Komforts. Einige Beispiele hierfür sind: Klimaanlage, Navigations- und Telematiksysteme, Audiokomponenten wie CD-Wechsler und Radio, Funktelefon, Bordcomputer und vieles mehr. Da die meisten dieser Komponenten in irgendeiner Weise computerbasiert sind, kann man sich viele Funktionen ausdenken und diese implementieren. Spendiert man jeder dieser Funktionen einen eigenen mechanischen Schalter würde die Anzahl dieser Bedienelemente in der Größenordnung von grossen Konzertorgeln oder Studiomischpulten liegen, nur eben auf der kleinen Fläche im Fahrzeugcockpit. Werden nun die Geräte von verschiedenen Herstellern geliefert, sieht jedes anders aus und besitzt eine firmenspezifische Bedienlogik. Fazit: Trotz aller Funktionalität wird die Flut an Technik unbedienbar. Natürlich haben die Fahrzeughersteller schon längst reagiert und multifunktionale Schnittstellen mit Display und wenigen Bedienelementen entwickelt, wobei die eigentlichen Geräte räumlich über das Fahrzeug verteilt sind und über ein Bussystem mit der Bedieneinheit kommunizieren. Allerdings ergibt sich nun das nächste Problem: Wie gestaltet man eine solche Bedieneinheit, wie kann man Sprache, Akustik und Gesten integrieren und wie erleichtert man dem Fahrer den Umgang mit all der Technik. Hier kommen wir ins Spiel. Für unsere Forschungen steht uns ein speziell eingerichter Fahrssimulator zur Verfügung, der uns Usability-Versuche mit Fahrzeugbedienungen gestattet. Hierbei wird ein MMI (Man-Machine-Interface) durch einen Rechner simuliert. Durch Wizard-of-Oz Versuche können wir in einer Art Rapid Prototyping neue Techniken ausprobieren, indem ein "Wizard" die Versuchspersonen beobachtet und im Hintergrund den Versuchsrechner bedient. Die Versuchsperson bekommt dadurch den Eindruck, tatsächlich mit einer Geste oder einem Satz Aktionen zu bewirken. Erweisen sich bestimmte Bedienungsmethoden als vorteilhaft können diese tatsächlich umgesetzt werden und beispielsweise auf dem Lehrstuhlnetzwerk realisiert werden. Diese Vorgehensweise erscheint zunächst seltsam, hat sich aber als absolut effektiv bewährt.
Running Projects:
- Mentor in the TUM Mentoring Programm, since 2015.
- Advisory Board Member fluent.ai, since 2015.
- Advisory Board Member SensAura Tech, since 2015.
- Advisory Board Member EPSRC project Humans and Robots in Public Spaces (HARPS), 2013-2016.
- Advisory Board Member EU FP7 STREP TARDIS (Training young Adult's Regulation of emotions and Development of social Interaction Skills), 2011-2014.
- Advisory Board Member EU FP7 STREP MASELTOV, 2012-2015.
- Coordinator Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (DGEI) Cluster Activities ASC-INCLUSION, MASELTOV, TARDIS, 2011-2015.
Project and External Advisory:
- DE-ENIGMA: Multi-Modal Human-Robot Interaction for Teaching and Expanding Social Imagination in Autistic Children (#688835)
Supervised Student Tutors:
08.05 Writing Assignment And Voice Activity—listening To Spanish Music
Source: http://www.schuller.it/
Posted by: wardmoseve.blogspot.com
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